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Offline Yada  
#1 Posted : Thursday, January 31, 2008 5:16:20 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

Below is an exchange between JE and Yada. In it, Yada explains the source of inner peace - Yahweh.

From: JE
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 10:59 PM
To: email@ProphetofDoom.net
Subject: Hi

I'm actually wondering where you come off, explaining to the world your views on islam? Where exactly did you get all you information from? I find it pathetic that you can find nothing better to do then spend your time(and it must have been alot of time considering) trashing other peoples beliefs. Were you scorned by a muslim? Try moving on buddy, cause whatever you have written, which is all bullsh#t by the way is not going to change the way any muslim looks at their religon. Which is all that matters, we are going to go on believing what we do our way, not through your sad interpretations of our religion. A religion that we are very proud of. So I was reading a response that you gave back to someone who had written to you, and you mentioned something like "You represent your wannabe god well" So which god do you represent? One that's proud that a man has nothing to do but trash others religions. We all worship god, we just have different ways of doing it. So continue on your journey of trashing islam if it makes you feel better, it makes no difference. One question, Have you found your inner peace? Because if you went through all of that and still haven't then that's just sad.

Yada's response:

Yes, the God I represent is pleased when His children trash other religions. His name is Yahweh. He is the Creator and the Author of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. He hates all religions including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Socialist Secular Humanism.

And yes, I have what you will never know: inner peace. It comes from a singular source—Yahweh. He, by the way, doesn’t want to be worshiped and He has nothing in common with Allah—absolutely nothing. You have been deceived.


From: JE
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 11:01 PM
To: Prophet of Doom
Subject: RE: Hi ' Yahweh'

Truthfull, I'll have to admit that I never did read the whole 1000 page book, that you took the time from your pathetic life to write. I simply do not have the time. I have a life. I'm not surprised by your attack on islam considering that you believe in 'Yahweh' a jewish god. The annomosity between our two religions have been around for so long. Now that you've finished your 1000 page book on my religon, I think I'll do the same for your "yahweh". Please excuse me as I don't have the time to do a 1000 page report, But I'll see what I can do. So the definition for your so called religion comes as the following, The jewish god 'Yahweh' is " to sacred to be uttered" or “Anyone who blasphemes the name of YHWH must be put to death". When the Jews began speaking Aramaic, this verse was understood to mean, “Anyone who pronounces the name of YHWH must be put to death.” Since then, observant Jews have maintained the custom of not pronouncing the name, but use Adonai (“my Lord [plural of majesty]”) instead.

So your religion is so much more superior to mine because, what? You kill people that say the name of your so called 'SUPERIOR GOD'. Thanks for your little insight on my religion, by I think I'll stick with what I was blessed with.

So I took some time to read a bit of your other 1000 page thesis. The Yada Yahweh and some of the things you said..........

"Most folks haven't studied the underlying texts of the Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, or ancient Chinese religions or the foundational sources for Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and so on...

"You may not know, as I do, that these belief systems aren't credible. But thankfully, it won't matter. The moment you come to realize that Yahuweh's Scriptures are inspired, trustworthy and true; all conflicting paths to God will become irrelevant. For that matter, so will all religions".

By contridicting others religion, do you think that will make them see the light?????? People will obviously be offended, but then again like you say 'You may not know, as I do'. So you know alot eh bud.

Another thing I noticed when I was reading your feedback to your readers, you always seem on the defence. The same happened in your letter to me, like when you say "yes I have what you'll never know, inner peace". Now that makes my day. Come on do you really think I care about your inner peace stop trying to prove to the world that your a happy old man. As for my life, I wouldn't change it for yahweh or a jew . Now I have no idea if it was you that answered me back or another of your lonely people, but all your letters seem to pretty much sound the same, you just change the words around. Come up with some new ideas and write then me back. I'm sure it won't take you long you have nothing better to do.


P.S. I have not been decieved, thanks for trying anyway. So you can go tell your "father Yahweh" that you failed him. Another thing, hate is a strong word, the passions of hate arise from several features of our thinking process. These include a desire to strengthen one's community and to alleviate one's fear. Most people with loving parent grew up knowing that it's never good to 'hate'. Yet your god hates peoples religion, leading to hatred between religions and their people. Hmmmmm, intresting.

Yada's response:


I have become accustomed to reading letters which are the product of disorganized minds. But I’m still amazed when someone concludes an introductory letter with: “One question, Have you found your inner peace?” and then, when the question is answered, write: “Come on do you really think I care about your inner peace stop trying to prove to the world that your a happy old man.”

Your inability to think rationally is a direct derivative of Islam—the very purpose of Islam. In fact, it is impossible to be an informed rational Muslim. I say this because Islam claims to be the religion of Abraham (the Covenant), Moses (the Torah), David (the Psalms), the Prophets (the Proof), and Yahushua (“Jesus” whom Allah misnames “Issa”, the source of the Renewed Covenant). And yet all of these people were anti-religious. Each of them had a personal relationship with Yahweh, the very God you demean by calling Him “Jewish” in your reply. More to the point, every aspect of their message is contrary to Islam.

Yahweh isn’t Jewish any more than I am. He is simply…God. Like your religion, you have placed human characteristics on the Divine.

If you had actually read the book you have ignorantly criticized, something a rational person would have done, you would know that I am anti-religious, despising Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Socialist Secular Humanism equally—and all for good reason. If you were informed, you wouldn’t have embarrassed yourself by writing “The annomosity between our two religions have been around for so long.”

Since I’m not Jewish by race or religion, an informed rational person would not have written: “So the definition for your so called religion comes as the following, The jewish god 'Yahweh' is " to sacred to be uttered" or “Anyone who blasphemes the name of YHWH must be put to death". When the Jews began speaking Aramaic, this verse was understood to mean, “Anyone who pronounces the name of YHWH must be put to death.” Since then, observant Jews have maintained the custom of not pronouncing the name, but use Adonai (“my Lord [plural of majesty]”) instead. So your religion is so much more superior to mine because, what?”

In the very Scriptures Islam’s false god claims he inspired, the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, Yahweh reveals His name exactly 7,000 times. He says that Yahweh is His one and only name. He says that a god by any other name is a false god. And He says that Yahweh is the only name upon which men and women can trust and rely upon to find peace, restoration, and salvation. Yahweh is telling the truth.

Throughout these same Scriptures, Yahweh reveals a character, purpose, and plan which are the antithesis of those laid out by Allah in his Qur’an. Yahweh even reveals that Islam, the religion of Submission, is Satanic. So, by claiming he inspired that which exposes and condemns him, Allah demonstrates that he isn’t God. Again, it is why I say emphatically that it is impossible to be an informed and rational Muslim.

The only excuse uninformed Islamic apologists raise in the face of this rational condemnation of their religion is that the Qur’an claims that the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms were changed. And yet this is factually and rationally impossible. Not only do we now have many hundreds of scrolls and manuscript fragments of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms in our possession dating back a thousand years before Islam was created, these ancient manuscripts confirm on every page and in every way that what Allah allegedly said was completely untrue. In fact, the oldest Scripture manuscripts demonstrate conclusively that the Qur’anic claims are impossible. I cover the evidence for this conclusion in the early chapters of Prophet of Doom.

Now, as a victim of Islam, this information won’t do you any good. You have been rendered incapable of judging it effectively by your religion. Islam turns reason upside down, replacing right with wrong, good with bad, God with Satan. So my hope is that others, those less deceived than you, will stumble upon our conversation and take it upon themselves to verify the veracity of these conclusions by reading Prophet of Doom—Islam’s Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad’s Own Words. If they do, they will find freedom. And if they take the next step and read Yada Yahweh, they will find peace.


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