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Offline Mike  
#1 Posted : Monday, November 12, 2007 4:28:50 PM(UTC)
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I have an important question. (Well, important to me anyway.)

I was saved back in the summer of 1981 and immersion baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. According to Matthew 28:18-20.

Do I need to be immersion baptized again in the name of Yahuweh and of Yahushua and of the Set Apart Spirit?

This question has been bothering me since I have been reading Yada Yahweh and have had some of the scales removed from my eyes.

Acts 9:18 “And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.”

Also, has anyone amplified these verses, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:38-41.


Offline James  
#2 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2007 6:09:22 AM(UTC)
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I have oftened thought about this, I was baptized as an infant into the RCC. I have not been baptized since then, at least not physically in water. I have however been immersed in the Spirit for nearly three years now. I have considered being baptized in water again, but have not,

As far as in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit. Yahweh is the father, Yahweh is the son, and Yahweh is the Spirit, so I would want to be baptized in the name of Yahweh.

Just my thoughts.
Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Icy  
#3 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2007 6:27:47 AM(UTC)
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I have never been baptized by water. Having someone dunk me under water, or sprinkle water on me is not necessary for me to know that I am saved. That sort of baptisim seems to me to be nothing more than an acknowledgement to others that you are baptized by the Spirit. I am baptized by the Spirit, and I can tell others as much, or they can see it in me, but I don't need to go to "church" and have some "pastor" pray to "the Lord" and ask me if I'll serve "the Lord" and then dunk me under water. Baptizim seems too much like mindless ritual to me. Maybe it is because it is the misguided and confused church that is doing today.
Offline James  
#4 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2007 7:56:34 AM(UTC)
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Icy I have gone back and forth between what you’re saying, and the idea that the physical immersion in water is an outward symbol of the inward change. I am in complete agreement about not needing to go to a chrch and having a pastor pray to baal. If I decide to do it, I will probably do it myself, and be around fellow believers.

But I don't believe that baptism is necessary for salvation. I don't think it is necessarily wrong, if you’re doing it for the right reason. If you are doing it just because than it is pointless. I believe it was C.J. Kooster that said, “If you baptize a pagan, who doesn’t believe, all you get is a wet pagan.”
Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Icy  
#5 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2007 10:39:01 AM(UTC)
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James, it sounds like we are on the same wavelength. I see it simply as a symbol, and while not necessarily wrong, it is certainly not necessary for salvation.
Offline Mike  
#6 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2007 5:19:52 PM(UTC)
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Thanks for the replies.
I was immersed in the Spirit before I was baptized in water. I know that water baptism is symbolic. When I went under the water I felt like I was under for an eternity even though it was only a few seconds. Maybe it felt like an eternity because I can’t swim very well ;)

James, Icy, and Swalchy,
Are you saying that water baptism is no longer required? Since when? after Pentecost?
If water baptism was never required then why did Yahushua insist that Yahuchanon (John) immerse and submerge Him in the Yardan river?

I know that no one in the Old Covenant was water baptized but surely they were immersed in the Spirit.

I am copying some verses from Mattithyahu below from your web site for people to read and reflect upon. I appreciate your hard work in amplifying Mattithyahu and the other books. In Mattithyahu 28:18-20, is it possible that “immersing and submerging them in the proper and personal Name of The Father*, and of the Son*, and of the Set-apart Spirit*” means to teach people in the personal names and doesn't mean water baptism at all? I know that I have been immersed in studying YY, TOM, and FH lately. I still have a lot to read.

Mattithyahu 3:13-17
Then, at that time, Yahushua* arrived and approached, came forth, presented Himself and made His public appearance from Galilee at, by and before the Yardan, near, towards and by Yahuchanon to be immersed and submerged by him. But Yahuchanon tried to deter, prevent and hinder Him, saying and speaking; "I have necessity and need, duty and business to be immersed and submerged by and under You, and You appear, arise and come forth to me?"
But nevertheless, answering the question, Yahushua said to Him, "Permit, allow and do not hinder it now, at this time and at this very moment; for in this manner, way and likeness it is proper and becoming, seemly and fitting to us to fulfil and complete, consummate and furnish, to render perfect and to bring to realisation all that is righteous and right, virtuous and acceptable to the Supreme Ones standards and of being in a proper relationship with Him." Then, at that time, he permitted, allowed and didn't hinder Him. And having been immersed and submerged, Yahushua stood straight and upright, true and sincere, ascending and rising from the water; and suddenly, there and then the vaulted expanse of the sky with all things visible in it opened, and He saw and noticed, paid attention to and discovered, observed and looked upon the Spirit* of God* coming down and descending as if it were and as though it was like a dove, coming, appearing and coming forth upon Him, and suddenly, there and then a voice and sound, tone and uttered words came out of and from the vaulted expanse of the sky with all things visible in it and said, speaking and affirming, teaching and advising, directing and exhorting, maintaining and pointing out, "This is my Son*, the beloved and esteemed, dear, favourite and worthy of love, in whom I am well pleased and take pleasure in."

Mattithyahu 28:18-20

And Yahushua* came and drew near to them, approaching them, and He spoke to them saying and teaching, maintaining and exhorting, advising and directing, affirming and pointing out, "All individual and collective power and might, strength and ability, authority and jurisdiction in Heaven and on the land and ground, district, region and earth has been given and granted, supplied and furnished, bestowed and delivered, extended and present to Me. Then and therefore, accordingly, consequently and these things being so, go away and depart, pursuing your journey, and make followers and disciples, pupils and learners, instructing and teaching all the individual and collective multitudes and races, specifically Gentiles, peoples and nations; large groups based upon religious, political, cultural and geographic ties, immersing and submerging them in the proper and personal Name of The Father*, and of the Son*, and of the Set-apart Spirit*, teaching and imparting instruction, discoursing and explaining to them to guard and attend to carefully, keep and observe all the individual and collective things, as many as I have commanded and ordered you, and behold, I am with you all the individual and collective days until the completion, consummation and end of the world, the end of the age of man."

Good discussion.
Offline Icy  
#7 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2007 5:17:01 AM(UTC)
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I thought I remembered reading something about it being prophecy that Yahushua had to be immersed in water, but I couldn't remember where or what the verses would be. So, I did some searching in YY. I didn't find what I was looking for, but I did find this stuff (I don't have the volume, book, and chapter numbers for you, since I just have them all in one pdf and did a search for the words):

While both bapto and baptizo are translated “immerse,” there is a context in which the bapto immersion is deemed to be temporary and the baptizo produces a permanent change. Baptizo is “immersion, submersion, and washing.” It is symbolic of being born from above in Yahuweh’s Spirit. We are anointed and immersed in His Garment of Light, cleansing and purifying us forever—making us appear perfect and righteous in God’s eyes. It is by this Spiritual baptisma that we are saved, delivered from judgment and preserved to eternal life. Baptisma is “the act of immersion, submersion and washing.” Baptisma is the “purification rite by which men on confessing their sins were bound to Spiritual reformation, obtain the pardon of their sins, and became qualified for the benefits of the Messiah’s kingdom. This Spiritual baptisma was the only baptism the apostles received as it is not recorded anywhere that they were ever re-baptized by water following the pouring out of Yahuweh’s Spirit at Pentecost—the Feast of Weeks.” Spiritually, baptisma is the process of being born from above. Since Yahushua selected a very powerful and important term to describe the condemned man’s request, let’s complete our review of the words based upon bapto. A baptistes is “a baptizer—one who immerses.” John was one of these while announcing the Messiah’s presence among men. Like everything in the New Covenant, the concept has an Old Covenant past. Baptismos means “to wash in the sense of purification prescribed by the Torah.”

Since I am currently reading about purification in the Torah (TOM final chapters) I have a new idea of what baptism is when reading this. It isn't simply being dunked under water. In the Torah, for all the things that make someone unclean or defiled for a certain amount of time, are told to wash and wait until the next day (i.e. evening).

“And, being gathered together for a meeting (sunalizo), He transmitted a message to them (paragello) that they should not depart from (chorizo – separate from) Yaruwshalaim (Ierossoluma – transliteration of the Hebrew Yaruwshalaim, meaning the place from which redemption flows), but should wait for (perimeno) the promised blessing of the representative of (epaggelia – the promise that something is to be furnished which will enhance one’s ability to profess the truth; from epi, to come upon, and aggelos, to become an envoy and representative who is sent out by) the ΠΡΣ (placeholder for Father from Patros), of whom (hos) you have heard. For Yahowchanan (Ioannes – transliteration of Yahowchanan meaning Yahuweh’s Grace and Favor) immersed (baptizo – submerged) in water (hudor). But you shall be truly (men – certainly) immersed (baptizo – submerged) in (en – by and with) the set-apart, cleansing and revered (hagios) ΠΝΙ (placeholder for Spirit or Ruach from pneumati) not (ou) many (polys) days (hemera) after (meta) this (houtos).” (Acts 1:4-5)

What’s interesting here is that baptism is now spiritual. The most that can be said of submersion in or sprinkling on of water is that it is symbolic of being immersed in the Spirit. The ritual performed by pastors and priests is ineffective by itself. It doesn’t do anything. It serves strictly as a metaphor and as a confirmation. Water cannot cleanse the soul and it cannot save. God does for man what man cannot do for himself. And more importantly, Yahushua did not send His disciples out to get people wet, but instead to facilitate and encourage their immersion in the Spirit.


In the opening chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul wrote an exposé on what we have read in Hosea. He begins by introducing his mission: “The Anointed/Messiah sent me (apostello – asked me to go forth and out on a mission to speak), not to immerse (baptizo – submerge, wash and saturate), but to proclaim good news (euaggelizo – eu is good and aggello is to proclaim). Yet not with the sophistication (sophia – worldly wisdom, natural knowledge, human enlightenment or understanding) of spoken words (logos – the act of speaking intelligently and/or the words expressed; the thought, reasoning, motive, computation, account, cause, and communication; from lego—to lay forth and relate words systematically, to testify, describe, give out, name, put forth, and speak), lest the upright pole (stauros – an upright stake or post; from histemi—to stand so as to enable to stand; its derivative, stauroo, means to impale, affix or nail to an uptight pole for love or selfishness; crucifixion) of the Anointed/Messiah should be neutralized (kenoo – be rendered empty or void, meaningless or hallow, be in vain, useless).” (1 Corinthians 1:17)
Offline Yada  
#8 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2007 5:59:50 AM(UTC)
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I came across this passage from Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons (thanks Jeannie) and thought I would post it here. It is taken from pages 125 - 126:

There are professed Protestants who hold the doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration; but the Word of God knows nothing of it. The Scriptural account of baptism is, not that it communicates the new birth, but that it is the appointed means of signifying and sealing that new birth where it already exists. In this respcet baptism stands of the very same ground as circumcision. Now, what says God's Word of the efficacy of circumcision? This it says, speaking of Abraham: "He received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had, yet being uncircuscised" (Rom 4:11). Cirumcision was not intended to make Abraham righteous; he was righteous already before he was circumcised. But it was intended to declare him righteous, to give him the more abundant evidence in his own consciousness of his being so. Had Abraham not been righteous before his circumcision, his circumcision could not have been a seal, could not have given confirmation to that which did ot exist. So with baptism, it is "a seal of the righteousness of the fatith" which the man "has before he is baptised"; fo it is said, "He that believeth, and is bpatised, shall be saved" (Mark 16:16). Where faith exist, if it be genuine, it is the evidence of a new heart, of a regenerated nature; and it is only on the profession of that faith and regeneration in the case of an adult, that he is admitted to baptism."
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Offline James  
#9 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2007 6:07:17 AM(UTC)
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Yes Icy I think we are on the same page.

Mike I don't think baptism in water was ever necessary, Yahweh immerses us with the spirit, that is the only immersion that is necessary.
Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Mike  
#10 Posted : Friday, November 16, 2007 7:21:29 AM(UTC)
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Thanks for everyone’s input. My original important question has been answered. No need for me to be water baptized again.

Definitely being immersed in the Spirit is the most important thing. I will leave you with these verses from John. These verses are copied from The Scriptures 1998+ in e-Sword. I couldn’t find an amplified version of these verses.

Joh 3:3 יהושע answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born from above, he is unable to see1 the reign of Elohim.” Footnote: 1Or perceive.
Joh 3:4 Naḵdimon said to Him, “How is a man able to be born when he is old? Is he able to enter into his mother’s womb a second time and be born?”
Joh 3:5 יהושע answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he is unable to enter into the reign of Elohim.
Joh 3:6 “That which has been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which has been born of the Spirit is spirit.
Joh 3:7 “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You have to be born from above.’
Joh 3:8 “The Spirit1 breathes where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who has been born of the Spirit.” Footnote: 1Or wind.
Offline Juski  
#11 Posted : Tuesday, November 20, 2007 8:40:33 AM(UTC)
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I don't know about the theology of all this but I do think Baptism is important, yes it is only symbolic and yes it is not a salvation issue, but it is significant. For me baptism showed that I'm serious about my faith, it was an opportunity to give testimony to what God has done in my life, and its a public declaration about who I am.

I do not think it is necessary to be re-baptised just because you have a fuller understanding of Yhwh now- life is a journey and if we were to get rebaptised everytime we took a step futher forward in our relationship we'd be very soggy!!

Hopefully when we choose to be baptised we did it with right intentions and a heart that wanted more of YHWH (even if we didnt know Yah by name then) I do think those who were baptised as infants need to think about whether they want to be baptised now they are adults - but that is a different issue all together.
Offline kp  
#12 Posted : Thursday, November 22, 2007 6:21:20 AM(UTC)
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It doesn't matter what we think. This is a simple matter of obedience. The "great commission" as recounted by Matthew records Yahshua's words: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20) If His disciples were to baptize those who were entering the ekklesia, it is axiomatic that they--the new disciples--were supposed to be baptized. Yes, it's "only" symbolic. So what? Virtually the entire Torah is "only" symbolic. Like the Torah's precepts, baptism doesn't in itself save anyone. But that's no reason to refuse to do it. Just as the Torah's instructions were to be a sign to the world, so is believer's baptism---a sign, a memorial, a testimony. Why can't we just do what God said to do without questioning His motives or purpose?

Offline CK  
#13 Posted : Sunday, November 25, 2007 5:34:40 PM(UTC)
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Couldn't agree with you more. To baptize or not to baptize? That is the question. And as you so aptly stated, Yahushua gave us His directions. Why can't we just obey?

With regard to a couple of the previous posts on this subject, a pastor/minister/reverend, whatever, doesn't have to be involved in the baptizing process. None of the disciples carried any such titles. John the Immerser, included. A fellow believer in Yahushua and a follower of The Way will do just fine - male or female.

Offline James  
#14 Posted : Sunday, November 25, 2007 6:31:25 PM(UTC)
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It seems like religion always get things wrong when they try to make rules out of what Yahweh said, if they would just say what he said things would be better, KP points that out with regard to the Ram Bam in TOM
Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Icy  
#15 Posted : Monday, November 26, 2007 3:15:05 AM(UTC)
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So what about those of us that panic when our face gets near water in that way, not to mention the fact that someone would be holding our head under the water? I would have a huge panic attack. Don't tell me I could just get "sprinkled" because the word means "immersed" not "sprinkled".

I might be willing to try, but like I said before, I couldn't do it in a "church" with people praying to "the LORD". I would have to have a fellow Yehudim baptize me.
Offline Robskiwarrior  
#16 Posted : Monday, November 26, 2007 2:09:26 PM(UTC)
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Icy wrote:
So what about those of us that panic when our face gets near water in that way, not to mention the fact that someone would be holding our head under the water? I would have a huge panic attack. Don't tell me I could just get "sprinkled" because the word means "immersed" not "sprinkled".

I might be willing to try, but like I said before, I couldn't do it in a "church" with people praying to "the LORD". I would have to have a fellow Yehudim baptize me.

I'll do it :D - dont worry, I wont hold you under...

...for too long...

... ;)

but seriously, I will :)
Signature Updated! Woo that was old...
Offline Tiffany  
#17 Posted : Tuesday, November 27, 2007 9:54:47 AM(UTC)
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So here is a question as to who we are to be baptized into...

As a kid I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. But Yahushua is clear when he says no one get to the Father except through me, so should we just be baptized in his name alone??

As for fear of water, I am sure that Icy if you had someone you trust and who knows your heart that being baptized would be a blessing and something you would look forward too...but I also know that Yahuweh understands and would give you the strength needed to win over any fear.
Offline kp  
#18 Posted : Tuesday, November 27, 2007 10:48:49 AM(UTC)
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As I noted above, Yahshua Himself answered the question of "Whose name" we are baptized into, Tiffany: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20) Unless somebody can prove that we have a case of textual tampering here, I'm good with that answer.

Offline Melchizedek_Order  
#19 Posted : Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:34:48 PM(UTC)
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Shalom Y'all... Here is my first two cents offered in this large forum. Which, by the way, I am grateful to the Father for.
In the quote from Matthew 28 there is but one question being begged that is for the most part all but ignored. What is the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? I am persuaded that the answer is summed up for us in the authority of the name of the Deliverer of Yah... Yahushua. He is the start... the author of our faith (conviction of truth) regarding the Father we all profess; and, He will be the finisher of our faith as well in the fulness of time. After all, by the time of the first resurrection, His return as King and High Priest will usher in the era that will be the end of the need for a Rescuer from the destruction to come of all in opposition and rebellion to Yahweh's Order of Things. There will be a Peace... a tranquility... and a reverence such as this world (the order of things that does not truly recognize the Creator and Supreme Sovereign of All) has never known, for a millennium. All of those alive in the flesh for that time will be under his rule and authority; and He will but continue to point to the Father as the ultimate authority.
Offline kp  
#20 Posted : Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:28:09 PM(UTC)
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Well said, Mel, and welcome to the forum. Yes, it's a crying shame that so many who are perfectly happy to baptize in "the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" haven't a clue as to what that name is.

Offline Icy  
#21 Posted : Thursday, November 29, 2007 2:44:05 AM(UTC)
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So, would all the baptisims that are performed in the name of "The LORD" and "Jesus" be invalidated? Those of you who have been baptized before, should you do so again?

Tiffany, you are right, he would give me the strength. If I was able to join the Navy and walk off a 30 foot platform into a 20 foot deep pool in boot camp, I think I could survive standing in water and having my head dunked under for a second. So, the only problem is getting a Yahudim to baptize me "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," and it would be great to have my other brothers and sisters around to witness it.
Offline Melchizedek_Order  
#22 Posted : Thursday, November 29, 2007 4:11:49 AM(UTC)
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Icy wrote:
So, would all the baptisims that are performed in the name of "The LORD" and "Jesus" be invalidated? Those of you who have been baptized before, should you do so again?

Tiffany, you are right, he would give me the strength. If I was able to join the Navy and walk off a 30 foot platform into a 20 foot deep pool in boot camp, I think I could survive standing in water and having my head dunked under for a second. So, the only problem is getting a Yahudim to baptize me "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," and it would be great to have my other brothers and sisters around to witness it.

Consider, if you will, the ramifications of the witness or testimony of a continuance in the truth of Yahweh and the deliverance you have become aware of, versus the continued adherence to an awareness of truth that used to be, which was housed in a neat package that you may have discovered has at least in part been untrue. To cling to that which is profane is to not step up to the plateau of True Truth as it has been revealed. One has to be adhered to. Should compromise be the watchword? The condemning or approving judgment is not ours to exercise; but discernment of truth is, and if we are to continue in like manner of the exercise of the faith of Abraham then we must take the action that our newfound conviction of truth proscribes. Obedience to what the Father has made each of us aware of is a call that only the individual who hears can truly perform. I ask that the Spirit of Truth guide your heart, and make you totally prepared for the path you are being called to. Watch your steps, the path is truly narrow.
Offline coleridge  
#23 Posted : Tuesday, December 4, 2007 9:55:06 AM(UTC)
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we are not set apart by circumcision. we are not saved by baptism. but do they profit us? much in every way!
let YHWH be true, and every man a liar
Offline bitnet  
#24 Posted : Sunday, December 23, 2007 6:27:40 PM(UTC)
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Peace be! As a newbie to this forum, I am obliged to read and learn before I speak. And this is one place where I think I may speak a little. Having been called 20 years ago, and finding The Truth in bits and pieces over the past two decades culminating in Yada Yahweh today, I am of the opinion that Scripture asks each of us to share His Word and immerse the listener with the Good News of salvation. Just letting them hear and understand the real reasons for Life and that our temporal discourse on this material plane is but a trial for the joys of Eternity as part of His Family is already a blessing.

In the past I had fellowshipped with others in another congregation who have had some of the Truth, and been baptised in 1993 in water "In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit". I do not place much value on that now as the actual name of our Father and Saviour was not used but I do appreciate that I was and am immersed in the Ruach. I am still more interested in being immersed in the Ruach and knowing the Creator and Saviour than in water immersion, whether for me, my wife or others. I am no saint and I still do some things that are detestable but as each day goes by I am drawn closer to The Eternal Creator and am slowly changing with the (hopefully) growing presence of the Ruach within me.

Keeping His Sabbaths and Feasts properly in today's world is another area I would like to have advice upon other than a public affirmation of being adopted into His Family. The one good thing I see about physical water immersion is that it brings us together physically, as someone else has to be present. Fellowship is something I yearn for desperately in my little corner of the world in Malaysia. I have shared YY with some people and only one other person has responded positively despite protests by his wife, children and current congregation. We meet sometimes but feel "alone" here despite knowing that we are not alone. So if someone among you would like to visit Kuala Lumpur for a holiday and dunk me in my condominium's pool, you would be most welcome!
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
Offline real  
#25 Posted : Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:25:24 AM(UTC)
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I know scripture says let there be no doctorine among you. I however intend to be baptized into Yeshua I know he was baptized. Having said that bitnet your in Mylasia? wow what are you doing in Mylasia?
Offline bitnet  
#26 Posted : Sunday, January 20, 2008 8:34:25 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/3/2007(UTC)
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Hello Real,

What am I doing in Malaysia? That should be a question for my parents and their ancestors who travelled far and wide from their origins spanning more than 6000 miles over centuries! I am only a result of their love. :-) And from what I gather, called by Yahweh to express His love for all, especially those whom He has called into His Family. Doctrine, you say... well, there is a doctrine (if you can call it that) that says we should love Yahweh and each other... and other 10 "doctrines" regarding how we should fulfill these two commandments. Trouble is, most of the world cannot agree how far down these 10 doctrines should be practised. We on the other hand, know what is required of us for us to partake of the gifts that Father Yahweh has in store for us. Perhaps we stand alone in that we do not condemn anyone seeking Truth, but we are firm in that none should blaspheme Yahweh or His blessed implement of salvation, Yahushua, or the Ruach Qodesh, Yahweh's Set-Apart Spirit who guides us and nourishes us. Personally I also do not condemn those who ignore or refuse Yahweh's plan and I am fully aware that the people of the world shall bring troubles upon themselves and the "innocent" that have not yet seen the light of day. It is not my place to judge and condemn, and Yahweh shall do the necessary when the time is right in each and every circumstance. He is always willing and able to rescue those who seek and call Him properly, even in the end of days, so it is not up to us to reject anyone at any time unless it is evident that their actions are against revealed Truth and continue to aggrieve the Set-Apart Spirit in the Ekklesia. That said, being set-apart does not mean that we cannot unite together some days as is commanded. So no matter where we all are, near you in the West or in the Far East, we should gather "two or three in Yahushua's name" at the appointed times to "plead our case" for ourselves, our families and friends, the nations around us and those called from within them to The Family.
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
Offline Matthew  
#27 Posted : Monday, January 5, 2009 11:50:47 AM(UTC)
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Matthew 28:19 - Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:

Many would say this proves the trinity but most of them have no idea what this verse means. Consider how the disciples understood it in the book of Acts:

Acts 2:38 - Then Kepha said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Yahushua the Messiah for the forgiveness of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

For baptism do we have 2 conflicting scriptures? The first scripture said we should baptize in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The second said showed that they baptized in the Son's name only. Christian scholars have argued for centuries over this but this is where those who know the true name of the Son become enlightened with a wonderful truth.

Yahushua means "YAHweh is Salvation". Within the name of the Son we have also the name of the Father "Yah" or "Yahu". This lines up with what Yahushua said here:

John 5:43 - I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

Both literally and spiritually He knew that He came in His Father's name. Therefore within the name of the Son, we also have the name of the Father. Now what about the name of the Holy Spirit?

John 14:26 - But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

The Holy Spirit comes in the name of Yahushua. So if we baptize in the name of Yahushua we have within His name the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Therefore Yahushua is rightly the name for baptism. The disciples understood what He meant in Mat 28:19 and shortly after in Acts 2:38 baptized in Yahushua's name So He certainly didn't mean Trinity.

I came across this article concerning Baptism when I was studying the concept of the Trinity. I recon it makes sense about being baptised in the Name of Yahushua. Any comments?
Offline Noach  
#28 Posted : Monday, January 5, 2009 1:53:29 PM(UTC)
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KP, maybe you can speak to this better than anybody, but I do not recollect a specific instruction from Yahuwah in the TaNaKh in regards to water immersion for the purpose of acceptance by the Set Apart Spirit. There are specific instances where cleansing was required but not a general instruction to dip ourselves in water to recieve the Spirit. If I am right and there is no instruction in this regard than Yahushua would not add a new commandment specifically requiring water immersion to recieve the Spirit, as He did not come to add or take away from the Torah. There is no doubt that water immersion as an outward symbol of the decision to recieve the Spirit was taking place and recorded, and that even Yahushua performed it, but could this have been a tradition of man and not necessarily a Torah prescription.

Offline Bridget  
#29 Posted : Tuesday, January 6, 2009 5:09:19 AM(UTC)
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I'm another who was "baptized" as an infant in the RCC.

And have wondered about this.

Now...I'd like to be baptized 'again'......but, now the question is, by whom? Surely not the churches that are around in my area.
What's a girl to do? :)
Offline Matthew  
#30 Posted : Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:31:52 AM(UTC)
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I recently saw the questions: Why was Jesus baptized?

Do you guys think is was in fulfillment of Exodus 29:4? "Then [Moses must] bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and wash them with water." But I don't think this has do with being baptized. I can only think that Yahshua performed the baptism as a symbolic gesture of the real thing, being washed of our sins and receiving the Spirit, and asked us to do accordingly.
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