I was taught a valuable lesson in comprehending both scripture and the mercy of God by this phrase. I was in the midst of a personal revival phase about 11 years ago. While sitting on the floor in a house church, as the preacher talked on a subject which did not resonate (MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE?), I idly glanced down at my bible at the last lines of Mark. As I read the saying Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani, the only place the original Aramaic is retained in English translations, I instantly "knew" what the saying meant by revelation and let out a holler that was rather loud, as the impact of the Living Word kind of blew my mind and rearranged my thinking.
I could not wait to get home to my Strong's and study it out and see if it was so, and it soon seemed to stack up, so I excitedly wrote to an Aramaic scholar whose acquaintance I had recently had the pleasure to make over the Net. I asked him if the revelation was true. He asked me in his response if I was having him on and if I was an Aramaic scholar testing his competency. I said, no such thing here, just an ordinary guy experiencing some extraordinary times and things in the Holy Spirit - I was fizzing at the time, as I still do betimes. He then told me that I either had a Doctorate level command of Aramaic or I was hearing from the Holy Spirit. I was most certainly not the former - I am way too laid back - much easier to just sit at His feet and learn of Him!
This is the transliteration as given to me. "My God, My God, (this is for) why you have forsaken me" - the Aramaic/Hebraic idiom there is perhaps best explained by imagining a child whose room is a bit of a mess, so his father forsakes him to his responsibility to straighten it out - in other words the child understands its his job to tidy up the mess. I am not saying that Yeshuah made a mess of creation, but rather that He understood what it was to be responsible for the creation which was a mess and that He was both the message and the messenger and that as in Adam all had become sin, so in the last Adam, the Life Giving Spirit (Creator), ALL would be made righteous.
Now consider the life of Yeshuah, or Eashoa as it is rendered in Aramaic. He never lied against the Truth, for He was and is the Truth - he never contradicted the Father - for He was the everlasting Father in manifestation - he accepted God's will in all things - His will WAS God's will because He was God! He did only as He saw the Father do. He was complete within Himself. He accepted the cup of the covenant He would cut with God on behalf of ALL Mankind - Yeshuah Meshiach, the savior of ALL men, especially those which believe.
Matt 26:42. Again he went for a second time and prayed and said, "My father, if it is not possible for this cup to pass, except that I drink it, let it be according to your will."
To wit, "There is no alternative but to drink this cup - it is not going to go away - there is no other way".
Yeshuah, Eashoa, Jesus was not questioning God's will, He was accepting it, submitting to it - He was saying in essence "My God, My God, this is what it is all about, this is what you left me here for me to do, I have to do this thing, I alone Am the perfect sacrifice, the Lamb slain from before the foundations of the worlds. To think that The Son of God who PERFECTLY PLEASED THE FATHER would question Him and ask a question which seems loaded with doubt is not consistent with His walk, His life, or His witness. The reason why he had to feel the pain, even though He could have done otherwise, was to empathize with fallen Mankind, to be a man of like passions as they, to experience what it was to be a man and so to die for Man. Nothing you can feel or experience is beyond Him - He has felt and experienced it all on the tree - and where He went, you cannot follow. (This would be a good pause to read Jonah chap 2 - those last lines always get me...)
Another time I was meditating on my hand being the hand of God and I began to see it as such and felt a power go down my arm and a strength such that I had never felt and I saw a hammer in it and it became the hand of a Roman soldier, and as I beheld Him, Yeshuah, Eashoa, Jesus lying on the cross before me I saw myself in a living vision, lift my hand high holding a hammer - as I brought it down toward the nail I fought so hard against it, trying to stop from doing it - I cannot do this but I could not stop it and His eyes besought me with a look of pure compassion as He understood what must be and I struck the blow and I cried and cried and cried...He understood...He forgave...and it PLEASED God to offer up His OWN SON, a sacrifice for all Mankind. Aa-meen.
And by the way, if you wonder how a God who is One can talk to Himself, simply consider your own inner dialogue and community of spirit - you are made in his image - when He looks at you what does He see but He? When you look at others what do you see but yourself? Now God who is One is also Seven - He has Seven Spirits or eyes. I will post on this - it is amazing and fascinating to see just what the seven facets of His nature are - His Seven Spirits and how we are intended to become conformed to His express reflection. And it kind of kills the Trinity doctrine stone dead, even though He is also three, who is also seven, who is always ever one - if that makes sense.
And thanks to Victor Alexander of Los Angeles and his wonderful Aramaic Translation of the Holy Scriptures.