Theophilus wrote:Hello Ed, thanks for sharing your website.
I was curious what the response to your site has been, especially by Muslim viewers?
Dear Theophilus (...never though I'd write that!),
Thanks for asking.
Since we started recording and publishing our video podcasts a year ago over 50,000 people have viewed them.
The most notable results are in Indonesia. It took a moment to figure that out: They have the largest population of Muslims in the world, lots of English speakers and plenty of Internet. The upshot is that I can say, “In Jakarta, I'm huge”. (That is not a figure of speech! I am about a foot taller and much heavier than the average Indonesian.)
We publish our videos on our
YouTube and have podcast-RSS feeds for
iTunes/iPod/iPhone. Most of our Muslim viewers find us through YouTube or iTunes.
Muslims on the YouTube forum have attached hundreds of comments to our videos, mostly along the lines of “You are spreading lies about Islam”, “Allah will burn you in Hell” and “Muhammad's (PBUH) use of force was justified against those treacherous Jews in Mecca”. (Jews in Mecca??!?!?)
There is about a 50:1 ratio of viewers to commenters on YouTube and it seems that only the 'good Muslims' take the time to write a comment. We have had a few Muslim apostates chime in from time to time, which brings tears of joy. Several atheists and agnostics have written encouraging comments and e-mail, too. Sadly, very few followers of YHWH will take the time to view or comment on the videos.
The commentary from the 'good Muslims' is often far from civil, but I am a former Marine, have heard all of those words before and have a thick skin.
We don't get much feedback from the iTunes/iPod/iPhone channel but we have been booted out of the iTunes store by Apple due to complaints by Muslims of “hate speech”. It is kind of a badge of honor!
Click here to see that story.
We just got back from Israel where we recorded the third “season” of our videos. Lots of “on location” recordings! These episodes are in the post-production phase and will be published as time and funds permit.
We also have traveled to a few churches and put on a “The Truth Of Islam” conference that is well received, after we have 'gotten our foot in the door' with this very unpopular message. (Hmmm, maybe if we had a music group perform an opening act...)
My request: The group on this forum “gets it”, therefore please take a look at our work and offer constructive criticism that will help us reach Muslims with the true story of Isa al-Masih.
Thanks in advance,