I do hope that I am in line with the following contribution and that it should not be place under another topic.
As a result of my re-reading YY the past week, I noticed some very interesting things, one which led to another and another. It started with regards to Daniel’s prophecy (chapter 9) in conjunction with Nehemiah 2:1-6.
I noticed that March 28, 33 CE was indicated as the day, Palm Monday, on which Yahushua entered Jerusalem. That is 173 880 days from Nissan 1,444 BCE. Four days later on the 14th of Nissan, which was supposed to be a Friday (1st of April 33 CE) This is according to the Gregorian calendar. I quote from Book 4 Salvation Chapter 1 Ma’sehyah page.19.
But then there is a “slight” printing error in Book 2 Called out Assemblies Chapter 4 Bikurim where the author states on page 8 that “By our reckoning of time it was before sunrise, the first day of the week, Sunday, April 1st, 33 CE.” It should be the 3rd of April?
However I then noticed that according to Edwin D Arceo who uses the Julian calendar that Nissan 15 was actually on a Friday being the 3rd of April 33 CE and a Sunday resurrection being the 5th of April. Edwin Arceo goes on to say that it would then place Yahushua’s ascension neatly on the 15th of May 33CE. According to the Hebrew calendar it would read Iyyar 27, 3793.
What’s most interesting is that he explains Daniel 9 in conjunction with Revelation 12.
He also uses the same dates and times but he uses them to calculate the nativity of Yahushua to 26 January 16 BCE which makes Yahushua much older than his 30 years as we normally have it. It makes our Saviour about 48 years old at the time of His crucifixion. (The Jews then said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?”)
Edwin Arceo claims that the “years” of Daniel can not be interrupted but must be analyzed as a continuous period. And he shows that the 17640 days in this prophecy, from the first day of His bodily presence on earth and His ascension on 15th May 33CE fits completely.
His Chronology of Yeshua Messiah and His works bowls me out.
He starts with April 7, 444 BCE – Nehemiah receiving the edict from Artaxerxes;
January 26, 16 BCE – Yahushua’s first day on earth in human form;
April 3, 33 CE; crucifixion;
May 15, 33 CE – ascension – a war starts in heaven between satan and his angels for his forcible ejection from heaven;
September 15, 36 CE – satan and his armies are vanquished by the angelic army of Yahushua;
September 18, 36 CE - three days later on the day of Atonement Yahushua rededicates the sanctuaries of the Holy Place and of the Most Holy Place in Heaven. Yahushua inaugurated as sovereign king.
April 7, 40 CE - the end of the seventy weeks, etc. etc.
The tree days in the grave? Jonah? He explains it to be symbolic. Yahushua was indeed 3 days in the heart of the earth, being Jerusalem.
Lucifer’s fall and his rebellion? Did it happen as I did/do believe billions of years ago? No he says, See Revelation for that, which is another version of the nativity of Yahushua.
These were only some of the high lights, but that is when I understood that he is actually an amillennialist!!! They do believe in the rapture, but only in the “last” day, after the LAST TRUMPET is blown! No 1000 years of reign on earth.
His website is
http://rytontym.googlepages.com Very interesting reading.
That encouraged me to do a little more reading on amillennialism. I came across precious material. These guys seem to think that the amil and the premil views are irreconcilable. But I do believe that they (these Calvinists) are only explaining one particular side of the coin. In TOM I realized how beautiful the law of Moses points to the renewed covenant. We are indeed presently priests and co-heirs of Yahushua. We are Yahuwdis. We are Israel in the spiritual sense. Everything has been done for the elect. They are very metaphoric in their explanation of even the most literal of prophecies – where Yahushua lands on the Mount of Olives and it splits in two. Their exposition is beautiful, but they do not go the whole way. The spiritual truths they preach are wonderful and edifying. But to me they lack the balance of scriptural analysis I perceived in YY and TOM.
Another one of these Calvinists are a certain Tony Warren a real scholar who according to him, keeps to scripture, but does not go far enough, in my humble opinion. See his exposition of “The 70 days of Daniel chapter 9” on his website
http://members.aol.com/warren10/index.html and also his exposition of Romans 11 and Romans 12 which is superb. Also the true Israel of God. He just doesn’t go the whole way and what irritates me slightly is his condescending references to others “who do not understand scripture correctly”.
These people deny that the physical nation of Israel still has a major role to play in end time prophecies. Jerusalem to them is purely symbolic. There is no Messiah who will come to reign for 1000 years – He is already reigning (which is true). The Last Trumpet is a very important fact which they emphasize why the rapture will take place on the last day and not before then.
In the natural sciences scientists strive for a “Final Theory”. There are so many facets of the Hebrew language and the rest of scripture in prophecy which lend to more than one interpretation each of which is and can be true - I wish that our scripture mentors would stand together and combine all they have – all the various facets and sides of the coin or picture. Or is that wishful thinking?