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Offline Yada  
#1 Posted : Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:19:45 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

I just got this from Yada:

I've finished Nesamah. While I'd love constructive criticism, it is ready to post.

It's on to Noah...


Also, in a related e-mail from Yada:

kp wrote a great line which I worked into the chapter. here it is revised...

"The serpent (nahas – snake, viper, and poisonous cold-blooded reptile) was, is, and will be (hayah – exists as) reasonable and cunning ('aruwm – shrewd, subtle, and sensible, prudent and judicious, clever, circumspect and cautious, perceptive, elusive and obscure, a highly skilled sagacious expert who is mischievous, abusive, and dangerous, even piercing), more than (min) any (kol) living thing (hayyah – life form) relative to ('asher – in relation to) the open field (sadeh – expanse of land [i.e., outside the Garden]) that Yahuweh, God, had made ('asah). He [Satan] said ('amar – told and claimed) to ('el) the woman and wife ('issah), 'Indeed (kiy – surely, truly, and clearly), so what if ('ap – even if, by contrast on the other hand, nevertheless) God ('elohym – the Mighty One) said ('amar – claimed and told you) not to (lo') eat ('akal – consume food) from (min) any (kol) tree ('es) in the protected garden enclosure (gan).'" (Genesis 3:1)

In Revelation, Satan, which is merely a title meaning "Adversary," and not a name, is specifically identified as "the serpent." By using 'aruwm in relation to this dark spirit, Yah is telling us that our adversary is not only "shrewd," but also "sensible." He is "clever and cunning," which means that he is "tricky," even "sly." More important still, our adversary is "elusive," "obscuring" his role in malicious schemes. As such, don't expect an ugly fellow with horns advancing a mantra which is purely evil. He wouldn't fool anyone with such a routine.

The simple statement above is comprised of two elements which collectively form the basis of every religion on earth. Lies are made credible when they are based upon something which is true. God actually said: "You may eat from any tree in the garden except don't eat from the tree of the understanding of good and evil." That is considerably divergent from the statement Satan attributed to Yahweh. In academic circles, this ploy is called "revisionist history." In debate, it's called a "straw man."

The Adversary's whitewash of Yahweh's Word was a clever corruption or counterfeit, which is the most effective way to convince people that a fraud is true. No one would be fooled by a pink, three-dollar bill with a picture of a rabbit riding a turtle. (Although most have no problem with "In God We Trust" inscribed on a bill depicting Satan's sungod religion by way of an Egyptian pyramid and the eye of Osiris.) Simply stated, every aspect of the Babylonian religion, and thus Catholicism, was and remains a concealment, corruption, and counterfeit of something Yahweh said. One does not have to be creative to counterfeit, only "crafty and cunning, shrewd and sensible." From Babylon to the present day, this singular strategy has deceived more people and caused more harm, than all other ploys combined.

Created without freewill, I don't think Satan possesses the capacity for creativity. His only trick is to beguile by concealing, corrupting, and counterfeiting something God conceived and created. (For those who may be confused, there is a difference between choice and freewill. For example, the military is a command and control institution and thus soldiers do not have the freedom to refuse an order. As with Halal, those who choose to rebel, are punished and drummed out of the corp. Those without freewill cannot choose their own destiny.)

Moving on, the second element of the Adversary's plot to mislead Chawah was to say: "so what if God said something. What gives Him the right to make the rules?" Today, this ploy forms the basis of Catholicism's condemnation of those who are "Sola Scriptoria." Popes consider themselves authorized to alter, even completely change, God's directions. In Socialist Secular Humanism, man claims god never existed, making mankind the ultimate authority, and thereby rendering Yahweh's message moot. In Islam, Allah was modeled after Satan, and so everything Yahweh said was simply contradicted. Rabbis were especially cunning, openly claiming Yah's authority for themselves.

"So what if God set the Sabbath apart, we want Friday, or Sunday, or the weekend," as the case may be. "So what if God summoned us to observe the seven Miqra'ey, we prefer Easter, Ramadan, Hanukah, or May Day." "So what if God chose the name Yahweh, we prefer Mother Nature, Evolution, Ha Shem, Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, or the Lord."

As you travel along life's way, and you confront a tradition or teaching that is somehow attributed to God, ask yourself: Has God said this? Or is what is being claimed an alteration, a corruption or counterfeit, of something God actually stated? In the process of fooling Chawah, Satan exposed a test we can use to avoid being fooled ourselves.

Lingering a bit longer on this verse, I find it interesting that most English bible translations render Genesis 3:1 as a question even though there is no interrogatory in the Masoretic text. As a statement, Satan's line suggests that the Adversary isn't interested in soliciting mankind's opinions. He is much better informed and smarter than we are. He isn't interested in small talk or companionship, either. Satan is simply inferring that God's instructions don't matter. He is saying what Catholicism and Judaism have now inferred.

However, there is the possibility that the interrogatory was removed by Masoretic rabbis in order to make the statement better reflect their own doctrine. The 4QGen Qumran scroll renders the text: "Did God really say not to eat from any tree in the garden?"

Regardless of format, in debate parlance, Satan has set up a straw man. Since he knows that he cannot prevail on the merits of his case, on evidence and reason, he has misrepresented God, and thereby presented a foe he can defeat. While "crafty and cunning, shrewd and tricky," the tactic is pragmatic because most people only know enough to be dangerous, and they are incapable of disciplined reasoning. Every time I engage a Muslim in debate, for example, this is also their first ploy. And it's effective because there are too few informed and logical people around to properly identify and judge the obvious chicanery.
File Attachment(s):
A 06 Nesamah - Conscience.doc (184kb) downloaded 16 time(s).
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Offline Swalchy  
#2 Posted : Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:58:25 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/4/2007(UTC)
Posts: 250
Location: England

Wow, is Yada on a current "revision rampage" or something?

Seems to be doing a lot in a short span of time...


For starters, we know that the three Hebrew letters which comprise nasa’, Nun-Shin-Alph

Alph should be Aleph

At this juncture, it bears repeating. For the choice to reject God and leave His family and protection, and thus life, to be credible, deceit, destruction, and death have to have an advocate.

The comma , should be either a semi-colon or a colon, or possibly a - , thus rendering:

At this juncture, it bears repeating. For the choice to reject God and leave His family and protection, and thus life, to be credible; deceit, destruction, and death have to have an advocate.

At this juncture, it bears repeating. For the choice to reject God and leave His family and protection, and thus life, to be credible - deceit, destruction, and death have to have an advocate.

Edited by user Thursday, October 30, 2008 5:37:46 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Yada  
#3 Posted : Wednesday, November 5, 2008 4:16:13 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

Yada sent this to our web master and forwarded me a copy:


I added a paragraph and entered MZ's corrections into Nesamah. Here is the new file and new paragraph...

While I am not qualified or authorized to determine which rendering of nasa' constitutes an unforgivable violation of Yahweh's Third Commandment, my advice is to avoid all of these. Don't deceive. Don't promote or tolerate that which is untrue and leads to the death of others. Don't solicit money for a religious institution. And constantly call upon Yahweh's name, never doing anything that might cause someone to forget it.

And lest I miss an opportunity to correct religious teaching, please understand that there is only one sin which is universally deadly from a spiritual perspective. This is it. Catholicism's seven "deadly sins" are thus rubbish. Souls can be and are routinely redeemed from lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride, but not from any form of deceit which leads people away God.


I just added all of this to Mowriyah...

Knowing that he hadn't made a very good impression last time, "He [Abraham] said ('amar), 'Father and Upright One ('edon/'eden – upright pillar and head of the family), please I implore you (na'), if ('ym) I have found (masa' – experienced and attained) favor (hen – mercy and grace, unearned forgiveness) in your sight ('ayin – eye and presence), please, I beg you (na') don't ('al) pass by ('abar – pass over and travel) away from (min) your servant ('ebed)." (Genesis 18:3)

Since the Qumran fragment of Genesis 18 begins at the twentieth verse, there is some doubt as to what Abraham called Yahweh. Adding to the challenge, this is just the second conversation and third time 'edon/'eden has appeared in the Torah. In the initial occurrences, the title was used in conjunction with Yahweh's name: "'Abram said to Yahuweh, the father and foundation of the tabernacle ('eden – upright pillar and head of the family), 'What am I to be given? I walk childless….'" (Genesis 15:2) Therefore, because God's name and this title are juxtaposed, we can be certain that אֶדֶן isn't a replacement for Yahweh's name. And that is a good start toward solving this conundrum because it confirms that the Masoretic vocalization and subsequent translation of אֶדֶן is wrong. (More on this in a moment.)

This is what we know: the Hebrew letters which comprise 'adon, meaning "lord and master," can be vocalized 'eden and 'edon, both meaning "upright one, father, head of the family, and foundation," as well as "pillar." The Yod, or "y" seen attached to the end of the Hebrew title when it is rendered adonay, simply conveys the pluralis excellentice, known as the "royal we," and is a sign of majesty. As such, 'edonay and 'edenay would both simply add an air of authority to "Father, Foundation, and Upright One."

It should be noted that of the 6,868 times we find 'adonay in the Masoretic Text, it does not belong there. The rabbinical Masoretes placed the Hebrew title above Yahweh's name, copyediting the Word of God. On 132 additional occasions, particularly in Job, Isaiah, and the Psalms, manuscripts a thousand years older than the Masoretic, proudly display Yahweh's name in places where the rabbinic copyeditors wrote "Lord." Since the Masoretes were guilty of these 7,000 unjustified alterations, I'm confident that they have also misrepresented the vocalization of Aleph-Deleth-Nun for the purpose of legitimizing their fraud. (By way of the Babylonian Talmud and Mishneh, rabbis (meaning "exalted ones") strove to usurp Yahweh's authority for themselves so that they might be able to lord over men.)

I level this acquisition at the Rabbinical Masoretes because it is important. Knowing who Yahweh is, understanding His nature, and being cognizant of His purpose is the essence of Scripture. When men falsely attribute things to God which are not in the text and which are inconsistent with God's persona, people form errant conclusions. In this regard, the unifying message of the Covenant, Old and Renewed, is that Yahweh stands up for us so that we can stand with Him. God is therefore, the Upright One.

There are seven reasons to reject the use of "Lord" in association with our Heavenly Father. First, God introduced the term in conjunction with His name, affirming that 'adon/lord is not a valid replacement for Yahweh. Likewise, the fourth time the title appears (Genesis 18:27), it is used in conjunction with 'el, confirming that 'adon/lord isn't an appropriate substitute for God.

Second, "lord" is defined in English dictionaries as: "a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are required." This connotation depicts Satan's problem and ambition. The Adversary sought to be preeminent, and when that failed, he has sought human obedience by way of religious submission. These concepts are emblazoned in the war cry of Jihadists everywhere: "Allau Akbar, Allah is the Greatest!" Satan wants to lord over men. He wants men to worship him as if he were God, bowing down to him.

Third, required obedience and servitude are inconsistent with freewill. And choice, because it is the basis of a loving relationship, is sacrosanct to God. There is a reason that religion is from the Latin and means to "bind." And there is a reason Allah named his religion "Islam" which means "submission."

Fourth, lord isn't remotely the same as father, and it is incompatible with family. It is the reason Yahushua told us that we should begin our conversations with God "Our Father who is in Heaven, set-apart is Your name."

Fifth, kurios, the Greek word for the title "lord," is consistently represented by a placeholder in all of the pre-Constantine first-, second-, and third-century manuscripts of the Renewed Covenant. It is only by filling in the word and then translating it that we find the title in English Bibles. Each of the seven placeholders used in the earliest manuscripts were designed to point readers to the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms for answers. And in this regard, when God refers to Himself as "King of kings and Lord of lords," the titles are only applicable when applied to their respective subjects. Yah will exercise His authority over kings and He will require lords to obey His judgments. For those adopted into His family, God will be called by His favorite title: Father.

Sixth, both Hebrew words for lord, 'adon and ba'al, are Satanic names and titles (representing Adonis and Baal/Bel). The reason is obvious: the title represent what Satan covets, as well as what the political and religious leaders who league with him desire.

Seventh, Yahweh doesn't like the title Lord-Ba'al because of its association with Satan. Consider what He had to say through His prophet Hosea. The subject here is the nation of Israel, which had become unfaithful…"Then she will say, I will go and reverse course and return to (sub – restore the relationship with) my first and foremost husband (iys – one who exists, male individual, or husband, invocative of God's relationship with Israel); for it was better (tobah – more fruitful and morally correct, prosperous and good) for me than now. But she did not discern (da'ah – acknowledge information that requires wisdom) that I gave long lasting grain, new wine, and olive oil (yitshar), and increased her silver and gold, which they assigned to Ba'al (ba'al – lord)." (Hosea 2:7-8) Since this passage is dissected in the "Azab-Abandonment" chapter of the Going Astray volume, suffice it to say for now that Lord/Ba'al is either the name or the title of a false god worshiped by Israel. As such, it isn't Yahweh's name or title.

Speaking of Israel's religious association with Lord-Ba'al, God went on to say: "And now will I reveal her lewdness and shame in the sight of her lovers (ahab – those with whom she [the nation of Israel] has formed a relationship) and none shall save (nasal – deliver or rescue) her out of My hand (yad – power or authority). I shall cause a cessation of all her [Israel's pagan] celebrations, her religious feasts, her new moon religious festivals, and her sabbaths, and all her appointed assemblies." (Hosea 2:10-11) Yahweh was not pleased with Israel's religious association with Lord-Ba'al and therefore saw fit to curtail the nation's pagan religious rituals, festivals, and traditions. He accomplished this by way of the Babylonian exile and Roman Diaspora. Yah has and will exercise His authority over those who reject Him.

Continuing to confirm that "Lord" isn't a title we should be associating with Yahweh, God said: "I will take an inventory of her [Israel's] days in association with Lords (Ba'alim – lords as false gods), wherein she caused incense and sacrifices to rise up in smoke, and she went on the prowl in search of prey in a beguiling way with her loop earrings (nezem – ornamental circular rings) and her jewelry associated with harlotry, and she went out after (halak ahar – walked with, followed, and joined) her lovers (ahab – formed a relationship with others, desiring objects and coveting things). And she forgot Me, becoming lame and crippled, says Yahuweh." (Hosea 2:13) The message is clear: ba'al and ba'alim, "Lord and Lords," are false and adversarial objects of religious devotion, and association with Lord-Ba'al is considered an act of infidelity.

And that is why Yahweh said that He does not want to be called "Lord": "And it shall be at that day, declares Yahuweh, you shall call Me husband (ishi – extant and present, a corporeal individual); and shall call Me (qara' – summon and call out) My Lord (ba'ali) never again (halo owd – no more, no longer, ever again). For I will remove and reject the names of the Lords (Ba'alim – false gods) out of her mouth, and they shall be proclaimed (zakar – remembered, recalled, and mentioned) by their name no more." (Hosea 2:16-17)

Case closed. God does not want to be called "Lord" so we should not do so. Therefore, when the letters Aleph-Deleth-Nun appear in the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, they must be transliterated 'eden or 'edon and be subsequently rendered "Upright One."

Demonstrating hospitality, Abraham said: "Please avail yourself of (laqah) a little (ma'at) water and wash (rahas – cleanse) your feet while (regel) leaning on (sa'an – relying on, resting against, depending upon, and trusting in) the base of (tahat – the standing place of) this tree ('es – upright timber)." (Genesis 18:4) Well, at least now we know what the tree represents. And we now have in the Torah, the basis for Yahshua washing His disciple's feet. Moreover, immediately following the Torah's second conversational use of 'eden/'edon, Upright One, it is associated with "standing" and "upright timber."

I did a two hour interview this morning on Obamination as it relates to the 10 most important things which will not change.
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Offline Big Rich  
#4 Posted : Wednesday, November 5, 2008 6:40:56 PM(UTC)
Big Rich
Joined: 9/2/2008(UTC)
Posts: 62
Location: Indiana

And lest I miss an opportunity to correct religious teaching, please understand that there is only one sin which is universally deadly from a spiritual perspective. This is it. Catholicism's seven "deadly sins" are thus rubbish. Souls can be and are routinely redeemed from lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride, but not from any form of deceit which leads people away God.

I think you mean "away FROM God."

Nice addition to Mowriyah. This is probably the best and most concise thing I've seen yet on 'edon vs 'adon and why Yahuweh's name isn't "LORD." Those Hosea passages are gold. I think I know where to go the next time I have to prove that to someone. :)

And is there a link for that interview?
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