So then, you accepot the "new testament" when Yahowsha is quoting OT passages and call those quotations "reliable";
I do not accept the NT! It is not reliable or trustworthy, it contains no prophecy to prove itself, at many points it contradicts the OT and itself. These are guidelines that Yah gave us to judge scripture and people. One failed prophecy or one contradiction of Yah’s teaching means that resource/person can’t be trusted.and of course, anything else Yahowsha taught and explained are the "unreliable" quotations. How convenient for your point.
Like any counterfeit, truth is interwoven with lies. How else would anyone believe it is real? A round pink $100 bill would not fool you for a minute. However, the bigger picture is you are missing the forrest for the trees; you express belief in Yahowsha, and that he came as promised, but the only record we have of that happening in the first century AD is the unreliable, fraudulent new testament??!!
I do not have belief of anything concerning Yahowah. I either know or I don’t know (this being the larger of the 2 possibilities). I know that Yah promised to provide the Passover Lamb and that He has or will provide as promised. I would not have said ‘has or will’ before your challenge, but you are correct, I cannot use the NT as supporting evidence if I also call it unreliable. So I hereby walk away from the whole thing. So, you absolutely believe and trust in the NT as far as Yahowsha coming, and wherever he quotes scripture, but, everything else should be "put away". How do I even know/believe he came if I "put away" the NT??
For me it doesn’t matter. My salvation is in the Towrah. Yah told me how to become a member of His Family and it is a done deal. I do not have to rely on the lies of Paul and the Romans. Yah promised me the same deal as Abraham, and I KNOW He will keep His word. How does not even knowing he came as promised possibly give me "everything to gain".
Salvation is Yah's gift to those who join his family. It is not available to anyone/everyone who decides to believe in the christ story. Yah's teaching to Abrahm was to walk away from Man ( the heirarchical institutions of men(religion, government, military, etc)) and walk towards Yahowah, learn, understand, trust who Yah is. Then choose to be adopted by Him making the decision that who He is and what He promises is what you want for eternity. Without your decision the Passover sacrifice offers nothing.Also, you badly misunderstand me, obviously I have questions/problems with Paul as well, or I wouldnt be at sites such as this. However, the arguments concerning Paul must make sense and be consistent. And questioning the epistles of paul is one thing (and no, not hard for my tender ears to hear), but even the author of this site supports the gospel records of john and matthew.
My understanding is that Yada’s support of these chapters has diminished since the writing of QP, and that it was always qualified. With a firm understanding of Yah’s OT teaching it is possible to pull out pearls of truth, but those same pearls and more are found more abundantly and consistently in the OT"putting them away"???? as I said, you are left with no appearance of messiah coming as promised. You continue to conflate a support for the gospels and words of Yahowsha with me being an all or nothing Paul-believing cheap-grace advocate; that is not the case.
Yahowah is my savior, my God, my Father. The Passover Lamb was/is but His tool. You, however, have no case for even knowing Yahowsha without the "new testament", other than the promises of him in the old.
I do not need to know Yahowsha. Those promises are more than words, they are prophecy coming from the only one who knows the future. I can think of no stronger case.Also, the book of Revelation is the final testimony and a companion book to Daniel and is simply the unsealing of the little book in Daniel. The visions of revelation correspond to the feasts of the OT and tghe prophecies have been unveiling before our eyes...
Before completing this response I would have been curious about your correlation to the feasts, but now I couldn’t care less. I know what the feasts are about and have no need to know about revelation. But with your questioning I have finally thrown out the baby (with the bath water) and am very happy about that. THANK YOU.It may help you to understand us/me by realizing that we are also on a journey to find Yah’s Way. Yada + other’s translations and commentary have continually evolved. QP was rewritten several times. The 3000 pages of YY was rewritten seven times. Observations For Our Time is rewriting it all. But with each of these rewrites we have gotten closer to the bedrock. Much of what you find on this forum is old and out dated thinking. Even now, much of what you read in QP and YY and OFOT is becoming obsolete. We are only humans, but we are humans that enjoy being corrected when we are wrong, as I was in holding onto the pearls among the pigs in the NT. With your help, I now happily have both feet planted firmly in the OT.