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Offline YAHWEH_kid0707  
#1 Posted : Friday, August 10, 2007 9:02:12 PM(UTC)
Joined: 8/10/2007(UTC)
Posts: 11
Location: In the DFW area of north/central Texas.

I stumbled across this site before I found FH and found it highly disturbing. I hope it's okay to post here. I just want you all to see how deceived people really are becoming, and how many tend to follow in their wakes. I hadn't thought of it until it showed up in the "Adds by Google" thing and then I remembered reading quite a lot before disurnment kicked in.
This is nuts. check it out if you have time.

Peace and Grace to you always.

Carolyn in DFW TX and Guide/Service Dog Ellie
"I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, And crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, And not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16
Offline Yada  
#2 Posted : Saturday, August 11, 2007 3:01:22 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

I found the "Forgotten Commandment" interesting - you can watch it here.

Here is a short .PDF booklet dealing with the Sabbath. If you have friends that you would like to know more about the Sabbath - this might work well. (Note: the writers mistakenly use the terms Jesus, Lord, Christ, etc.)

I have often heard it said that the 10 Commandments are just that - 10 Commandnents, not 9 Commandments and a "suggestion".


Edited by user Sunday, August 12, 2007 6:22:35 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Offline Tiffany  
#3 Posted : Saturday, August 11, 2007 6:07:31 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/7/2007(UTC)
Posts: 185

I went to the u-tube link and watched that video, thanks Yada! More often than not I have even heard that people call all of them the 10 suggestions. But I think what bothers me the most would be that in everything that flashed, the groups all said that they know Sunday worship is not what Yahweh ordained yet they still do it, sick.

I often think of one of my favorite song that says "We are the clay, and in the potters hands. The clay does not tell the potter what to do." To bad this suggestions has not been allowed to filter through the church.
Offline Jeannie  
#4 Posted : Saturday, August 11, 2007 9:17:16 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/27/2007(UTC)
Posts: 254
Location: Florida

Tiffany, you see this over and over again. It's like they don't take Yah serious. We might be "under grace" but like Paul said God forbid you sin to make grace abound!!! The consequences of the OC for not keeping the Sabbath were severe.
Offline kp  
#5 Posted : Sunday, August 12, 2007 12:50:36 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
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Has anybody out there ever seen their local congregation make Sabbath services available? And I'm not talking about scheduling a service on Friday night so folks could "have the whole weekend free to play without being inconvenienced by God's onerous demands." No I'm talking about doing it because they finally realized it was the right (i.e. scriptural) thing to do.

I'm not talking about forming a "Messianic" congregation, either---that is, (if my perception is correct) one whose primary mindset is adherence to Jewish tradition, though admitting that Yeshua (as they invariably pronounce His name) is the Messiah. Rabbinical tradition, reverence for the Talmud and Mishnah, etc, celebrations of anemic versions of the miqrym that only vaguely resemble those described in the Torah, an irrational equating of the ekklesia with the lost tribes of Israel, insistence on a post Trib rapture, and a general sense of pride in keeping the Law (even though they can't and don't) are the hallmarks of this type of thing.

But it's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about "Christians" coming to the conclusion that they've made a mistake by setting apart Sunday instead of the Sabbath, and having the courage to amend their ways---in a corporate setting. Has anybody out there ever heard of a congregation doing this? Has it ever happened? 'Cause, my friends, it needs to. We who participate in this forum (most of us) know the truth in this matter, but we're spread out all over the place---from England to America to Japan, at least. We're unified, sure, but unity without community is less than an ideal situation. I guess I'm just frustrated at knowing what Yahweh has said to do, and being utterly incapable of doing it at a scale any larger than my own immediate family.

Offline shohn  
#6 Posted : Sunday, August 12, 2007 7:47:34 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/24/2007(UTC)
Posts: 160
Location: Texas

I dunno, we used to go to a "Bible church" and i can imagine that those types would be more receptive to the idea. As long as its "scriptural" seems to be the mantra in those type churches.
Even still, they have been used to the Sunday formula for some time and may not be receptive to it.

We actually searched in the area that we are in and found zilch.

I think this actually points towards an even bigger challenge, which is, saying everything that is in YY and beyond in about 30 seconds and still coming off as being credible without alienating the person.

I've oft wondered how do you guys approach people with this - is there a top 10 list of things that work, things that don't, etc. For example, when you talk to hard core Catholics (which I used to be) they often have this force field that comes up if you say anything bad about the cahtolic church in the first minute or two of the conversation. The pope is part of system that.... LalalaLAALALALAL - I'm not listening... something like that.

So if your goal is to get Sabbath worship i.e. teach the commandments, then it may be counterproductive to start bashing the pope the first 10 seconds of the conversation, but on the other hand a picture of the pope kissing the Koran, well that goes miles and you don't have to say a thing, it speaks for itself.

Then there is a similar phenomenon with protestants. It usually goes like this for me, I may open with .. the Sabbath was clearly celebrated throughout scripture and I don't think our God would have made such a fuss out of it if he didn't think it was important. Then I get countered with, well how do you know which day is actually the Sabbath, what about the early church fathers.... lalalalal... I'm not listening. I'm currently experiencing this phenomenon on my in laws side.

I can't say that I blame them, for I was pretty much the same way, but what I wonder is how to reach them on this point. What are some questions that could be asked that would "plant the seed" enough to get something like this rolling? Do you guys have an Top 10 list of facts that hit hard and fast, make a personal connection, and can be quickly verified using just English scripture. I think that may be one way to achieve the objective you are talking about.

Shohn of Texas
Offline Theophilus  
#7 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2007 9:16:48 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/5/2007(UTC)
Posts: 544

Thanks: 4 times
KP, I wanted to comment on your question of congregations observing a seventh day sabbath. The local place were I (am not a member but do) frequent and fellowship with did recently add a Saturday afternoon service but has retained Sunday services. So this may be like you mentioned; freeing up a day for convenience and is less attended than the later Sunday services. The senior pastor is from the Billy Graham Crusades and has a philosophy that seems to allow many contrasting convictions and personal preferences to be welcome so long as it does not violate what is Scripturally certain. It is my convition that Friday sunset to Saturday sunset is to me set apart to Yah and believe that this is Scripturally clear and unchanged. While having the Saturday service available does technically meet the day to set apart as I read the Scriptures, I suspect that I'm one of the few there who attend on the seventh day.

As for Messianic congregations, I can't speak for all of them, however the one I trek to for the Miqras happily has not matched your description. Saddly I am aware of Messianic Congregations that do fit your description and even have a good internet friend who is a cultural Jew who came out of Paganism and has since become Messianic and is now a self described "Judiazer." She is currently studying to the Talmud and while accepting "Yeshua" as "Adonai", and advocates the validity of Oral Law as her basis to interpret the Tanakh.

The Messianic Congregation I travel to unfortunately requires some travel to get to and is largely attended by non-Gentile Messianic Yahudym. The aspect I struggle to become comfortable with (compared to the RC and comparitively subdued Protestant services I was more accustomed to) was not reverence for Rabbinical authority, which I usually heard rejected but with saddness, but rather the lively, charismatic and surprisingly loud music and other aspects for a small fellowship.

I was also surprised to hear the Cantor express agreement with the concepts of Torah as Owner's Manual. While it presses my comfort zone I see such a service and gathering as pleasing to and revent towards Yah. I've yet to hear this congregation describe themselves as "keeping the torah" but will have to check on that to make sure. Many do wear prayer shawls, yalmukahs/skull caps, dance during songs and at least on Yom Taruwah hear sofars being blown (against Rabbincal teachings even on a sabbath), and scriptures read/chanted in Hebrew with English subtitles.

As for other Christian denominations that hold a seventh day observance as a matter of conviction, one comes to mind but I've not evaluated their doctrine. That would be the Seventh Day Adventists. Does anyone know about their doctrine?

For my part I felt the need to observe the seven miqras at the Messianic Congregation since my local fellowship completely ignored Shabuwa/Pentecost during the Sabbath service it fell on. The senior Pastor was away for that service and had a guest preach but still, it is very sad when you know a day is set apart and no one around you does or seems to care when you try to tell them and show it in Scripture.

Shohn, I think you raise a valid point in that a person needs to make their own conclusion in order to change a long held pattern or conviction. I agree that bluntly telling someone the truth while still true may not be the most effective approach in discussing what Yahuweh's Scriptures say and leading them to accept the truth of His word. I'm open to exchanging experiences if we can each benefit in better reaching people.
Offline kp  
#8 Posted : Monday, August 13, 2007 1:00:21 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
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Location: Palmyra, VA

Thanks, Theo. Sounds like your Messianic friends have it mostly right, and that's a rare and wonderful thing in this day and age. I guess what I'm looking for is a way to encourage sincere, well-meaning Sunday worshippers to reexamine established Christian tradition in light of what scripture actually says. Most of them (and that used to include me) have no earthly idea that their practices are not one hundred percent in alignment with the Word of God. It just never occurs to them. And in the rare instances when it does occur to them, few are the pastors/elders/influential laymen who know how to correct the situation. And fewer still have the courage to implement that knowledge. Nobody listens to me, of course---I'm just that guy with all the odd ideas. Don't ask ken. With him, there's no such thing as a short answer. :-)

Offline Theophilus  
#9 Posted : Tuesday, August 14, 2007 6:42:04 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/5/2007(UTC)
Posts: 544

Thanks: 4 times
KP, I'm thinking it may be easier or more effective to describe the 7 miqras as a staring point. Most people are atleast vaguely familiar with Yahushua saying that He came not to destroy the Torah but to fullfill it. You said well in TOM that He can't fullfill various details of the torah even if He observed those that applied to Him. That said what did He mean?

This question can be followed with a description the timing of His advent /tabernacling with us, and more clearly the timing of His death/sacrifice on Passover, paying the penalty of sin in Sheol on the Sabath/ Unleavened Bread, presenting Himself risen on First Fruits and sending the Set-Apart Spirit to the Ekklesia on Feast of Weeks/Pentecost. I think this approach will hopefully open peoples eyes and minds to what else is significant about these dates, like Yahuweh in Leviticus saying that theses are everlasting appointments and have not in His Scriptures been done away with.

Once someone understands this perspective and the connections/patterns in Scripture I suspect that they will be better able to accept what else has not be abolished or abrogated in Scripture like the seventh day being the sabbath referenced to.

Again I think long held convictions/habbits are most effectively changed when one sees the connections (after being shown the pattern) and draw their own conclusions. So my starting question would be what did Messiyah mean when He said that he came not to abolsh the Torah but to fullfill it? What authority changed the Passover (and other fullfilled) obervances with Church holidays like Easter and Christmas? What authority abrogated the seventh day sabbath with the LORD's Day worship?

If there are pat "church answers" to these questions that might be helpful to know about and contrast with what we are speaking about as well. ;-)

Offline shohn  
#10 Posted : Tuesday, August 14, 2007 5:50:32 PM(UTC)
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Regarding sharing successful strategies, I guess I have noticed a couple of patterns that seem to work okay, but usually my objective is to just plant the seed. I feel like there are probably some questions that people have always had that are unresolved. I generally try to focus on those. Here is probably way too long of an answer to your request to share strategies.

For die hard Catholics, all I can say is be careful where you step. I know this because I was one. It is a bit of a force field and sometimes information that comes up. Most of it stems from one key word - authority. This comes from the myriad of protestant offspring and this person will likely have concluded that the RCC has a monopoly on our Father because of the indoctrination, years of tradition, and misinformation. To better understand this, it may be helpful to understand where I came from. I was in RCC school for 13 years of my life. I never bothered to pick up the Word and read it except for Revelation and a few bible studies here and there with a deacon that I was fond of. Anyway, as I started a family I became concerned from my kiddos upbringing, etc. so we started going back to church. There was deacon that I had always been a big fan of, who held bible studies, etc and would often ruffle feathers in the local diocese. He would do his homily and say that all the traditions in the RCC meant nothing if you didn't have a relationship with our Creator. This was the one point he kept trying to get across. Well one day he offered to do a study of the Prophets. He basically walked us through some of the anger spells in the Old Covenant - I was thinking man, this God is one angry dude, but then.... we got to Jeremiah 31:31 and all of a sudden a seed was planted. I will no longer remember their sin. It was the most poetic ending to a story I ever heard.

So I decided I needed to do my own Bible study. I started from the beginning, by the time I got to Yah'shua's assessment of the Pharisees I was in tears for days. Then I started to see some of the patterns, but I still had that nagging question.... what is the "one true church" and it seemed like the RCC was the only likely candidate given that there were so many differing theologies out there, and it seemed to have the longest history and in my mind at the time, and probably had much more time to study and understand everything than some of the newer churches.

After that, I started trying to "prove" to myself that the RCC had authority and then I wound up proving the opposite. Then sometime around last October I started a search for the "One True God" and the "true meaning of life", stuff like that. I realized the questions I had been asking all my life were the wrong questions. It wasn't what was the one true church, but rather Who is God?. That there was a creator, etc. I never really had a problem with, and I don't think you'll have this struggle with most RCC, but what you will have is the taking of selected verses, but never really getting into the subtle details.

Then I found myself in a Bible church as my marriage was struggling. They went over Song of Solomon in excruciating detail and I loved every minute of it. There were things in there that I never knew. Through my own efforts many parts seemed quite boring. But once that dissection of the words occurs, it just felt like a an irresistible draw.

Paint the Word in a New Light
So the question becomes, what was it that got to me? Partially our Father by allowing my marriage to hit some snags perhaps, but I also think the uncovering of Wisdom that I had never known was in the Word revealed through the analysis and uncovering of details. The key word being never known. You can read it all day long I think and it may just sound like a story, but when subtle details are presented, that make sense, that add up, well....

So how do you apply this to other RCC? Well, some of them get it I think. Some of them even call him Yahweh believe it or not, but if you can show them things that they never knew were in there.... well, that's how you breech the shield.

So how do you break the ice? Well find an interest point in the conversation... the Iraq war, History, the differences between various languages... then slowly transition into the differences in the languages behind the scriptures, and talk about some of the things you've found almost matter of factly, but not shoving it down their throat, if you do that, congratulations, you may have just helped to destroyed a soul, perhaps not culpable for it, but none the less, a scary position to be in.

Prayer / Teeny Tiny Miracles

Now there is another tactic involving just basic prayer, but I have to admit I may be getting prayers answered because of my new found faith or something. I've had what I consider many minor miracles, no parting the waters mind you, but things that just seem too "out of the blue" to be coincidence. The challenge in this area is distinguishing between coincidences and what seems to be answers to prayer. Personally, I've found that the answers to my prayers tend to line up in either a series of weird coincidences, or the timing is just impeccable. So what I do is tell the person that I'm going to pray for something, but I'm not sure if our Father will answer or not, but we'll see and you can make your own decision if you think I'm off the deep end here. For example, my brother and his wife had been wanting to have a kid for about two years, but were not having any luck. They were planning on going to fertility doctor, but hadn't quite gotten there.

I told him I'm still learning, but we'll see if our Father will place some favor here. So I said let's try to do what they did a long time ago in the scriptures. I laid my hands on him, kinda the way they write about it at least in English translations, and said a silent prayer from deep down inside somewhere. Lo and behold, he calls me up one month later (the time required for her cycle to have passed). They were with child. Now when I prayed, I basically said, I'm not trying to test you or do this for me, but if it will help spread knowledge of you, can you grant a favor with my brother here. Then when it happened, my brother started to believe. So... that is one way I guess.

Planting Seeds

Most folks I run into, believe in a God of some sort, it just seems to be common sense, but with atheists and the like, that is a whole different ball game. What I've come to realize is that all of us have our own little decision trees and the the quality of the information in that tree will be biased in a certain way depending upon a person's course through life. What I try to think of it is, what seed can I plant today, that will get watered down the road? Usually language is my angle of attack so far. So they'll make an argument is based on English translation. I'll say, umm, ohh.. you're using an English version, well no wonder... and just move on. Plant the seed. As long as I can plant the seed, I figure mission is accomplished, because otherwise you'll sit there debating all day and potentially drive them further away, as I had to learn the hard way.

Now where am I struggling, well with "Christians" that seem to understand, but are reluctant to let go of Christmas, etc. These are my family members. What I've gotten so far, is well, "don't you think that if Jesus thought that was important he would have straightened them out back then" and a serious of erroneous statements of fact based on what they were taught. This is perhaps the most frustrating.
Shohn of Texas
Offline shohn  
#11 Posted : Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:05:41 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/24/2007(UTC)
Posts: 160
Location: Texas


Also, I think?? it was you who mentioned proving that these things are true in a matter of two hours the other day... what was your recipe? I have to admit I'm still not versed enough to pull it off in two hours!

Shohn of Texas
Offline Jeff  
#12 Posted : Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:02:23 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/4/2007(UTC)
Posts: 15
Location: Naches, Washington

Shohn, I think you raise a valid point in that a person needs to make their own conclusion in order to change a long held pattern or conviction. I agree that bluntly telling someone the truth while still true may not be the most effective approach in discussing what Yahuweh's Scriptures say and leading them to accept the truth of His word. I'm open to exchanging experiences if we can each benefit in better reaching people.

So based on this quote I have a question. Can anyone point me to a single scripture where Yahuweh or Yahushua tip toed around the truth because it might make someone uncomfortable or hurt their feelings? I don't think you can because avoiding the truth in a matter or situation allows the potential recipiant of the truth to remain in bondage to the lie. The truth was sent to set us free.

Yahushua came so that we can have LIFE in abundance. That's a life free from lies and deception where we can rely on the set apart, cleansing and purifying spirit to plant the seed ahead of us and open the eyes of those that we are supposed to meet and explain the awesomeness of what and whom we have found.

If we continue to skirt the truth and rely on ourselves and our intellect to tell us instead of relying on Yahuweh and the Set Apart Spirit to tell us where to go and what to do then we haven't really come out from among them to be separate. We have just traded one religeous activity for another.

This may sound a little harsh but this is not patty cake that's going on here. It's life and death for us and for those we love.

Ask Yahuweh (DAD), he will always tell you. He will not withold from you any good thing.
Offline shohn  
#13 Posted : Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:53:13 PM(UTC)
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Posts: 160
Location: Texas


When you say guided by the spirit, can you please help me understand what that means from your point of view? Specifically, what does that mean? Can you describe it? I have a ton to learn still, and I've found very few people that like to talk about that aspect of it. There have been tons of people that have said the same thing about being guided by the spirit, even in the RCC, and plenty more that claim to have found the "true" faith, etc. so you'll have to forgive me if I sound skeptical. What I'm asking, is what makes it different for you, what is that spirit like, that gives you the ability to do what you have been suggesting, boldly approaching people and announcing (skeptic hat on) you version of the truth, without running them off?

I've found that if I'm not careful, the conversation can quickly slip into debate mode, and then rocks start getting thrown at me. I don't mind it having rocks thrown at me, but at the same time, I don't want to help send someone further over the cliff because of my own lack of knowledge or inabilities.

Which prophet was it that said something like, If I'm a man of God, then send fire down, and then the evil men were burnt up. I don't have that kind of relationship with our Father. I'd love to have Him whispering exactly what I need to say in my ear, but I'm just not there yet and I have yet to meet anyone who is beyond the occasional divine message that some say they have literally heard, but even then, it only seems to happen once in awhile and to very few people. Now, that said, I have gotten a whole host of "synchroncieties" or wacky coincidences after praying for stuff, but that's about the extent of me being guided by the spirit as far as I know.

I think Yada and kp can pull it off because of where they are at in their maturity levels with their walk and their knowledge. I'm not there yet, but as you pointed out, this is life and death, and that means time is precious. I can either sit on my hands, or do what I can with my meager abilities, so I've chosen the latter path. From what I've read Yah'shua did at least seem to tailor the message to the audience at times (e.g., Consider the lillies), but perhaps I'm missing something. It seemed like he blasted self-righteous folks, was gentle to those who were humble, and rebuked those who had been journeying with him for several years and still didn't get it, but his relationship was strong enough with them to pull it off, and they knew who He was, or at least had a strong suspicion after everything they had seen!

I also recall Paul discussing his tactics somewhere, and I hope I dont' have this wrong, but something to the effect that when among Jews, he became like them, when among... he became like the such and such, but I guess that depends on whether you think that Paul assessed his own writings as scripture. Did he ever say that, I'm not really sure to be honest?

Shohn of Texas
Offline kp  
#14 Posted : Wednesday, August 15, 2007 6:43:57 PM(UTC)
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I think it would be a good idea to take a real hard look at Yahshua's approach to different people---all of 'em "sinners"---in different situations. Yes, He never pussyfooted around when it came to the truth, but His delivery varied a great deal, depending upon the attitude of the one being addressed. To those who knew they had fallen short of Yahweh's perfect standard (Zaccheus or the woman caught in adultery, for example), His words were soft and encouraging: Your faith has saved you...Go and sin no more---that sort of thing. But to those who refused to admit their sinful state and subsequent need for a savior, those who pridefully conducted their affairs as if God's law was a game and the winner got to look down his nose at everybody else, He was harsh and confrontational---truth be told, He was downright rude.

Following His example, then, we need not candy-coat our proclamations of truth to religious hirelings, professional politicians, and other people whose goal is to wield power and influence over their fellow human beings. Sometimes a blunt instrument is the proper tool for the job. But honest seekers, even those who have been disastrously deceived and victimized by false teachers in the past, deserve to see our softer side, to hear our quiet, reasonable, and conciliatory voice. I'm not suggesting we compromise the truth, only that we deliver it with kid gloves, not an iron fist. 'Course, in order to deliver the truth at all, we need to know it ourselves. But in my experience, one new to the faith, when led by Yahweh's Spirit, can exhibit a remarkable measure of the Spirit's power. No one was ever pushed into heaven, convinced to love Yahweh, or debated into faith. Real knowledge follows faith. Without the catalyst of the Holy Spirit, knowledge is an inert substance.

Offline Jeff  
#15 Posted : Wednesday, August 15, 2007 6:51:12 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/4/2007(UTC)
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Location: Naches, Washington


I didn't think that this would be difficult at all but it is like explaining the intricacies of a butterfly to someone who has never had sight. I will start with a story.

About two years ago my four sons and I went fishing at a lake in north-central Washington state. We had been out on the water most of the day and decided to pull in and have some lunch and maybe a nap before the afternoon/evening fishing started. So my older son and I were walking toward camp when he said, "hey dad, do you see that guy over there across the parking lot? He is going to walk over here and just start talking to us as if we had been friends for years." (neither one of us had ever laid eyes on him before) Almost as if he had heard us talking he turned and headed straight toward us. He walked past probably 20 other people before he got to us. When we were together he started talking and asking questions about the day and fishing and you name it. We talked to him for over an hour before he said he had to go and walked away. My son said, "I don't know what the deal is but people do that to me all the time, I must have EASY branded on my forehead." I told him it was Yahuweh that was written on him and the spirit that shines through him and people need to be close to that light.

So I guess what I am trying to say is, it's intimate and personal and passionate. It's a relationship beyond explanation but it's more real than anything.

If you think back to your childhood and remember all of the things your mother taught you when it was just the two of you. I remember learning how to bake bread and pies and cakes and a lot of other things. I also learned how to be honest and how to treat girls. The Set Apart Spirit is your spiritual mother who lives inside you so that she can lead you and guide you into all the truth and show you things to come.

I don't usually start conversations with Yahuweh but they almost always end up there. I don't have the words in me to persuade people to see my way so I always ask Yahuweh first or even sometimes during the conversation to give me the words. None of us are so brillient that we can operate in this arena on our own.
Offline Robskiwarrior  
#16 Posted : Wednesday, August 15, 2007 11:39:38 PM(UTC)
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I know of a church who changed from sunday to saturday.

They are called Fathers House, and they are based in Mold, Wales. They do have a website, but I cant remeber what it is, and it wont google lol

They are a little obsessed with Israel, its almost like they were on the right road, but then suddenly just became unheathly obssessed with the Jewish-ness. They are a people with a great heart, but I feel they could benifit from realising they arnt ment to be Jewish...

They still say Lord, Jesus and the like - although they have "Yeshua" written on some "praise flags".

when they stood up and changed from sunday to saturday they lost most of the members, and there was alot of upset. But they are now growing!
Signature Updated! Woo that was old...
Offline shohn  
#17 Posted : Thursday, August 16, 2007 3:42:17 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/24/2007(UTC)
Posts: 160
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You told me a story about your son, not you. I asked how do you do this? What is it like? How do you feel guided when your are conversing with people on this subject, such that it would give you the ability to overcome your own lack of knowledge? Things similar but different from what your son described happen to me quite often, really weird coincidences. That is great and all, and it certainly helps after delivering a few seeds to someone's brain, but it doens't seem to help during an actual conversation.

So here you are in a conversation with someone, do you not engage in this area unless you have some kind of feeling, or is it that there is literally knowledge that you don't have in your head being poured out? Or do you say things and have no idea why you said it? Are there things being whispered in your head? Is it more like a feeling of some kind?
Shohn of Texas
Offline Theophilus  
#18 Posted : Thursday, August 16, 2007 3:56:46 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/5/2007(UTC)
Posts: 544

Thanks: 4 times
shohn wrote:

Also, I think?? it was you who mentioned proving that these things are true in a matter of two hours the other day... what was your recipe? I have to admit I'm still not versed enough to pull it off in two hours!

I'm sorry Shohn, but you may have me mistaken for someone else. I don't recall mentioning having a two hour recipe to "prove" such matters. IF someone does I'd be interested in hearing about their approach.

Edited by user Thursday, August 16, 2007 5:51:47 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline shohn  
#19 Posted : Thursday, August 16, 2007 6:13:36 AM(UTC)
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I hear ya on the knowledge is inert without the spirit. Atheists are very good at demonstrating that, I've found so many that can quote the scriptures better than 1000 people sitting in pews on Sunday, but at the same time, many times they are missing the more intuitive piece. I know I've got the bug and I hope I'm not mistaking curiosity for actual spirit, but after everything that has happened to me in this department, I feel something deep down inside, some kind of longing. When in conversations, sometimes I can "feel" the right way to reach someone, when to time it, etc. Sometimes, I'll pray for an opportunity to talk to whoever I'm conversing with about this subject, and lo and behold one will come up almost instantaenously!

But beyond receiving answers to prayers, I'm afraid that I don't really blurt things out like, "the ark of the covenant is buried there", which is what I've heard some people describe. I spoke to Yada about the spiritual gifts and he described it as being "energized" by the Word, and man do I feel that once I start reading the Word, just can't seem to get enough of it, but that is far from having the spirit guide me while I converse with people other than almost instinctive feelings I get.

Where I struggle is once the conversation has become engaged. We are now talking about spiritual matters, and I don't want to say the wrong thing so I play it by ear and just try to navigate the conversation and offer scriptural perspective depending upon what that person may not be aware of, give evidence through personal experiences, talk about science, or whatever may be a common thread between the two of us as we are speaking. Then the objective seems to vary depending upon their level of "stand offishness". The neat thing is, when planting seeds, I notice that Yahweh, will come in a bit later, and start watering, even if I did a bad job of planting sometimes! He'll come in and correct my snafus! This has happened at least a few times.

For my friends and family, It is almost like the formula in many cases is plant seed, wait for something to happen in that person's life that seemed to have been orchestrated from above, then reengage when they are more receptive. That seems to work for friends and family.

But, if I happen to find myself engaged with someone who can clearly quote the scriptures better than I can (most atheists in my experience), that is where I really struggle. I've found that talking about personal experiences seems to help the most here, but even then it can quickly turn into mockery. I've found that if I let myself become a target for mockery, that that actually reaches a couple of people. I suspect it makes them start to look around and wonder.

I liked a comment that someone said earlier, do you think that's air your breathing? Are there more things like that you guys have found effective? In the absence of knowledge, and the spirit whispering in my ear - other than raw feelings, I feel compelled to try and reach people still. I'd almost think of it as "Do you believe the scriptures are real", yes = proceed with discussion of earliest texts, no = discuss fulfilled, prophecy.

I know I'm trying to over simplify things, but I still think we could share practical tips and strategies in this area, particularly moments when you guys have been guided by the spirit.

So that was one way too long response... on another side note....

Onto another thing, so the other day, I tried to "listen" to His voice. I sat there and just tried my best to make my brain empty. I found watching the sun going down, helps me do this. I sat there for about 30 minutes - nothin in my noggin. At the end of it, a solution to an apparent scriptural question I had popped into my head. Is that the spirit, or is it just a stray thought? I've heard that fasting can help with this too, but I've yet to try that. What have you all experienced in this area?

Shohn of Texas
Offline kp  
#20 Posted : Thursday, August 16, 2007 12:17:31 PM(UTC)
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Shohn, here's a passage that may help:

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you." Matthew 10:16-20

It is my opinion that these instructions (originally given to the twelve) are primarily meant for the 144,000 witnesses who will operate during the Tribulation. But here's what I want you to notice: because they will have very little time to become "steeped in the Word" when they're sealed and put to their task (remember, these folks have missed the rapture!) they will find themselves in very much the same situation you're in---being compelled to witness, but having very little formal training. The message is clear: follow your calling. Yahweh's Spirit will guide you, and tell you what to say when the time comes. There is no magic formula except for this: Trust Yahweh.

Offline shohn  
#21 Posted : Thursday, August 16, 2007 1:36:55 PM(UTC)
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That helped believe it or not. Thanks so much for sharing that with me!
Shohn of Texas
Offline Jeff  
#22 Posted : Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:16:05 PM(UTC)
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Yahuweh and Yahushua and the Set Apart Spirit are all one so being guided by the spirit is being guided by Yahuweh.

How it works for me is this; In the morning when I get up I ask my dad (Yahuweh) to lead me to someone who needs to know Him and who He has prepared. Then I go about my business. As the day unfolds people will come to me and strike up conversations that will inveriably turn to Yahuweh. When this happens I just relax and let Yahuweh do the driving because He knows where He wants to go with each person. He gives me words and scriptures that apply to each person so that His purpose is accomplished.

All of us who started out as christians have been taught that we need to be doing something for God so we think we need to drive. We really need to learn to trust Yahuweh as we would our closest friend, or even more, tune our spiritual ear to the Set Apart Spirit and sit back and enjoy the ride.
Offline shohn  
#23 Posted : Friday, August 17, 2007 8:43:06 AM(UTC)
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Thanks for sharing that insight with me. Obviously, I was getting worried that I'm just a loose cannon, but what you have described sounds very similar to what I've experienced.

Thanks once again,

Shohn of Texas
Offline kp  
#24 Posted : Saturday, August 18, 2007 4:58:02 AM(UTC)
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What is a loose cannon, anyway? It's simply one that's following a different "Law" than the men who wish to control it, the law of gravity or momentum---you know, stuff Isaac Newton would have been familiar with. It's no different with us. Most people think the laws of the land or the laws of polite society trump all, but we believers know and respond to a higher Law---the indwelling Spirit of God. The sailors we "cannons" encounter as we roam the deck think we're out of control, but it's not true. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, right? We're simply being acted upon by a different agent than they are.

Offline Robskiwarrior  
#25 Posted : Saturday, August 18, 2007 8:09:49 AM(UTC)
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Jeff wrote:

Yahuweh and Yahushua and the Set Apart Spirit are all one so being guided by the spirit is being guided by Yahuweh.

How it works for me is this; In the morning when I get up I ask my dad (Yahuweh) to lead me to someone who needs to know Him and who He has prepared. Then I go about my business. As the day unfolds people will come to me and strike up conversations that will inveriably turn to Yahuweh. When this happens I just relax and let Yahuweh do the driving because He knows where He wants to go with each person. He gives me words and scriptures that apply to each person so that His purpose is accomplished.

All of us who started out as christians have been taught that we need to be doing something for God so we think we need to drive. We really need to learn to trust Yahuweh as we would our closest friend, or even more, tune our spiritual ear to the Set Apart Spirit and sit back and enjoy the ride.

I would just like to second that :)

you can stratergise all you want about how best to do a "mission" or "out reach" - Yahweh wants us to be His clay pot that he can pour out. Alowing the potter to make the pot is the hardest part, but once we are able to hold His glory... Yahweh does the work, you are the willing mode of transport! Partnership is key, and that comes through relationship... and relationship I have found, is helped along by obediance.

Being not doing, has always been something that Christians promote yet we seem to have been taught that we are the office cleaner trying to make our way up the corporate heavenly ladder, when really Yahweh gives us 50% of His business free. In that 50% comes your share of workload, but if you are giving your 50% he will always give His... and thats the best way for a partnership to be :) A working partnetship is an equal yoke, and the we all know His yoke is light.

I hope that made sense... :)
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Offline Joseph  
#26 Posted : Sunday, August 19, 2007 8:05:20 AM(UTC)
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I feel a lot like shohn does; I am new and I am anxious to contribute but more often than not, my witness turns out clumsy. The last thing I want to do is turn those who don't yet have the truth away from it. I pray for wisdom every day and I find that when I get in trouble most is when I am trying to be over-persuasive; forceful. I have faith that as I grow in Him, I will also grow in being attuned to letting the Spirit work through me instead of me blocking the process. In the meantime - and this is my main concern - I feel that I let many opportunities to witness go by me in the fear that I will come across wrong. Ultimately faith, trust and time - as well as looking for opportunities to give my witness an opportunity to "work out" so it can become stronger - is the recipe I try to follow
Offline shohn  
#27 Posted : Sunday, August 19, 2007 4:42:59 PM(UTC)
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I thought I would share this with you all.

My wife was struggling in her understanding of why exactly we needed to give up on Christmas, etc.; however, this weekend I found the passage in Ezekiel, also referenced in Future History, about women weeping over Tazmuz (spelling?). I was reading it from a "Life Application Study Bible". In the foot note, it made reference to this being associated with Ishter. Without knowing that Easter = Ishter nor her or I would have made the connection previously, but it seems that those writing the foot notes would have known.

It was right there staring us in the face even in what is presumably a fairly common English bible. This begged the question - if the guys translating it knew this, then why is it not communicated in church on Sunday, etc. All of a sudden she seemed to understand why this has become so important to me - I gathered that sinking feeling of understanding from her. Previously, she was going along with this - supporting the decision, and kind of understood, but thought that the reaction might have been a bit harsh (no x-mas.). After seeing it right there in front of her it seemed to strike a chord somewhere inside.

I had previously been struggling to explain this to her folks, but now she feels compelled to tell them herself instead of pointing at me the "loose cannon". Don't get me wrong, she expected that all of this was probably right and thus was supporting the decisions in this area; however, didn't quite "get it". With any luck, my wife will be able to go to her parents with this information and hopefully it will sink in with them as well.

Say some prayers folks and maybe one more family can start to come out of Babylon!
Shohn of Texas
Offline Robskiwarrior  
#28 Posted : Monday, August 20, 2007 12:28:26 AM(UTC)
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shohn wrote:
I thought I would share this with you all.

My wife was struggling in her understanding of why exactly we needed to give up on Christmas, etc.; however, this weekend I found the passage in Ezekiel, also referenced in Future History, about women weeping over Tazmuz (spelling?). I was reading it from a "Life Application Study Bible". In the foot note, it made reference to this being associated with Ishter. Without knowing that Easter = Ishter nor her or I would have made the connection previously, but it seems that those writing the foot notes would have known.

It was right there staring us in the face even in what is presumably a fairly common English bible. This begged the question - if the guys translating it knew this, then why is it not communicated in church on Sunday, etc. All of a sudden she seemed to understand why this has become so important to me - I gathered that sinking feeling of understanding from her. Previously, she was going along with this - supporting the decision, and kind of understood, but thought that the reaction might have been a bit harsh (no x-mas.). After seeing it right there in front of her it seemed to strike a chord somewhere inside.

I had previously been struggling to explain this to her folks, but now she feels compelled to tell them herself instead of pointing at me the "loose cannon". Don't get me wrong, she expected that all of this was probably right and thus was supporting the decisions in this area; however, didn't quite "get it". With any luck, my wife will be able to go to her parents with this information and hopefully it will sink in with them as well.

Say some prayers folks and maybe one more family can start to come out of Babylon!

coool :)

Thanks for sharing dude - that is a familier story from my side :)
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Offline Jeff  
#29 Posted : Monday, August 20, 2007 7:03:54 PM(UTC)
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shohn wrote:

Onto another thing, so the other day, I tried to "listen" to His voice. I sat there and just tried my best to make my brain empty. I found watching the sun going down, helps me do this. I sat there for about 30 minutes - nothin in my noggin. At the end of it, a solution to an apparent scriptural question I had popped into my head. Is that the spirit, or is it just a stray thought? I've heard that fasting can help with this too, but I've yet to try that. What have you all experienced in this area?


you might try just a simple conversation with Yahuweh. That's what I've found works best for me. I finally stumbled over the fact that there is no relationship without conversation, there is no intimacy without conversation and there is not one question answered without conversation. He wants to be treated like your dad, who by the knows everything and is very willing to share. I think, and this is strictly my opinion, that Yahuweh want us all to give up our old religeous way of considering Him and start thinking of Him as our father and start seeking Him out in the garden in the cool of the day. Who knows there may be a species out there that hasn't been named yet...Adam.
Offline shohn  
#30 Posted : Tuesday, August 21, 2007 7:40:47 AM(UTC)
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I do that quite often, but I guess what I look for is the "two way" dialogue. Now don't get me wrong, I've seen way too many wacky coincindences that just seem to have no other explanation that he's trying to tell me something, but at the same time I feel like a lot of the times I do all the talking, so I try to just sit there and just shut up and see if he'll pop something into my head hoping usually for something I would have had no reason to think up by myself that way I have some assurance that it is Him and not me. I'm just wanting to be careful, because I've never heard voices or anything like that, but it just seems like the prophets must have fasted, wore sack cloth, etc. for a purpose - to better take their mind off this world. Further, it seems like scripture warns about this sort of thing somewhere. Basically don't go around saying or claiming to hear our Father if you don't, because if you do hear his voice, you will know it for sure.

Think of John the Baptist maybe. So here he is out in the middle of nowhere for awhile, no human role model to speak of, and it seems like he just came up with all that stuff by himself. Revelation somehow. Now it hasn't been shown to me that my path is to start popping june bugs and locusts - I'm okay with that. What I seek is the two way dialogue, but I know I'll probably never have what John the Baptist had by any stretch of the means since he had a very specific purpose; however, I still want to work on the two way dialogue.

What I've got so far is the following:

Seeming "Revelations" after meditation, but could just as easily labeled random thoughts.
Once in a blue moon my wife will get a dream related to something I prayed about.
Other coincidences that relate to recent prayers
Prayers answered with impeccable timing
New insights in scripture (Eureka moments)
Some kind of "feeling" not quite like the conscience that guides my conversations
A "gut" feeling that seems to tell me whether something is rightt or wrong about our God, but that could be just cultural bias after years of what I've been taught (e.g, God = Love is a big one). Many times my gut feelings seem to go against what I know of scripture and I don't know why so I spend weeks proving myself wrong and still don't think I've arrived at a satisfactory answer at times. It seems to be easier when I just sit there and shut up, and a solution will pop into my head after awhile or some kind of coincidence will happen.

So many people say they are guided by the spirit, then you've got all manner of folks trying to speak in tongues, faith healers (real or unreal -I'm not sure), stiggmata stuff, group prayers that result in medical miracles, etc. I've had people who have never even picked up a bible and believe it is a hoax tell me about some of the things they've experienced, particularly things related to those who have passed, wacky coincidences, that just seemed too "orchestrated" for it to be chance. Sadly it's the old, yeah I believe in God, but not the God of Israel

Your son knowing that that man was going to come talk to you, that felt real. He couldn't have made that up himself. I've heard of that happening to a couple of other folks and I know one person in particular who says she has actually seen one vision of Him and has reliably predicted the future to me several times. Do I need miracles to be convinced, nah, I'm good there, but I think it helps to hear about what others have experienced just as a basis for comparison.
Shohn of Texas
Offline Jeff  
#31 Posted : Tuesday, August 21, 2007 7:25:07 PM(UTC)
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I have to express two points to you.

1. I have never heard the audible voice of Yahuweh as far as I know. That doesn't keep me from believing that He speaks directly to me when I speak directly to Him. I knpw for certain that He does.

2. I do not believe there is such a thing as coincidence. Coincidence is a deception of the "church" to keep the people confused and bewildered. We are called to come out from among them and be separate.
Offline Jeff  
#32 Posted : Tuesday, August 21, 2007 7:32:26 PM(UTC)
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I have to express two points to you.

1. I have never heard the audible voice of Yahuweh as far as I know. That doesn't keep me from believing that He speaks directly to me when I speak directly to Him. I knpw for certain that He does.

2. I do not believe there is such a thing as coincidence. Coincidence is a deception of the "church" to keep the people confused and bewildered. We are called to come out from among them and be separate.

As an added note, John "the Baptizer" didn't have something that you do. He lived and walked and ministered before Pentacost when the Set Apart Soirit came to make her abode with us as believers. It may seem like a small thing or a case of semantics, but it is probably one of the biggest things there is for those who believe.
Offline shohn  
#33 Posted : Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:14:13 PM(UTC)
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Thanks Jeff. I take it that you have had similar experiences then. Also, you migjt want to get that h key repaired :)
Shohn of Texas
Offline shalom82  
#34 Posted : Tuesday, September 11, 2007 1:37:15 PM(UTC)
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You are absolutely correct when you say that there are many messianic congregations that worry way too much about being "Jewish". You can see that at


When I read this I was absolutely sick.
I completely admit most of them scream "HEY!!!!, WE'RE JEWISH!!!!, and we believe in yeshua...
But, I will say that there are many many wonderful messianic congregations out in the world that have and absolute fire for Yahuweh. They may not be 100 percent correct, but they get as close as any established congregations I have ever seen.

I would say that the unaffiliated congregations (those that are not affiliated with UMJC, IMJB...and so on and so forth) seem to be the best. So that's my advice to everyone out there....if you want to find fellowship you may have only two options. Start your own house congregation or find an unaffiliated messianic congregation.

graftedin.com is a very good one. It is the congregation of Kehilat T'nuvah. They do sparingly use the name of Yahuweh, and their messages can be wonderful. They just did a big series on their Torah talk show about their revulsion towards the idea of rabbinicly sanctioned conversions for gentile believers, which I found to be so heartening. They offer full participation of all believers whether Jew or Gentile in the congregation. They aren't perfect...but then again...nobody is.
YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline Matthew  
#35 Posted : Wednesday, October 31, 2007 7:10:16 AM(UTC)
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Concerning witnessing in the earlier posts:

I might not be a gifted evangelist, I have little fear in reaching out to non-believers and I find it much easier to reach out to believers through the common grounding of being a believer in God. Since I'm relatively new to Messianic belief I prefer to make sure there is good fruit in my life, and that my example is relatively sure and my understanding is good, before I start witnessing. I don't want to bring any shame to Yahweh. However, I enjoy reaching out to my fellow Christian brothers.

You see, I was brought up in a little church in South Africa who were very influenced by the Morning Star Ministries of the US, and especially the books written by the leading pastor of MS Ministries. I must say I was taken for the ride when I heard about them but I also questioned why there was such tremendous focus on the New Covenant and a complete ignoring of the Torah. I believe I must have asked Yahweh sometime to give me understanding of His Law, or at least let me know the absolute Truth as I always had a desire to understand the Torah. The passage that really got me in my early Christian walk was the "do not make a tattoo or cutting on your flesh," because I saw my one Christian friend get a tattoo and this always got me questioning the Torah, "well if the Torah said it, and this tattoo law is very valid because the body is the temple of the Set-Apart Spirit, then why not understand and keep all of the Torah?"

I've learned never to Bible bash but instead to approach using one's head, the brain given to me by Him. I like 1 Corinthians 9:19-22: "For though I am free from all, I made myself a servant all, in order to win more, and to the Jehudim I became as a Yehudite, that I might win Yehudim; to those who are under Torah, as under Torah, so as to win those who are under Torah; to those without the Torah, as without Torah - not being without Torah toward Elohim, but under Torah of Messiah - so as to win those who are without Torah. To the weak I became as weak, so as to win the weak. To all men I have become all, so as to save some, by all means" (ISR) So I always try to open the Torah for my friends by understanding them first. One "technique" is showing what the spiritual meaning of a verse is, for example showing the prophetic symbolism behind Deuteronomy 15:1-3 instead of just taking the verse at face value. This hopefully gets them asking questions concerning the deeper meaning behind the rest of the laws. I find it wrong to bash the teachings of the ministers who influence them as this just makes their hearts harder. I could for instance mention the many false prophecies that the MS Ministries leading prophets have prophesied, such as the numerous earthquakes they have predicted not coming to pass. But I find this doesn't do the trick. As it's best that they find out for themselves their pastors are being mislead, because I believe they are mature enough to come to the same conclusion. However, each person is different. Because they are "prophetically" inclined because they follow the teachings of the MS Ministries I'm in the process of sharing Future History with them, I'm gonna burn the books (all of them) to CD and share it with them (Internet is still mainly dial-up in South Africa), and hopefully it will strike the right cord, just like FH did for me. I must say, I haven't read YY yet, only bits and pieces, as I'm currently reading TOM.

I've also noticed since coming the "Messianic" belief that there are many factions within it, great examples are the teachings of circumcision and the rapture. I visited two online Sabbath meetings this past Sabbath, and I must say that I wasn't terribly convinced by one of them. I find for me it's best to keep the focus on my relationship with my Father before running off to find others. And I'm always questioning...
Offline CK  
#36 Posted : Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:44:48 AM(UTC)
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Re. witnessing: You have the heart of a Berean. May Yah bless you!

Offline bitnet  
#37 Posted : Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:47:43 PM(UTC)
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KP, perhaps the best chance for finding a Christian congregation that keeps the Sabbaths would be an offshoot of the Worldwide Church of God -- the Living Church of God. Having said that, it actually started out with the knowledge of the Sabbaths. The current leader and his group left WCG because they felt that the Truth as they know it from Scriptures was being compromised by the current leadership which wanted integration and recognition from mainstream Christianity. They did not tolerate the dilution of the Sabbaths and other important fundamentals. How much will they change? Perhaps if they knew the real names of the Eternal and His implement of salvation, all they have to do is change the critical names and they would be so much closer to Yahweh. Are there other offshoots of WCG? Perhaps, but that's the closest corporate setting ripe for change that I can think of at the moment.

As for personal testimony and sharing, it is a hard call as we have to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. The apostle Paul's approach is the best... be all things to all men... within limits! Don't be a drunkard just because you choose to preach in pubs! :-)
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
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