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Offline James  
#1 Posted : Wednesday, October 31, 2007 6:24:22 AM(UTC)
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My friend brought up and interesting point, well acctully he brought up a question and in the course of discussing it we both came to this.

The discussion begain when he pointed out, Messiah paid the price for all mans sins, and the price for mans sins was eternity in hell, but Messiah didn't spend an eternity in hell only 3 days.

My first respons was that time in hell might not be the same as time to us, and the concept of eternity to one outside of time is not the same as for us. I.E. the Messiah can exisist outside time, so eternity being a time concept is irrelivant, as a being outside of time could spend and eternity doing one thing, and then return to the point he started. While this seemed to make sense, not sure it does now that I writeit, it didn't satisfy us.

I then thought on it and realized, 1) Messiah didn't go the hell, he decended to the depths of Sheol. 2) The punishment for the sins of man is not eternity in hell, but eternal seperation from Yah, either death of soul or hell for the immortal souls.

After showing him the scriptual evidence for this we both asked, "If the punishment for sin is eteranl seperation, then again how is the Messiah spending 3 days seperated from Yah paying the price for mans sins." I'm sure there is an eassy answer to this, and I am just missing it, but thought I would throw it out to the fourm.

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline rs  
#2 Posted : Wednesday, October 31, 2007 7:45:52 AM(UTC)
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There are many aspects to the sacrifical atonement made by Yahshua, not just the descent into Sheol. My take on it is that when you are in the place of separation, time stands still, so you experience eternity. So Yahshua experienced the feeling of eternal separation; of being forsaken. He was then raised on the 3rd day to confirm the promise of eternal life.
Offline James  
#3 Posted : Wednesday, October 31, 2007 7:56:12 AM(UTC)
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Thats what I was trying to say in my first respons, but I think my thoughts got ahead of my words, and I didn't convey them very well. I'm not a great wordsmith.

But I agree with you say RS.

Edited by user Wednesday, October 31, 2007 9:31:26 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Icy  
#4 Posted : Wednesday, October 31, 2007 9:57:06 AM(UTC)
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What verse says that the price of man's sins is eternity? I couldn't find it.
Offline James  
#5 Posted : Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:20:41 AM(UTC)
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It's not really a verse in particular, more an extrapolation.

A single sin separates us from Yahweh, with out atonement for that sin our separation from him is eternal. Rather we our conscious for that eternity, or our souls are put to death is up to us, but with out our sins being forgiven we can not enter Yahweh’s presence.

Therfore the price for man's sin is eternal seperation from Yahweh, our is my logic flawed, cause I've been wrong before, probably will be wrong again.
Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Icy  
#6 Posted : Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:24:15 AM(UTC)
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That makes sense.

If it were a verse, I wanted to look at the Hebrew or Greek and see if the word actually meant eternity, or just a really long time. But your logic seems sound to me.
Offline Matthew  
#7 Posted : Wednesday, March 5, 2008 1:01:40 PM(UTC)
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YY - Book 1 - Genesis - Chapter 1 - Hayah - Yada wrote:
"You return and restore (shuwb - come back to change and renew, transforming) mortal humankind (‘enowsh) forever (‘ad - eternally) from being crushed, diminished, and destroyed (dakka’ - from being reduced to nothingness by grinding and pressing minute natural and material particles into annihilation; a state of despondency pertaining to emotional grieving as the result of sin), and say (‘amar - think, instruct, declare, and promise): ‘Return, be changed and restored (shuwb - turn around, be renewed and transformed, establish spiritual relations, repaired, and refreshed) children (ben - sons and offspring, descendants; from banah, meaning those who build a home and family, who are restored and established) of Adam/man (‘adam - the name of the first man with a nesamah/conscience).’" (Psalm 90:3) Mortal men must be restored in order to keep from returning to the dust from which we came.

While we turned to this passage for the unit of measure needed to unlock the prophetic implications of the Genesis one timeline, the journey into this Psalm has been priceless. Here God reveals that His plan is to "restore and renew mortal man." And to that purpose He "calls us to return to Him, to change our ways, and thus to be "transformed and established," "eternally kept from being annihilated." This is the embodiment of Yowm Kippurym, of the Day of Reconciliations, where God summons us to come to Him, warning those who don’t, that their souls will be destroyed.

Over the course of three verses, there have been three words for "man." The first was ‘iysh/individual, which was used in reference to Moshe being a "man of God." The second, ‘enowsh, represented "mortal humankind" on the precipice of annihilation or eternal existence. Third we found ‘adam, representing the descendants of the first man with a nesamah/conscience, the unique ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Without transformation, the ‘enowsh/mortals are returned to dust. They are diminished with some being destroyed and others rendered to a state of despondency over sin. The sons of Adam, however, who respond to God’s call, choosing to change and to be restored, are able to establish eternal spiritual relations with Yahweh.

YY - Book 3 - Going Astray - Chapter 8 - Ruach - Yada wrote:
First we learn that after creating light, matter, plants and animal life, "God said, ‘Let us make (‘asah - construct and complete with a distinct purpose and goal) man (adam) in our image (selem - likeness, as a shadow or drawing), after our likeness (demut - as a simile, something comparable)... So God created man in His image (selem - likeness, as a shadow or drawing)." (Genesis 1:26-7) Then in 2:7, "And Yahuweh, God (elohiym), formed (yasar - fashioned, shaped, devised, created, and molded) man (adam - a male human) of the dust (‘apar - loose dirt) of the ground (adamah - earth or clay) and breathed (nepesh) into his [Adam’s] nostrils the nesalmah of life (chayah - living things), and man became (hayah - to exist, the root of Yahuweh’s name) a living (chayah) soul (nepesh)." Therefore, Adam was created as a diminished simile of God in the way our shadow, a picture of us, or our mirror image is comparable to us but with one less dimension (two versus three). Man with his soul or consciousness is alive - but he is born mortal. Without the Spirit we all die. Adam was given a soul, not a spirit. To enjoy eternal life, even Adam had to choose to rely upon Yahuweh.

But, Yahuweh did give Adam a nesalmah - the very implement he would use to know God in His soon to be fallen state. The nesalmah provided Adam with a conscience, the implement of discernment and choice. It enabled Adam, as it does us, to be born anew from above in Yahuweh’s Spirit, to know right from wrong, Yahuweh from the Adversary.

Yahuweh is at least four dimensional - that is to say He is eternal in time and can maneuver in time. As we have discovered this is the essence of His nature and the impetus of prophecy. When we are born from above with by the Spirit/Ruach, we join Him in the fourth dimension and become eternal, too.

Just having a soul/nepesh isn’t sufficient. They are common commodities: "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creeps upon the earth who go forward and prosper is (asher) the soul of life (nepesh chayah)." (Genesis 1:30) They go from dust to dust: "You return (sub - go back to, change back into, withdraw to return) unto the ground (adamah - dirt, earth, or clay), for out of it you were taken. For dust (apar - loose dirt) you are and unto dust shall you return." (Genesis 3:19) Without Yahuweh’s Spirit, life is short and ignominious.

There are three types of people. The first are born anew from above in Yahuweh’s Spirit in accordance with the instructions provided in Hosea and John. They are made perfect from God’s perspective and will enjoy the gift of eternal life with Yahweh. Their ultimate fate is the new heaven and earth and its capital, the New Jerusalem.

The second group of souls are the most numerous. They are those who are only born once, and of water, of the flesh, and of the desires of men and women. Yahuweh does not know them and they do not know God. It is as if they were still born. Since all men and women ultimately violate Yahweh’s moral and spiritual code, and since none of these souls, by definition, have availed themselves of the Redeemer, when they die their souls are destroyed. They were born of the dust of the earth and to dust they shall return.

The third group is an entirely different genus of fish. They are those who are born of poisonous snakes, Satan’s demons, the spirit from below. They are the self-absorbed, self-reliant, self-promoting hypocritical writers, teachers, politicians, and religious clerics actively engaged in shav’ - deception and destruction leading to desolation. Having yoked their souls to the fallen angels, they have made themselves like God, immortal, but unlike God in righteousness, and thus they are separated. They, like Satan’s demons, will suffer the anguish and sorrow of eternal torment in the Abyss.

The verses that get me are the ones that say from dust we came and to dust we shall return. In others words I understand it as from nothingness we came and to nothingness we shall return, well for those who do not form a relationship and trust Yahweh for their salvation. We didn't know existence before and if we don't accept the gift of eternal salvation then the default location is not knowing existence again.

What it meant in the posts by "eternal seperation?" Are you guys saying that a person is in state of being aware of being eternally separated or that of having the soul annihilated and then being eternally separated in terms of never knowing existence again?

What did Yahushua actually do, He descended into Sheol, and then what? Was He subjected to judgment, found not guilty, then was raised up?

What about those in Paradise at the time? He freed them too, are they are now in the presence of the Father? What is the order of the resurrections: those dying before His resurrection, those afterwards but before the Rapture, after the Rapture, and during the Millennium? From my understanding those that died afterwards are currently asleep and will be raised when the trumpet sounds and will meet those caught up in the air, but I'm not really sure.


After reading the topic again I realised I answered my first question, you guys are discussing eternal separation in terms of both being annihilated or being eternally tormented.

I've further quoted two paragraphs from YY:

YY - Book 6 - God Damn Religion - Chapter 1 - Krima - Yada wrote:
Yahuweh selects His words with precision: "Many who sleep in the dust of the ground shall awaken." That means that many will not awaken. Most souls will go from death to extinction with only a brief examination along the way. Some will awaken to everlasting life. Others will awaken to "everlasting abhorrence, contempt, repulsion, and aversion." You notice, God didn't say "torment, torture, or burning." He was only speaking of eternal separation. Further, Yahuweh is as nondescript in His portrait of separation as He is His picture of paradise. It is sufficient that we know that one is with Him and the other is not with Him.

What happens to those who will be annihilated, will they at least awaken to realise that Yahuweh does actually exist? Yada has said they will have a brief examination along the way, but will they be awake during this time, realising what is happening?

YY - Book 6 - God Damn Religion - Chapter 1 - Krima - Yada wrote:
Many believers are confused as to how Yahshua could both be with the saved criminal in Paradise and descend into Hades to pay for our sins at the same time. Rest assured, we will cover this in great detail in the Yahushua chapter. Psalm 22 depicts what occurred on Mount Moriah's pole. It explains how God could suffer for our sins and be with the anointed sinner all at the same time. And it reveals why, at the final moment, Yahushua's cried out, "My God why have you forsaken Me?" The answer is: His Spirit went to heaven while His soul went to hell.

The last sentence of the above passage bugs me, it tells me the answer of His soul going to hell while His Spirit to heaven, but it leaves me wanting to know more. What happened with His soul in hell, it His soul there for eternity in our place, or did His soul go there to be judged in our place, but found not guilty so hell could not hold its reigns on Him and He then was raised up? Yada also mentions the "Yahushua Chapter" but I can't find a chapter with that exact name.

Edited by user Thursday, March 6, 2008 8:23:01 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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