KM, your ignorance gives me a head ache. You should know that everyone here has heard your point of view before, we have all had it forced down our throats our entire life, and we have all examined it and rejected it. So if your goal is just to state your point of view, the same old tired religious BS we have all heard, then leave. If you are interested in dialoging, then read the books this forum is linked to, educate yourself on what our perspective is, and what our reasoning for that perspective is, then challenge us.
KM wrote: God is a Spirit and He created man in His image.... got anything proving God is not a Spirit and He did not replicate Himself when He created mankind....???
God it Spirit that is correct. BUT, he did not say he created man identical to Him, the text says that he created man in His image and His likeness. The Nesamah is what makes us in God’s likeness, and in His image. It is the one thing that separates us from animals. How we use that nesamah determines if we will become even more like Yahowah and be born of His Spirit.
KM wrote: If this is true...then you also along with this claim that Jesus was wrong in commanding the Great Commission to go out and preach the gospel, right?
Well aside from the fact that there was no one named Jesus that lived in the first century, His name was Yahowsha (there was no J in ANY language of the time especially Hebrew). And there is no gospel, the word used is Euangellion, the healing and beneficial message.
But those glaring mistakes aside, nothing in the quote you cited of mine would even come close to suggesting that I don’t think that Yahowsha told us to go and spread and teach the healing and beneficial message. The difference is I don’t think God wants us to scare people into a relationship with Him. The healing and beneficial message that we are to spread is the Towrah, and its fulfillment. We are to teach this message so that people will come to Know Yahowah. The church and religious types love heaven and hell because they are all about converts, and it doesn’t matter why someone converts just that they do, and hell makes one heck of stick to threaten people with. God is not interested in people that only come to Him to avoid hell, what kind of relationship is that. He is interested in close, personal, familial relationships, and you can’t get that with the carrot and stick of heaven and hell.
KM wrote:This mean you reject His teachings on this point...I mean, if those that aren't born-again are just going to cease to exist, then why would Jesus make a stupid command to go out and tell everyone Salvation thru Jesus is available???
Well one it wasn’t a commandment, but how does the fact that they aren’t going to hell make bringing people to God moot. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Christians look at God in such negative terms, I just can’t understand it. God wants us to spread the message so that His family would grow, not because He wants to keep people out of hell.
Stop and think for a minute, turn your religious mind off for ten seconds and think about this. If everyone who is not born again, to use your term (born from above is Yah’s) then that means that by default everyone goes to hell. Do you not realize that a God that says love me or be tortured for eternity in hell is sadistic? According to your logic a baby that dies at 2wks old is burning in hell because it wasn’t born again. The fact of the matter is the heaven/hell paradigm is coercion, it’s a carrot and stick approach. For Free will to exist the third option is necessary.
KM wrote:Sure makes Jesus look like a complete idiot!
No it makes you look like ignorant.
KM wrote: So, why doesn't God address this in scripture??? There needs to be at least 2 to 3 places in scripture that back this up...
It’s backed up throughout Scripture if you read it with an open mind, and not a religious mind. The problem is you have been conditioned to think in religious terms so much that you overlook the glaring mistakes in your theology. Volumes are dedicated to this topic in the books, and on the forum, I am not going to reproduce it here.
KM wrote: And, how do you discount what Jesus said.... "And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature....He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16:15,16)
Take a look at what was written in the original language that this was written in and you will find that your religious view is not supported. The Greek word mistranslated damned here actually means separated. Thanks for pointing out a perfect reason we shouldn’t trust English translations.
KM wrote: I mean, you guys accept the sayings of Jesus Christ, right?
Or was He somehow mistaken when He said this???
We trust Yahowsha Ha Ma’esayah, in so far as what we read has been translated properly, and transmitted properly.
Have you ever taken the time to study the transmission of the “New Testament” text? If you were to spend 2 hours studying this you would understand that no one in the first century viewed it as Scripture, and therefore felt fine editing it as they saw fit, to harmonize the different account, to make accounts more complete, etc. There entire sections you will find in your English translation that aren’t in any manuscript prior to the 4th and 5th century, and the manuscripts suggest that they were never there.
To compound that you have to take in to account that Yahowsha did not speak Greek, he spoke Hebrew and Aramaic. So since the only early text we have of what he said is in Greek, we are already dealing with a translation of what he said, and no language translates word for word from one language to another. So your English translation is 4 to 5 languages removed from what he actually said.
KM wrote: This is a straight up statement about non-believers being dammed...God only provided one option for satan, his angels, and men who are under his authority refusing to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ, aka children of disobedience.
It’s only straight forward because it was translated by religious individuals who were trying to confirm their ideas. When it is translated properly, as separated, then it does not confirm the religious view.
Again your view makes God sadistic. Not to mention under your view Hitler, his victims and Muhammad all share the same fate.
KM wrote: And...if a person doesn't accept your "three option" doctrine...does that mean they themselves will go to hell, or otherwise not live with God throughout eternity???
No, one must earn the penalty of hell, it is not an automatic. For there to be free will there must be the ability to make a choice without fear of punishment. God does not punish those who do not accept His covenant, but He also does not force them into it. I don’t know why this idea is so hard for religious people to accept.
KM wrote: You guys act like this doctrine is salvation critical and MUST be accepted, or you won't spend eternity with God or something.
Is this your position???
No it is not my position; you don’t know our position because you have not bothered to take the time to read anything at this website before engaging.
The reason we stress this point, by the way it is not the only thing we talk about, this thread is dedicated to it but there is much more here than this, but the reason we stress it is because the Christian religious view of this drives thinking people away from Yahowah. Speaking as a former agnostic this was one of the biggest issues that kept me away. I could not accept it because it is an unjust system, and the system a sadistic god. Many many people have reject Scripture because the religious promote this view, which is not God’s view of it.
The problem is the religious read Scripture with the preconceived notions of their religion, rather than reading Scripture and letting it shape your understanding.