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Offline MadDog  
#1 Posted : Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:14:50 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/19/2009(UTC)
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I went back to the Messianic "church" today to try and celebrate Taruwah. Since, as far as I know, I am the only one who tries to follow YY in my area without mixing paganism with fellowship. I thought that I could follow the Messianic's in this instance and join in fellowship despite it's pagan flaws.

I was wrong. I quickly realized why I left that messianic "church" and all religion in the first place.

I refuse to give any more power or credibility to any religion.

On the one hand, I understand that a lot of the messianics have a sincere desire to follow Yahweh, but like the Catholics they anchor themselves in Christianity.

On the other hand, I was disgusted for convincing myself that it would be alright to attend just for the feasts, and could be relieved to have some fellowship because I have none other than YY forum and chat room. But I was wrong.

In a lot of ways I feel lost in this world, but I've also found the path I've been looking for my entire life.

Please feel free to merge this post where ever it's appropriate.
Offline FredSnell  
#2 Posted : Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:31:36 AM(UTC)
Joined: 1/29/2011(UTC)
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MadDog...chk your pm!
Offline VinceB.  
#3 Posted : Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:45:43 AM(UTC)
Joined: 12/2/2010(UTC)
Posts: 228

MadDog wrote:
I went back to the Messianic "church" today to try and celebrate Taruwah. Since, as far as I know, I am the only one who tries to follow YY in my area without mixing paganism with fellowship. I thought that I could follow the Messianic's in this instance and join in fellowship despite it's pagan flaws.

I was wrong. I quickly realized why I left that messianic "church" and all religion in the first place.

I refuse to give any more power or credibility to any religion.

On the one hand, I understand that a lot of the messianics have a sincere desire to follow Yahweh, but like the Catholics they anchor themselves in Christianity.

On the other hand, I was disgusted for convincing myself that it would be alright to attend just for the feasts, and could be relieved to have some fellowship because I have none other than YY forum and chat room. But I was wrong.

In a lot of ways I feel lost in this world, but I've also found the path I've been looking for my entire life.

Please feel free to merge this post where ever it's appropriate.

maddog, that's interesting - thanks for the affirmation; Yada just covered that on BTR yesterday via Psalms 1:1-4 with the definition of 'amad - to take one's stand, stand, abide, attend, endure & moshab - sit,a seat, assembly, dwell, dwelling place, settle, settlement, inhabit, communing, household...

BTW, is it me, or is the BTR, and what's shared there getting better and better? Our Mom's got to be enveloping and empowering Yada's eyes of binah/understanding and knowing/yada...
Offline FredSnell  
#4 Posted : Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:03:46 AM(UTC)
Joined: 1/29/2011(UTC)
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VinceB. wrote:
BTW, is it me, or is the BTR, and what's shared there getting better and better? Our Mom's got to be enveloping and empowering Yada's eyes of binah/understanding and knowing/yada...

I was talking with a person on the phone that's a member of this forum the other day, and he mentioned that he feels this message within 5yrs is going to be getting out to many, and changing perspectives around the world.
Offline VinceB.  
#5 Posted : Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:27:12 AM(UTC)
Joined: 12/2/2010(UTC)
Posts: 228

encounterHim wrote:
I was talking with a person on the phone that's a member of this forum the other day, and he mentioned that he feels this message within 5yrs is going to be getting out to many, and changing perspectives around the world.

Just as with money manipulation of the 'fiat' currency here in US, as well as the manipulation of precious medals (ever seen the stockmarket lately - been bouncing around like a beach-ball...nobody trusts it - sees the markets are playing us like fools because it's being programmed/manipulated via some what's been fed into it, kind of like the DRE machines facilitate fraud in votes and their being counted)

In other words: they can only suppress the truth for so long - and since the Towrah is 100% Truth, people being squeezed via the beast's manipulating them via their emotions will jump their brainwashings and have no where else to go but Towrah which is what Yah wants and predicts will happen in these last days.

I think you're right encounterHim.
Offline FredSnell  
#6 Posted : Thursday, September 29, 2011 1:03:07 PM(UTC)
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Yep, as usual had to work today, but just after 5:00pm went in grabbed a cold one, called the dog, Zorro, to come sit with me and I ( not the dog) started blowing the shofar. We've been in a sever drought here, and not 10mins into it, the winds kicked up and we received, best guess 1/2" of the wet stuff.

Wish I could say it was my shofar, but I'd been blowing all day at ppl so we were more than likely just due some rain. It was fun and I can't wait till next yr. When you catch ppl off gaurd and they jump or flinch bc of the sound it's a good let in for, "You should be scared, you know why."
Offline Richard  
#7 Posted : Friday, September 30, 2011 3:02:31 AM(UTC)
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I like the way you think, Encounter Him.
Offline FredSnell  
#8 Posted : Friday, September 30, 2011 3:54:03 AM(UTC)
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It was one of the funnest days I've had in a while. I like to think, Father sent me this dog, Zorro. We have what my wife and I call, "dog town" at the end of our street bc the corner house has been vacant for some time and ppl dump their dogs down there. Can't get Houston Animal Cotrol to do anything about it. Must not be a priority right now? Well this dog showed up at my house, and as usual when that happens I just grab the old daisey bb gun and put one on the dogs butt just to move him on down to, dog town. Well this dog would not go, and once he gave me that look, like, "hey man, we can be friends look," I relented to him. He's an Australian Cattle dog with a collar from all sorts of organizations that I've contacted and upon finally getting in touch with the owner, he replied his sons dog. Well that was over a week ago and no show still.
If they continue with this no contact and I continue feeding him, he will be mine eventually. The thing is, this dog can play with a recyclable coke bottle forever bringing it back to you, just playing. Well when he and I sat down yesterday and started sounding the shofar, I know this sounds funny to some, but I think he was doing a dance for me everytime it sounded. Like he couldn't get enough. I wish ppl were the same. He's a great barker. He even sounds off before my alarm sounds, that I have a customer.
My bro -in- law wants him so he can help with his cattle and I did tell him if the owner is a no show, that he could take him, but I'm beginning to think now, no. After his jig yesterday, I'm falling in love with him.

And too, FF, I couldn't miss a note with the shofar yesterday. It was almost as if I got good at it, just for that day.
Offline Marcus  
#9 Posted : Saturday, October 1, 2011 3:29:15 AM(UTC)
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It was cool my family and I celebrated by having a celebratory meal. we made steak, lamb, and goat. I separated the lamb into 8 pieces. 7 representing the 7 lambs, 1 representing the ram, the goat was one piece, and the steak was 1 piece. This way we could talk about the sacrifices that where made in the temple and what each of them signified. We also spoke about the grain offering, etc. And we blew the shofar. It gave us a greater appreciation to understand and to see or visualize what the day signifies and how we are able to benefit from it.
Offline tagim  
#10 Posted : Saturday, October 1, 2011 3:51:00 AM(UTC)
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You are indeed fortunate, Marcus. Unfortunately, I was only able to read and reflect by myself. I hope others post their activities here so as to develop a format that may be gleaned for coming years reflecting a pattern to follow. That way we may be able to develop a meaning and blessing for all.
Offline Marcus  
#11 Posted : Saturday, October 1, 2011 4:19:32 AM(UTC)
Joined: 9/8/2009(UTC)
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We will be doing the same thing for the other Miqra. So for Kippurym we will ad the extra goat. Because I have a little one we will also be using little figurines to represent the priest and what he had to do. That way it will be more interactive. For Shelters I will be getting those little plastic animals and using them to show what happened on each day. And as usual I will be building a shelter outdoors and one indoors with lights. The only problem is that this year we lost the company of my wife's mother and we miss her incredibly. It will be a huge adjustment.
Offline Kmcarr05  
#12 Posted : Saturday, August 28, 2021 5:17:40 PM(UTC)
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Taruw’ah – raise one’s voice and make a racket, shout out a warning and sing for joy, announce what is going to occur with meaningful and acclaimed words, screaming and clamoring to get people’s attention.
I was thinking about driving in to St Louis this September 8th and visiting a Jewish center. I have had some Yada Yah biz cards made up, because I try to always be about the Father's Business, and pass some out to folks there to see if I can strike up some conversations. The new website linked to the Yadayah url is awesome btw. The cards only have Yahowahs name in ancient Hebrew and the worlds Yada Yah on them. I am torn between this being akin to evangelizing and turning folks off and my feeling that the this would be appropriate for Taruwah. I was just curious about the family's thoughts. For a bit of history on me Yahowah found me on the crappiest swamp on the internet (4chan \pol) with just the words Yada Yah. I had to know what the words meant so I googled them and landed on the old blessyahowah site. I read everything there and kept searching, found some pdfs of intro and Yada and then the btr site and have been on the path since peasach 2019. I just wanna contribute to the family and share the wonderful experience of having Yah in my life.
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