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#1 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 9:19:02 PM(UTC)
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Yada just forwarded me a series of 4 emails which I have reprinted below:


Interesting Reading 1‏

From: Yada Yahweh (email@yadayahweh.com)
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:18:48 AM
To: Yada

In a class entitled “Christian Perspectives on World History,” the professor asked his students, of which my son is one, to comment generally on Islam and then read verses 100 through 200 in the Qur’an’s Second Surah. What follows is the result of this exercise.

Before you read the excerpt from the Koran, write down your impressions of Islam. What do Muslims believe about God and what it means to follow him?

In the West, other than studying Islam’s scriptures, we have only three ways of forming an informed impression of Islam. We can listen to Islamic Imams, the most respected of which call for Muslims to fight against Christians and Jews. We can examine the quality of life in Islamic countries—recognizing that the fifty Islamic states are among the world’s least free, least educated, least prosperous, and least civil places to live. And we can examine Islamic behavior, recognizing that ninety-five percent of terrorist acts today are committed by Muslims. This would strongly indicate that Muslims must believe that their god Allah wants them to be intolerant, oppressive terrorists. But since Allah never preformed a miracle, nor ever manifest himself to humanity, He can’t “be followed.” Muhammad, however, can be. And based upon the Islamic scriptures, Muhammad was a terrorist, slave trader, thief, mass murderer, terrorist, pedophile, and rapist.

Now read the excerpt from the second surah. What does the Koran teach about what God is like? What does it teach about how to follow and please him?

This section of the second surah opens with verse 104. Its message is to obey Muhammad. Since the Qur’an is allegedly the instructions of Allah, to obey Muhammad, a Muslim must read and understand the Hadith presented in the Biography of Muhammad by Ishaq, the History of Islam’s Formation by Tabari, and the topical Hadith collections of Bukhari and Muslim—the only written accounts of the “prophets” words and deeds written within 200 years of his death. These Islamic scriptures reveal that Muhammad was a liar, thief, slave trader, terrorist, mass murderer, anti-Semite, pedophile, and rapist. As such, Allah’s choice of messengers and his instructions on how to please him are highly suspect—indeed immoral. Then as further proof, Allah says that “there is a painful torment for those who don’t believe him.”

In these second verse of this section, the 105th, Allah says that he chooses whomever he wants for mercy, meaning that this god’s message is the opposite of Yahweh’s—where we are given freewill to choose. This means, that Allah is the opposite of Yahweh on the most fundamental level. The fate of Muslims is preordained (if their god can be trusted).

The 106th verse of the second surah is sufficient in and of itself to recognize that Allah is not God and that the Qur’an cannot be trusted. It says that the Islamic god “abrogates and cancels verses—throwing them into oblivion.” He then “replaces them with better ones.” Imagine that, a god who changes his mind and cannot be relied upon, and a book so full of contradictions, it instructs its victims on how to deal with them. So, to please Allah, Muslims must not believe scriptures which have been cancelled, and then believe in those which have replaced them—at least until they are abrogated.

After claiming to have inspired the Torah, by the 114th verse, the Islamic god says that those who prevent his name “Allah,” not Yahweh, to be proclaimed, will suffer a painful doom. Since Allah is not Yahweh, and since the Torah says that God has but one name, Muslims are being asked to believe a false god who is lying to them.

Further, in direct contrast to Yahweh, Allah claims not to have begotten a son. And yet Allah claims to have inspired the Prophets and the Gospels, one of which predicts the Son and the other which affirms it. Therefore to please Allah, you have to be ignorant of the Torah, Prophets, Psalms, and Gospels, and you have to deny Yahushua.

Allah claims to have chosen the “faith/religion” for Abraham as opposed to Yahweh’s testimony in which He asked Abraham to choose to form a familial covenant relationship with Him. These are opposites, meaning that Allah wants Muslims to believe that which cannot be true. He wants Muslims to relinquish their freewill, and to be religious as opposed to forming a loving relationship.

By verse 178, Allah contradicts Yahweh’s love your enemy and turn the other cheek, by telling Muslims that to please him, “retaliation is prescribed for them.”

Yahweh summons us to attend seven called out assemblies, beginning with Passover, and yet Allah, who claims to have inspired the Torah, calls Muslims to observe a fast in Ramadhan. So once again, to please Allah, one has to ignore and displease Yahweh. And therein lies a clue as to who Allah really is.

Therefore, the Islamic god and his message are consistent—consistently bad.

What does this excerpt have to say about violence? If you’ve read the Bible, what does it say about violence?

But nothing says more about Allah and violence than verses 190 and 191 (quoted from the Noble Qur’an): “And fight in the Way of Allâh those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allâh likes not the transgressors. [This Verse is the first one that was revealed in connection with Jihâd, but it was supplemented by another (V.9:36)]. And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [non-Islamic messages] is worse than killing. And fight not with them at Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (the sanctuary at Makkah), unless they fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.”

Allah continues to reveal his nature, and his desire for Muslims, with the 193rd verse: “And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allâh) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allâh (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, i.e., non-Muslims)”

So, Allah wants Muslims to fight and kill all non-Muslims all around the world until Islam is the only religion. There are no equivalent passages or instructions in the Bible. Yahweh’s instructions on fighting were limited to a handful of villages in a tiny strip of land during a fifty year period some 3400 years ago. There are no open-ended Biblical orders to fight and kill anyone.

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#2 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 9:30:00 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
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Interesting Reading 2‏

From: Yada Yahweh (email@yadayahweh.com)
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:19:45 AM
To: Yada

Lee Jacobus compiled a book entitled, Critical Readings for College Students, which was used as a textbook for one of my son’s English Literature classes at a Christian college. The purpose of his anthology, at least in the sections I read with my son, was to infer that Koran and Bible were from the same God and that they conveyed a similar message. What follows, are answers my son and I collaborated on with regard to “Reading Questions” attributable to a Politically Correct translation of the Qur’an’s Seventeenth Surah.

1.What does the surah imply regarding the soul? There is no mention of “soul” in this surah, so this question cannot be answered. While this except claims otherwise, its translation of the 17th surah is erroneous, as is the surah itself. For example, the benediction does not read “In the name of God,” but instead “In the name of Allah.” The first verse speaks of two “mosques,” which are places of Islamic prostration, not of “Temples.” There was neither a mosque nor a temple in Jerusalem or in Mecca in the early seventh century, when Muhammad claims to have flown from one to the other on a winged ass. So, the only conclusions which can be accurately made regarding the first question is that Lee Jacobus wasn’t qualified to compile this text and Allah cannot be trusted.

2. What does the surah say about the reasons hell exists? According to the 17th surah, the Islamic “Hell” exists as a “prison to punish those who do not believe” Allah and Muhammad—and that would include all informed and rational people (verse 8). This conclusion is unavoidable, in that Allah claims to have inspired the Torah, but yet his Qur’an contradicts the Torah in countless ways. Those who do not believe that the “Hereafter” includes multiple virgins to satiate the carnal desires of jihadists, for example, are destined for the Islamic Hell (verse 10). “Whoever wishes for the quick-passing…will burn therein disgraced and rejected (18).” Whoever “sets up another god (ilah) with Allah…will be despised and forsaken (22),” and that would include everyone who has read the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, where God says that Yahweh is His one and only name, and that a god by any other name is false.

3.What does the surah say about the importance of belief, especially as it relates to hell? In the 8th verse, “unbelievers” are sent to Allah’s prison. In the 9th verse, and again in the 82nd, Muslims are told to “believe this Quran, which directs you to the path that is straight.” And yet, it is impossible to be informed and rational and believe what is written therein. In the 10th verse, “those who do not believe in the (Islamic version of the) Hereafter” will find “a painful punishment” awaiting them. In the 19th verse, Muslims “who desire the Hereafter and strive for it with the necessary effort due for it, is a believer,” which is defined elsewhere in the Qur’an as engaging in jihad, killing Christians, Jews, and all non-Muslims. In the 45th verse, “those who do not believe in the Hereafter (with multiple virgins and rivers which flow with wine), will have an “invisible veil put between them and those who recite the Qur’an.” In other words, Allah is preparing Muslims for the fact that rational people will laugh at the Qur’an’s absurd and immoral claims (as restated in the 60th verse).

There are a stunning array of graphic verses in the Qur’an describing Allah’s hell. Some of these say: “Soon will I fling them into the burning Hell Fire! It permits nothing to endure, and nothing does it spare! It darkens and changes the color of man, burning the skin! It shrivels and scorches men.” “Let him beware! If he does not desist, We will seize him, smite his forehead, and drag him by the forelock!” “For the rejecters is Entertainment with Boiling Water and roasting in Hell Fire.” “Truly Hell is as a place of ambush, a resort for the rebellious.” “Therein taste they neither coolness nor any drink save a boiling water and a fluid, dark, murky, intensely cold, paralyzing, a fitting reward.” “They will eat thorns and fill their bellies with the heads of flaming devils. Then on top of that they will be given a mixture made of boiling water to drink especially prepared.” “We have prepared the doom of Hell and the penalty of torment in the most intense Blazing Fire. When they are flung in, they will hear the terrible drawing in of their breath and loud moaning even as the flame blazes forth, roaring with rage as it boils up, bursting with fury, plucking apart his body right to the skull! Eager to roast; dragged by the head, Hell shall claim all who flee.”

4.What does the surah say about human desires? Muslims who “desire” Allah’s promise of multiple virgins in paradise, and who die killing non-Muslims for him, will avoid hell and earn a place in heaven—that is if Allah can be trusted. And if a Muslim can figure out what “Whoever wishes for the quick-passing” means, they will keep from “burning.” The only other mention of “desire” is found in the 57th verse, where “those whom they call upon desire means of access to their Lord, as to which of them should be the nearest and they hope for His Mercy and fear His Torment. Verily, the Torment of your Lord is something to be afraid of!” While this is transcribed directly from the Nobel Qur’an, the most popular and literal Islamic translation, I haven’t a clue as to what it means.

5. What promises does God make for the afterlife?” this is inappropriate for the 17th surah. Not only isn’t Allah, “God,” but the answer is found elsewhere. For example:

"Those of the right hand-how happy will be those of the right hand! ...Who will be honored in the Garden of Bliss; (Qur'an 56:13) "A multitude of those from among the first, and a few from the latter, (will be) on couch-like thrones woven with gold and precious stones. Reclining, facing each other. Round about them will (serve) boys of perpetual (freshness), of never ending bloom, with goblets, jugs, and cups (filled) with sparkling wine. No aching of the head will they receive, nor suffer any madness, nor exhaustion. And with fruits, any that they may select: and the flesh of fowls, any they may desire. And (there will be) Hur (fair females) with big eyes, lovely and pure, beautiful ones, like unto hidden pearls, well-guarded in their shells. A reward for the deeds." (56.6) "Unending, and unforbidden, exalted beds, and maidens incomparable. We have formed them in a distinctive fashion and made them virgins, loving companions matched in age, for the sake of those of the right hand." [Another translation reads:] "On couches or thrones raised high. Verily, We have created them (maidens) incomparable: We have formed their maidens as a special creation, and made them to grow a new growth. We made them virgins - pure and undefiled, lovers, matched in age." (56.33)

"Fruits, Delights; they will be honored in the Gardens of Pleasure, on thrones facing one another. Round them will be passed a cup of pure white wine, delicious to the drinkers, free from ghoul (hurt), nor shall you be made mad or exhausted thereby. And with them will be Qasirat-at-Tarf (virgin females), restraining their glances (desiring none but you), with big, beautiful eyes. As if they were (sheltered) eggs, preserved." (37.40)

"Verily for those who follow Us, there will be a fulfillment of your desires: enclosed Gardens, grapevines, voluptuous full-breasted maidens of equal age, and a cup full to the brim of wine. There they never hear vain discourse nor lying - a gift in payment - a reward from your Lord." (78.31)

6. What is the purpose of the barrier in this surah? In the 45th verse, (labeled paragraph 36 in Jacobus’ book) “those who do not believe in the “Hereafter” will have an “invisible veil put between them and those who recite the Qur’an.” In the 46th verse and the 47th, Allah says that “We have put coverings over their hearts lest they should understand it, and in their ears deafness. And when you mention of your Lord alone in the Qur’an, they turn their backs in aversion. We know best of what they listen to, when they listen to you. And when they take secret counsel, behold the wicked say: ‘You follow none but a bewitched man—one who is deluded and deprived of reason.’” Allah recognizes that any informed and rational person is going to conclude that Muhammad’s Qur’an is the recital of a demon-possessed man, one who is deluded and irrational. So, he gave Muslims a ready excuse to distrust any reasonable argument wielded against his rubbish. This way, Muslims can dispense with a message they cannot refute by slandering the messenger.

7. What does this surah say about devils? Devils are mentioned in the 27th verse, suggesting that those who “dissipate and squander” are “brothers of the devils,” indicating that Allah wants Muslims to contribute towards his mission of killing all non-Muslims, rather than spending the money on themselves or their families. “Satan sows disagreements among” Allah’s “slaves” in the 53rd verse, and is said to be “man’s plain enemy.” Unfortunately for Muslims, the Qur’an’s depiction of Allah is more akin to Satan than it is to Yahweh.

8. What is the reason behind the story of Adam in this surah? According to the Qur’an, Muhammad purchased much of his recital from Jews, who recited portions of their Talmud commentary on the Torah to him. So, the names of Biblical characters are dispersed throughout—including Adam. These references, however, are always out of context, twisted to suit Muhammad, and are often contradictory. For example, here it says that Adam was created from clay, but this is just one of a dozen contradictory statements regarding his origin—including the first revelation which says “drop of congealed blood.” Unlike Yahweh, Allah says that he asked the “angels” (as opposed to messengers) to “fall down prostrate before Adam.” Yahweh, makes no such request, and states an entirely different reason for Satan’s “fall.” But, according to Allah, “all of the angels prostrated themselves save Iblis (Allah’s name for Satan).” He, according to Allah, was unwilling to bow before something which had been created and then honored above him—which caused him to “mislead all but a few,” providing Satan’s motivation, according to Allah, for deceiving mankind.

This being Allah’s claim, a much better question would have been why Allah felt the need to change Yahweh’s explanation? After all, asking someone to bow down before something created from clay, would be a direct violation of the second commandment—affirming that these words did not come from God.

There are three reasons Allah included this twisted story. First, most all of the Qur’an’s biblical and moral stories are plagiarized and then twisted from Jewish Oral Law which Muhammad purchased from Jews living in Yathrib—today’s Medina. In this case, the source was the Haggadah, a Jewish religious text, meaning “the telling,” designed to convey Jewish traditions from father to son. It was complied during the Mishnaic and Talmudic periods, which suggests that it was written near Babylon a hundred years before Muhammad’s birth. “Satan’s jealousy of Adam as the cause for seducing the latter to sin,” is found on page 44-45 of the Haggadah bi ben Kirchenv.

Second, had the truth been told, that Satan was cast down because he wanted to be God, it would have been obvious to all who read the Qur’an that Allah is Satan—a fallen spirit covetous of Yahweh’s title. It is why the Islamic Prayer of Fear, and Islam’s signature slogan is “Allahu Akbar,” meaning “Allah is Greater.” Greater than man to be sure, but greater than Yahweh is the claim. It is why Allah foolishly claims credit for Yahweh’s Scripture, when it would have been vastly more credible for him to ignore it.

Third, the easiest way for Allah to prevail in convincing mankind that he is God, not Satan, is to create confusion by establishing a character named Satan to demean. This comes natural for this arrogant spirit because Satan means “Adversary” in Hebrew and Greek. Halal ben Shachar, Satan’s actual name, doesn’t want to be known as the “Adversary,” but instead as God—as Allah. This point is made abundantly clear in a companion religion to Islam, Freemasonry (based itself upon Adam Weishaupt’s Order of the Illuminated), where Pike in Morals and Dogma concludes his work on behalf of Satan by making this very point. “There is no longer Satan, the Adversary, but instead the Light.” One of halal’s meanings in Hebrew is “to radiate light,” and ben Shachar means “son of the rising sun.”

Essay Question Eight: How does the view of God in ‘The Night Journey’ compare with the view of God in ‘Moses and the Ten Commandments?

The question is poorly stated in that the Commandments are from Yahweh, not Moses, Allah is not God, and as a Meccan surah, much of the 17th was abrogated by those revealed in Medina (read surah 2.106). This known, it is appropriate to discuss the differences between Allah and Yahweh—especially in light of the Commandments.

The first five words of the benediction to this surah, which read “In the name of Allah” (not “In the name of God” as Jacobus states), provide the most important differentiation between Allah and Yahweh. In the Torah, Yahweh states that He has but one name, and that a god by any other name is false. So, if Yahweh is God, Allah is not. And if Yahweh is not God, Allah cannot be God either because he claims to have inspired the Torah, which claims otherwise.

The first actual verse of the surah affirms that neither Allah, nor Muhammad, can be trusted. There was no Temple or Mosque in Jerusalem in the early seventh century CE, nor one in Mecca, contrary to the claim made in the opening line. (In the Qur’an it says “Mosque,” not Temple, but there wasn’t a mosque there either at the time.) By stating otherwise, Allah is lying. By contrast, Yahweh not only correctly reports the past, He accurately predicts the future, so that we can trust and rely upon what He has revealed. Allah, however, cannot be trusted.

In the second verse, Allah claims to “have given Moses the Book.” And yet, the God who dictated the Torah to Moses is Yahweh, not Allah. Worse, the message of the Torah is the antithesis of that revealed in the Qur’an, so by claiming to have inspired both, all informed and rational people know for certain that Allah was not telling the truth. The nature of the Covenant relationship, God’s purpose in creating man, the importance of freewill, the path home as detailed in the seven called-out assemblies, the focus on the Chosen People and the Promised Land, the depiction of heaven and hell, God’s prescriptions for living, and the means of salvation depicted in Yahweh’s Scripture are in most cases, the opposite of those delineated in the Qur’an.

Muhammad personally violated all of the commandments. He put Allah before Yahweh, and he set up three pagan goddesses in the Satanic Verses, all in violation of the first commandment. This remains the most egregious violation of the first commandment ever perpetrated on humankind.

Muhammad set himself up as an “idol,” someone to be idolized as Allah’s messenger, whose repulsive example was to be emulated by Muslims in violation of the second commandment. More telling still, Allah is represented by the Black Stone in the Ka’aba, a glued together relic of Arab pagan idolatry.

More than anyone in human history, Muhammad violated the third commandment by uplifting a deceitful and deadly dogma in the name of God. According to the commandment, there will be no forgiveness for any Muslim who accepts or promotes the religion of Allah’s Messenger.

He violated the fourth commandment by neglecting the Sabbath, because it didn’t understand it. In conflict with Yahweh, Muhammad established Friday as Islam’s holy day.

A careful, chronological and contextual reading of the Qur’an, as is enabled by the Hadith, reveals that Muhammad’s sexually perverted behavior and his sexist religion were predicated upon him being abandoned by his father and abused by his mother as a child. So, while this surah, borrowing from Talmud recitals sold to him by the Jews in Yathrib, begs otherwise, the Islamic religion is a rebuff of the fifth commandment. In fact, the Qur’an even tells children to report any un-Islamic behavior they witness in their parents, akin to the instructions of the KGB and Gestapo. The most repeated theme in the first 90 surahs chronologically, is a never-ending rant against the founding fathers of Mecca. And in Islam, women, and that would include mothers, have virtually no rights. In his parting sermon, Muhammad called them “domesticated animals who could be starved, beaten, and locked up for not pleasing their husbands.”

According to the Qur’an and Hadith, Muhammad was a mass murderer, in direct conflict with the sixth commandment. He led 75 ruthless terrorist raids during the first ten years of the Islamic Era.

Muhammad raped captive women, he committed many acts of pedophilia, he had a harem full of sex slaves, and he had as many as a dozen wives, suggesting that his violations of the seventh commandment were rather extreme.

Islam was financed by way of stolen property and the slave trade, meaning that the religion is a product of violating the eighth commandment. Such is the purpose of the eighth surah—the Spoils of War, where “stealing is lawful and good.”

From beginning to end, the Qur’an is a false witness, and as such, Muhammad’s greatest crime against humanity was his violation of the ninth commandment. The Qur’an is so full of errors and contradictions, it is so poorly written, so violent and immoral, there is no possibility that it is what it claims to be.

When the Qur’an is ordered chronologically and set into the context of Muhammad’s life, it becomes obvious that it was created as situational scriptures to satiate Muhammad’s lust for sex, power, and money—most especially the property of his neighbors, including their homes, wives, and children whom he enslaved, their animals and wealth. The Qur’an’s depictions of Muhammad’s terrorist activities against his neighbors, especially Jews in Yathrib and Kahbar, are chilling.

In conclusion, Allah is the opposite of Yahweh, Muhammad is the opposite of Moses, and the Qur’an is the opposite of the Bible. That is not the answer Jacobus was seeking with his errant translation, misleading choice of surahs, and poorly worded questions, but it is the only informed and rational conclusion which can be drawn.

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#3 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 9:38:29 PM(UTC)
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Interesting Reading 3‏

From: Yada Yahweh (email@yadayahweh.com)
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:21:12 AM
To: "Yada"

Lee Jacobus compiled a book entitled, Critical Readings for College Students, which was used as a textbook for one of my son’s English Literature classes at a Christian college. The purpose of this portion of the anthology was to infer that the Torah’s Commandments were incompatible with modern legal systems. What follows, are answers my son and I collaborated on with regard to “Reading Questions” attributable to a Politically Correct translation of Exodus.

1. What was the answer given by the Jewish elders regarding becoming a kingdom of priests? The opportunity “to exist as a kingdom of priests, and as a set-apart nation,” was contingent upon a preposition: “if you attentively listen to (shama’ shama’) My (Yahweh’s is speaking) voice, and keep My Familial Covenant Relationship, then...” While that’s the more important than the elder’s reply, their response was: “And all the family/people answered together and said, ‘All that Yahweh has spoken we will do.’” Sadly, they didn’t.

2. What was the reason for the cloud? Undiminished and unobstructed, Yahweh’s light would have incinerated the Israelites.

3. Where did the elders meet with God? At the foot of Mount Horeb in Arabia.

4. What Commandment makes the least sense to you? After telling us that His name is Yahweh in the first commandment, the third commandment, at least as it is translated, makes no sense. God’s name isn’t “Lord,” one cannot “take a name,” and “vain” means either egotistic of failed, neither of which work in this context. In actuality, the commandment says “You shall not accept or promote that which is deceitful or lifeless in the name of Yahweh, your God, for Yahweh will not forgive those who accept or promote that which is deceitful or lifeless.”

5. What is the purpose of the Sabbath? The foundation upon which our salvation is based is revealed in the Sabbath: we can work six days a week, but we cannot work to earn a relationship with God. Moreover, the Sabbath reveals Yahweh’s formula: six (representing mankind) with the addition of one (representing God) equates to perfection (seven). This is the formula of the seven Called-Out Assemblies—the path to heaven.

6. What Commandment requires the most thought to understand? The fifth commandment requires thought to appreciate. Highly valuing one’s earthly parents won’t add to one’s life in the Promised Land, especially in light of the fact that Yahweh tells us that parents have cursed their own children based upon their avoidance of the Covenant and rebellion. But if we highly esteem our Heavenly Father and Spiritual Mother, we will live forever in God’s home—the Promised Land.

7. What is the difference between a command and a commandment? The Ten Commandments were chiseled in stone by Yahweh’s finger, and kept in the Ark of the Covenant, making them different than other instructions. However, in Hebrew the word for “command” and “commandment” is the same: miswah. The word means “command, commandment, authoritative decree, instruction, and prescription.”

8. What does Exodus have to say about slavery? There is an acknowledgment that slavery existed during this period of time in the Commandments. In the instructions which follow, slaves are to be set free in the seventh year.

Essay Question Four: Why are the Commandments ordered as they are and do they reflect a Godly focus followed by a human focus?

The first three commandments deal directly with our relationship to Yahweh. In the first three, He introduces Himself by name and title, indicating that we are being given the opportunity to have a personal relationship with God on a first-name basis. He tells us that He frees His people from oppressive human political, religious, and economic schemes—such as existed in Egypt. He says that there is only one God, who has but one name, and that He won’t tolerate infidelity in our relationship with Him. He affirms that He wants us to relate to Him using our words, not our hands. Graven images, constructed by the hands of men, which would include statues to Mary and Crucifixes, are thereby banned. He reveals that the false gods and religions of parents haunt their children, while a love for Yahweh and His prescriptions blesses all those so inclined. Then, God tells us that He will not forgive those who deceive, advancing lifelessness in His name.

The remaining seven commandments follow Yahweh’s six plus one formula. The Sabbath is the most important because it provides the key to understanding God’s plan of salvation and His prophetic timeline. And while each of the remaining six appear to deal exclusively with human interactions, there is a spiritual aspect to each of them as well.

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#4 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 9:50:47 PM(UTC)
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Interesting Reading 4‏

From: Yada Yahweh (email@yadayahweh.com)
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:22:37 AM
To: "Yada"

Lee Jacobus compiled a book entitled, Critical Readings for College Students, which was used as a textbook for one of my son’s English Literature classes at a Christian college. The purpose of this portion of the anthology was to infer that the Old and Renewed Covenants were not only remarkably different, but also that “Jesus’” requests were incompatible with modern sensibilities. What follows, are answers my son and I collaborated on with regard to “Reading Questions” attributable to a Politically Correct translation of the Sermon on the Mount.

1. What is a beatitude? A “beatitude” is defined by Merriam Webster primarily as “a state of utmost bliss,” and secondarily as “the title for a primate, especially of the declarations made in the Sermon on the Mount.” The Renewed Covenant term for “blessed, happy, and fortunate” is makarios. Yahushua says that “lowly spirits, those personally lacking wealth, influence, and power” are “blessed” because the “kingdom of heaven exits for them.” Those who are “sad, who mourn and grieve,” will be “encouraged, called together, and invited” to heaven, and thus are “fortunate.” Those who are praus, meaning “gentle out of strength, kind and considerate, yet unassuming, and who demonstrate forbearance (who are delivered from the enforcement of the debt or penalty which would otherwise be due)” are indeed “happy” because they “will inherit the earth.” The list goes on to speak of those who “hunger and thirst, strongly desiring, righteousness (from dikaiosune, “being acceptable to God by way of correct thinking,” a derivative of dikaios, meaning “to be upright by observing God’s instructions,” which is based upon dike, “that which is just and in accordance with the Law (Torah))” will be “blessed” “because they shall be satisfied.” The “merciful receive mercy.” The “clean and pure of heart “see, pay attention to, understand, and experience God.” Those “who reconcile” man to God, “making peace between the parties,” will be “blessed” by being “named sons of God.” Those who “press forward, striving on account of that which is correct and acceptable shall be given the kingdom of heaven.” And finally, “fortunate are those who are insulted (denounced and reprimanded) and hastily persecuted and harassed” and who have “false, morally corrupt, and worthless” things “said about them “on account of” Yahushua. “Their reward is great in heaven.”

2. What was Jesus’ view on adultery? Yahushua said that “adultery” wasn’t simply a matter of someone committing an act of infidelity, but also included intent—lustful thoughts and desires.

3. How does the Torah’s ‘eye for an eye’ directive compare to Jesus’ ‘turn the other cheek?’ The penalty according to the Torah is an “eye for an eye.” But this penalty was to be enforced by the Levites in a society ordered by the Torah. By this time, rabbis had replaced Levites, and the Talmud had replaced the Torah, so there was no longer an authorized agent to uphold justice, nor an appropriate authorized standard. So Yahushua wants His followers to “turn the other cheek,” recognizing that Yahweh will judge those who are evil in accordance with His standard.

4. What is Jesus’ view of charity? Yahushua encourages His followers to give their coat to one who sues for their clothing and to not refuse a beggar or a borrower. And when we do acts of charity, we aren’t to toot our own horn, be seen by others, or to solicit praise.

5. What is the meaning behind the reference to the ‘lily?’ People, especially religious clerics, who love to dress in fine robes, and the rich, who like to flaunt their wealth, don’t impress God. He prefers the lily, which neither spins nor toils to look beautiful. But the moral of the story is that those who trust and rely upon God, will be clothed by Him—the Set-Apart Spirit will adorn them in a Garment of Light which will make them appear perfect in our Heavenly Father’s eyes.

Essay Question Seven: What are the important differences between the Torah and the Sermon on the Mount?

The single most misunderstood concept relative to the words and deeds of Yahushua, compared to Yahweh’s words and deeds in the Torah, is that they are the same. And yet the Sermon on the Mount makes this abundantly clear. He said: “Do not assume (nomizo – suppose or acknowledge, following as a custom or tradition) that I have come (erchomai – have arrived and appeared) to weaken, dismantle, invalidate, or abolish (kataluso – dissolve, put an end to, do away with, or annul) the Torah/Law (nomos – prescriptions for living, statutes, ordinances, and duties as written and established in Scripture) or the Prophets (prophetes – those who spoke for God). I have not come to do away with (kataluso – invalidate or abolish) it, but instead (alla – on the other hand) to completely fulfill it (pleroo).” (Matthew 5:17)

“Truly (amein – this is reliable and trustworthy), I say (lego – affirm and convey meaning with these words) to you, till heaven and the earth pass away not one jot (iota – the smallest letter, or yodh in Hebrew) nor tittle (keraia – the top stroke or horn of Hebrew letters) shall be passed by (parerchomai – be ignored, disobeyed, or disregarded) from (apo) that which was established in the Torah/Law (nomos – prescriptions for living written in Scripture) until the time and place it all happens (ginomai – comes to exist and takes place, is manifest in public in the context of history).” (Matthew 5:18) As such, Christianity did not replace Judaism.

“Therefore, whoever dismisses (luo – does away with, dissolves, invalidates, or abolishes) the least (elachistos – smallest and least significant) of these commandments (entole – precepts, prescriptions, ordinances, and authoritative directions, from entellomai, things which must be accomplished) or teaches (didasko – indoctrinates or instructs) people to do the same, they will be called (kaleo – referred to, designated, labeled, and named) the least important (elachistos – so small as to be insignificant, undignified) in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever performs (poieomai – accomplishes and celebrates, practices and profits from) them, and teaches (didasko – instructs) them, they will be called (kaleo – referred to, designated, labeled and named) the greatest and most important (megas – extraordinary and dignified) in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:19) The Torah is still in effect.

“Because I say (lego – profess and promise) to you, that unless your righteousness (dikaiosyne – integrity, legal standing, uprightness, and adherence to the relationship) is abundantly superior to (perissseuo – substantially greater than and in excess of) and more appropriate than the religious teachers, judges, and high-ranking political officials (grammateus – experts, scribes, and scholars) and Pharisees (Pharisaios – members of a fundamentalist political and religious party comprised of hypocrites who coveted authority, were religious, set rules which others had to abide by, established religious rituals and traditions, and interpreted Scripture to their liking), you will never move into or experience the realm of heaven.” (Matthew 5:20) As such, Judaism did not replace the Torah, nor did religion replace relationship.

The doorway to Yahweh is found and opened by way of understanding Yahushua’s words and deeds as they were predicted in the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. “Ask (aiteo – make an earnest request) and it shall be given (didomi – granted as a gift) to you. Seek (zeteo – search for the information and location) and you will discover and experience it (heuriskomai – know the truth and find the place). Knock (krouo – request acceptance at the door) and it will be opened for you (anoigo – you will be granted entrance to the place and given access to understanding). For then all who make an earnest request receive (lambano – will be acquired and accepted, will be taken by the hand and carried away). And those who search for the information and location (zeteo – seek and desire to obtain) will know the truth and find the place (heuriskomai – discover and experience it). Those who request acceptance at the door (krouo – knock) will be granted entrance and given access to understanding (anoigo – and it will be opened).” (Matthew 7:7-8)

Affirming that the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms provide and enlighten the path to God, Yahushua said: “For then this is (eimi – was and will be, exists as) the Torah/Law (nomos – prescriptions for living as written and established) and the Prophets (prophetes – those who spoke for God): enter (eiserchomai – start with and experience the first step in the journey) through (dia – by the way and means of) the (ho – the definite article, and not “a” as in “one of many”) narrow (stenos – that which is exacting and has specific requirements) gate (pyle – doorway, portal, and entrance), because the gate (pyle – doorway, portal, and entrance) is wide (platys – crafted and molded to be broad, expansive, open, and unreliable) and the path (hodos – road, way of life, journey, and route) is broad (eurychoros – wide open, ample, spacious, existing as a roomy realm) which leads away (apago – which deceives and influences someone to go astray) to the point of (eis – toward) destruction and perishing (apoleia – wastefully and needlessly destroying, squandering, eliminating from existence, and annihilating something valuable), and most (pleistos – a very great number, the vast preponderance, serving as the superlative of polus, many) are those entering and experiencing (eiserchomai – starting the first step in their journey) through (dia – by way of and on account of) it.” (Matthew 7:12-13) This passage confirms that the overwhelming preponderance of people have placed their trust in religion, and not in the Torah, and as a result, their souls will perish upon their death.

“The gate (pyle – doorway, portal, and entrance) is narrow (stenos – exacting and specific) and the path (hodos – road, traveled way of life, journey, and route) goes against the crowd (thlibo – is compressed, restricted, and narrow) which leads to life, and few discover, learn about, attain, and experience it.” (Matthew 7:14) And therein lies the problem of people not understanding that there is but one Covenant, one message, and one path to God—the one presented in Yahweh’s Torah and fulfilled by Yahushua.

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Offline Theophilus  
#5 Posted : Tuesday, April 21, 2009 6:14:12 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/5/2007(UTC)
Posts: 544

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That was indeed interesting reading. Thanks for sharing this Yada, Yada & son. I'm curious what grade and response this paper recieves at a Christian college? A++?
Offline FredSnell  
#6 Posted : Monday, May 16, 2011 3:28:05 AM(UTC)
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I really don't see why the Butchers of America couldn't have re-friened the Butcher of Bahgdad, if all we were after was OIL...Operation Iraqi Liberation...The old saying, "follow the money," leads us right where I knew it would....That is after millions of lives of course....I'm confident that most americans don't worry for Iraqi lives....Our religion wins is the way most of 'em see it....Get that oil boys. Just cause it's beneath their land doesn't give 'em the right to keep us from obtaining it. We must spend lives and coin to get that ooze....We have gone plumb crazy for it and no matter what, we must get it so a few can enrich themselves as you and I drive our lives in the fast lane of pop culture...

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