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Offline JamesH  
#1 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:39:25 AM(UTC)
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Hi flintface 

I'll take a break on the nt stuff for a while if you would answer me 3questions

1.  Who are the Christian founding fathers of the New Testament ?

2. What was the roll of the founding fathers in the New Testament?

3. Was the mother and child Virgin birth in Matthew ,

 Use Scriptural reference 

And again I have backed up all my statements with Yah's word or documentation.

All I get in return is "don't be goofy"

These questions I am bring up about the nt are serious !
We could be perpetrating ha Baal 's lie.

Ok, one more question.

What is kept "protected" in the " ARK of the COVENANT " ??????

Hint, it's not the new testament and psalms.
And if you carefully observe Yah's word you will find it was more than 10

ALL of YAH,s word is protected in the "BOX of INSTRUCTIONS"

to "YHWH   EL's"    Relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Offline dajstill  
#2 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 6:03:09 AM(UTC)
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I know this was directed at Flintface, however, I was wanting to make clear one assertion again. You are skeptical about the entire Yahowsha'/Jesus phenomenon, correct? So, you believe we could still be waiting for the Massah'yah to come from the initial promise of a Savior. Is this correct?

Or, do you believe the He may have come, it just wasn't recorded?
Offline JamesH  
#3 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 6:14:01 AM(UTC)
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Hi VinceB.

Can you give me the answer to any of the questions above or some verses to go along with the statements you made? 
Offline JamesH  
#4 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 6:39:26 AM(UTC)
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Tks dajstill 

I no longer think the nt is questionable " I think it's a lie"

No suffering servant, sacrifical lamb or lamb of god was born to a virgin Mary conceived by the holy spirit .

YHWH will  Atone his people and land through his promise  

Aren't we supposed to read the Law aloud every 7 years?

7 ( oath and promise)
Offline JamesH  
#5 Posted : Wednesday, October 10, 2012 7:15:31 AM(UTC)
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Hi VinceB. 

How do you know you are not a Jew?

And if you can identify that you are not a Jew.

YHWH says " Bless Israel " inter his agreement , be circumcised, obey his commandments, go into the promise land.
Offline VinceBea (VinceB.)  
#6 Posted : Thursday, October 11, 2012 5:24:18 AM(UTC)
VinceBea (VinceB.)
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JamesH wrote:
Hi VinceB. 

How do you know you are not a Jew?

And if you can identify that you are not a Jew.

YHWH says " Bless Israel " inter his agreement , be circumcised, obey his commandments, go into the promise land.

Whereas I don’t know or have any knowledge regarding any lineage with Yah’s Family Yis’rael as a Yahowdy – it doesn’t really matter to me – Bare’syth 17:12, Shemowth/Names 12:43-44, as well as affirmation throughout Towrah/towrah (the Ekklesia made up of Yahowdym and adopted Yahowdym – every where, where Acts depicts Sha’uwl trying to win converts to his B.S. early on in his xtian career, shows him addressing Yahowdym and Gowym gathering together (and it was the Yahowdym side of this Family of Yah, that wanted to kill Paul – and for good reason as we now know)) confirms that my adoption into Yah’s Family Yis’rael as an adopted Yahowdy, that it just doesn’t matter to Yah if we’re native born or adopted (Yis’rael was supposed to be a city on a hill to witness to gowym anyway – just as native Yahowdym & adopted Yahowdym (Yah’s Family) are to witness to native unrestored Yahowdym and the world of gowym in general, today – but what’s important to Dad is that we shama’ shamar Towrah/towrah (walking with Him there) and engage with Him in His be’ryth Covenant relationship (where we both, He and us, grow up together); and once we’re going in the right direction, whether native or adopted, that we then choose to become relevant in sharing Yah, Yah’s Towrah/towrah, and Yah’s be’ryth Covenant with others matters.

Regarding your last question, insofar as I said above, everything from Bare’syth to Zakaryahuw, to include the Living Towrah (Ma’aseyah Yahowsha’, Who wrote and spoke Hebrew), from Aleph to Taw is solely and exclusively for Yahowdym in Yah’s Family Yis’rael; there’s nothing about it addressed to the gowym. The gowym are irrelevant. Upon being adopted into Yah’s Family as adopted Yahowdym in Yis’rael, that retroactively in and through Yis’rael/Yahowdah, that all Yahowah said and did, will do, becomes ours as Promised: Yahowsha’ the Living Towrah fulfilling Towrah Promises on behalf of His Family Yis’rael (natural born Yahowdym / adopted Yahowdym) the gowym are karat (cut out by default).

Insofar as your last comment, it doesn't make that much sense to me; it would back when I was a pagan braindead xtian - than your last statement makes perfect sense.

BTW I had no choice but to create a new account since msn's hotmail has so changed, since I hardly ever use it, that I wasn't able to retrieve/recover my forgotten password.
Offline JamesH  
#7 Posted : Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:44:33 AM(UTC)
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1.  Who are the Christian founding fathers of the New Testament ?



If you have a New King James Version Study Bible, you can find all the founding fathers listed on the first page of Luke, under Author.
Offline NorthCountryGirl  
#8 Posted : Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:18:58 PM(UTC)
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1. Who are the Christian founding fathers of the New Testament?
According to Joe Atwill, in his book, “Caesar’s Messiah”, the term “gospel” means “good news of military victory,” and the gospels were written to commemorate the military campaigns of Titus Flavius throughout Judea. He bases his thesis on the fact that Titus’ campaign, as illustrated in Josephus’ “War of the Jews,” is sequentially aligned with Jesus’ ministry – i.e. they go to the same places in the same order. He basically argues that the Roman Flavians (Titus claimed to his court historians that he was the Jewish Messiah) wanted to create a “prophecy” (after the fact) that would look forward 40 years (Passover – Promised Land; juxtaposing Jewish scripture) to the coming of Titus Flavius and subsequent destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.

Apparently, there was an uprising of Messianic Jews (warriors claiming David’s lineage) against the Romans – This is supposedly recorded in the DSS. These Messianics were not exactly receptive to Rome’s policy of “worship whatever god you want as long as you also worship Caesar.” And, they didn’t much care for all of the “taxation without representation.”
Once Judea was subdued by Titus, the Romans decided to create a pacifist, non-rebellious, domesticated version of the Messianic movement - So they created a pro-Roman, non-violent “Jesus” who would “Give to Caesar what is Caesars” and would “turn the other cheek,” and would also “prophesy” to the coming of “savior” Titus. (The Flavians were a trinity of three Caesars: A father, Vespasian, and his two sons). This character would also serve to merge pagan, human-sacrifice, and practically all regional religions under Rome -- and later Roman Catholocism.

I haven’t actually purchased or read this book, but the theory is at least intriguing. Religion has served to enslave humankind at least since the days of Nimrod (and before the flood). I, for one, am relieved that I don’t have to feel guilty about a man who was supposedly tortured and crucified for my very own sins that I hadn’t even been born to commit yet (perhaps it’s a tragic myth that was designed to incite hatred against Jews?). I have heard other people say that putting “the whole of the divinity of God into just one man” (Pauline concept?) simply robs humans of the power of ‘God IN you’.

3. As for the virgin birth, I’m of the opinion that it’s a well-established fact it is impossible for a virgin to have a baby, with the exception that the woman has made a purchase from the local sperm center.

Another book, titled “Pawn in the Game,” claims that one of the 25 goals of the “Illuminati” founded by Rothschild commissioned Adam Weishaupt (sp?) in 1776, is for agenteurs of this club to come forward after traumatic events and appear to be the “saviors” of the masses. It’s classic Hegelian dialectic: Problem-Reaction-Solution, or Thesis-Antithesis-Solution. The people with the power create the problem; there is a public reaction, and TPTB proceed to propose a pre-determined solution. The winners get to write the history.
Utilizing myth as a means of psychologically controlling populations is customary to empires, historically and globally. Distorting history is another means of control.
Another author, Tom Harpur, makes the case that Shakespearian literature is, in effect, Jewish revenge literature against this Roman NT, with the referential plant needing pruned [the need for Messianic Jews to be eradicated or pacified].

Make of it what you will. I find it somewhere in-between difficult and impossible to determine what is true and what isn't these days; there are so many lies spewing from so many mouths.
Offline cgb2  
#9 Posted : Thursday, October 18, 2012 1:59:19 AM(UTC)
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Seems one has to ignore, twist, or obsfuscate large chunks of the torah, prophets, and psalms to arrive at the conclusion that masseyah didn't come to fulfill his promises of passover,UB,FF in the 1st century...or that he's coming in the future to fulfill his promises trumpets, reconcilliations, shelters.
Nor is Yahowsha's statements like:
Mat 23:37 “Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to her! How often I wished to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you would not!
Mat 23:38 “See! Your house is left to you laid waste,
Mat 23:39 for I say to you, from now on you shall by no means see Me, until you say, ‘Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of יהוה!

Holding them accountable for not knowing/realizing the time of their visitation, although yep seems the 40 year testing clock started ticking when Yahowsha immersed by Yahowcannan > 70 AD Titus. How any of this could be contorted to jusify "Titus as messiah" is mind numbing.
Offline cgb2  
#10 Posted : Thursday, October 18, 2012 2:04:23 AM(UTC)
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NorthCountryGirl wrote:
........Another book, titled “Pawn in the Game,” claims that one of the 25 goals of the “Illuminati” founded by Rothschild commissioned Adam Weishaupt (sp?) in 1776, is for agenteurs of this club to come forward after traumatic events and appear to be the “saviors” of the masses. It’s classic Hegelian dialectic: Problem-Reaction-Solution, or Thesis-Antithesis-Solution. The people with the power create the problem; there is a public reaction, and TPTB proceed to propose a pre-determined solution. The winners get to write the history.
Utilizing myth as a means of psychologically controlling populations is customary to empires, historically and globally. Distorting history is another means of control.
Another author, Tom Harpur, makes the case that Shakespearian literature is, in effect, Jewish revenge literature against this Roman NT, with the referential plant needing pruned [the need for Messianic Jews to be eradicated or pacified].

Make of it what you will. I find it somewhere in-between difficult and impossible to determine what is true and what isn't these days; there are so many lies spewing from so many mouths.

Yes, there is great truth in that means of political manipulation of the masses. False flags, media manipulation of reality, psyops disinfo, etc. Truth is very difficult to discern, especially in these last days.
Offline JamesH  
#11 Posted : Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:01:55 AM(UTC)
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cgb2 wrote:
Seems one has to ignore, twist, or obsfuscate large chunks of the torah, prophets, and psalms to arrive at the conclusion that masseyah didn't come to fulfill his promises of passover,UB,FF in the 1st century.

1.  Who are the Christian founding fathers of the New Testament ?

Christian writers of the first and second centuries who are known, or are considered, to have had personal relations with some of the Apostles, or to have been so influenced by them that their writings may be held as echoes of genuine Apostolic teaching. Though restricted by some to those who were actually disciples of the Apostles, the term applies by extension to certain writers who were previously believed to have been such, and virtually embraces all the remains of primitive Christian literature antedating the great apologies of the second century, and forming the link of tradition that binds these latter writings to those of the New Testament.

The name was apparently unknown in Christian literature before the end of the seventeenth century. The term Apostolic, however, was commonly used to qualify Churches, persons, writings, etc. from the early second century, when St. Ignatius, in the exordium of his Epistle to the Trallians, saluted their Church "after the Apostolic manner." In 1672 Jean Baptiste Cotelier (Cotelerius) published his "SS. Patrum qui temporibus apostolicis floruerunt opera", which title was abbreviated to "Bibliotheca Patrum Apostolicorum" by L. J. Ittig in his edition (Leipzig, 1699) of the same writings. Since then the term has been universally used.

Chief in importance are the three first-century Bishops: St. Clement of Rome, St. Ignatius of Antioch, and St. Polycarp of Smyrna, of whose intimate personal relations with the Apostles there is no doubt. Clement, Bishop of Rome and third successor of St. Peter in the Papacy, "had seen the blessed Apostles [Peter and Paul] and had been conversant with them" (Irenaeus, Adv. Haer., III, iii, 3). 

Cgb2, do you know who these guys are "St. Clement of Rome, St. Ignatius of Antioch, and St. Polycarp of Smyrna"????

Cgb2, can you give me a verse in the Torah that I have twisted or obfuscated?

Cgb2 when Jesus came in 33ce as the Passover lamb "did he save only the first born".       Passover the first born?
Offline cgb2  
#12 Posted : Thursday, October 18, 2012 8:03:41 AM(UTC)
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> Cgb2, do you know who these guys are "St. Clement of Rome, St. Ignatius of Antioch, and St. Polycarp of Smyrna"????

That was an interesting read, and none are disputing corruption, but the incredibly broad brush I note creates deafening silence to most of your posts.

> Cgb2, can you give me a verse in the Torah that I have twisted or obfuscated?

Here's some study guides to help, you can do your own homework:

> Cgb2 when Jesus came in 33ce as the Passover lamb "did he save only the first born".       Passover the first born?

Really JamesH, perhaps YY forum isn't a good fit. Maybe try Rabbinical or Karaite blogs. There will be plenty there who seek to earn their own righteousness by obeying laws and commands.
Offline FredSnell  
#13 Posted : Thursday, October 18, 2012 8:23:10 AM(UTC)
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All those, "Fathers." No thank you! "Saints," heck I've even had people call me one for no more than stopping down and picking something off the floor they had dropped.
Offline JamesH  
#14 Posted : Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:12:48 AM(UTC)
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cgb2 wrote:
> Cgb2, do you know who these guys are "St. Clement of Rome, St. Ignatius of Antioch, and St. Polycarp of Smyrna"????

That was an interesting read, and none are disputing corruption, but the incredibly broad brush I note creates deafening silence to most of your posts.

> Cgb2, can you give me a verse in the Torah that I have twisted or obfuscated?

Here's some study guides to help, you can do your own homework:

> Cgb2 when Jesus came in 33ce as the Passover lamb "did he save only the first born".       Passover the first born?

Really JamesH, perhaps YY forum isn't a good fit. Maybe try Rabbinical or Karaite blogs. There will be plenty there who seek to earn their own righteousness by obeying laws and commands.

Thanks for the links to YY, I already have everything  YY has written in print and read them many times.

As for doing my homework  

I find reading the Torah in context is helpful to me. 

Cgb2,  have you read any from  St. Clement of Rome's writings ??????
Offline Steve in PA  
#15 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 4:06:14 AM(UTC)
Steve in PA
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Hey JamesH...
What is your issues ...? Most people who engage in a topic of discussion here do so in a civil way(not saying you are un-civil) from a common foundation. They're just expressing different insights and opinions an any given topic or passage of Scripture. I've seen a few people clash and butt heads but what you are doing is different.
You come off very arrogant and argumentative, like you know something we don't know. You ask a lot of loaded questions, like a trap, waiting for whatever answer to somehow use that answer as a platform to help make whatever vague points you are trying to make. I say that because you're not very good at it and I have no idea what you are getting at.
It's like you have an agenda but you are trying to be discrete about it.
I'm not saying any of this to start a battle with you... in fact, I'm pretty close to just ignoring you completely.
Why don't you just show your hand, say what you have to say and then back it up if you can.
Offline FredSnell  
#16 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 4:18:18 AM(UTC)
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Couldn't agree more, Steve. I keep have this verse echoing when I read what JamesH is writing.

1 Kings 18:21
EliYah went before the people and said, "How long will you waver between two opinions? If YHWH is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him." But the people said nothing.
Offline Mike  
#17 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 4:54:38 AM(UTC)
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> Cgb2 when Jesus came in 33ce as the Passover lamb "did he save only the first born". Passover the first born?

Yes, when Yahowshah came in 33ce as the Passover Lamb, Yahowah “saved” only the first born.

(Yisra’el) individuals who strive and contend with God (el). All individuals who strive and contend with God are first-born (first-fruits).

Yahowsha means Yahowah Saves.

Exo 4:22 “And you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus said יהוה, “Yisra’ĕl is My son, My first-born,
Exo 4:23 so I say to you, let My son go to serve Me. But if you refuse to let him go, see, I am killing your son, your first-born.” ’ ”

Exo 4:22 ואמרתH559 אלH413 פרעהH6547 כהH3541 אמרH559 יהוהH3068 בניH1121 בכריH1060 ישׂראל׃H3478
Exo 4:23 ואמרH559 אליךH413 שׁלחH7971 אתH853 בניH1121 ויעבדניH5647 ותמאןH3985 לשׁלחוH7971 הנהH2009 אנכיH595 הרגH2026 אתH853 בנךH1121 בכרך׃H1060

Ben can mean children (both male and female) not just son (male). In this case, ben means children since yish can mean individual (male or female) and bikor can mean first-born of men and women. Yahowah saves both males and females and He is only going to save individuals who want to contend with, persist with, and persevere with Him (El) which he calls His first-born or first-fruits.

BDB Definition:
1) son, grandson, child, member of a group
1a) son, male child
1b) grandson
1c) children (plural - male and female)
1d) youth, young men (plural)
1e) young (of animals)
1f) sons (as characterization, i.e. sons of injustice [for unrighteous men] or sons of God [for angels])
1g) people (of a nation) (plural)
1h) of lifeless things, i.e. sparks, stars, arrows (figuratively)
1i) a member of a guild, order, class
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from H1129

BDB Definition:
1) firstborn, firstling
1a) of men and women
1b) of animals
1c) noun of relation (figuratively)
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from H1069

BDB Definition:
1) first-fruits
1a) the first of the crops and fruit that ripened, was gathered, and offered to God according to the ritual of Pentecost
1b) the bread made of the new grain offered at Pentecost
1c) the day of the first-fruits (Pentecost)
Part of Speech: noun masculine plural

Yisra’ĕl is a compound word from H376 + H8280 + H410.

BDB Definition:
1) man
1a) man, male (in contrast to woman, female)
1b) husband
1c) human being, person (in contrast to God)
1d) servant
1e) mankind
1f) champion
1g) great man
2) whosoever
3) each (adjective)
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: contracted for H582 [or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant]

BDB Definition:
1) contend, have power, contend with, persist, exert oneself, persevere
1a) (Qal) to persevere, contend with
Part of Speech: verb
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: a primitive root

BDB Definition:
1) god, god-like one, mighty one
1a) mighty men, men of rank, mighty heroes
1b) angels
1c) god, false god, (demons, imaginations)
1d) God, the one true God, Jehovah
2) mighty things in nature
3) strength, power
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: shortened from H352

Offline JamesH  
#18 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 5:40:51 AM(UTC)
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Thanks encounterhim and mike for responding with Yah's word and not just with reasoning.

Yes mike Yah saved his first born son in Exodus 4 : 22

And killed the first born of those who did not heed his word in Exodus 4 : 23

The question eh Steve 

Why did Yah have to save his son "again" in 33ce?
Offline Steve in PA  
#19 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 6:07:58 AM(UTC)
Steve in PA
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By asking that question... you obviously have no idea who Yahowsha' is.
For someone who asks so many questions you sure are pretty ignorant.
Offline MadDog  
#20 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 9:11:59 AM(UTC)
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JamesH wrote:
The question eh Steve 

Why did Yah have to save his son "again" in 33ce?

What's with the minds games?

Just spit it out.

If you have something to say then just say it.
Offline JamesH  
#21 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 9:19:25 AM(UTC)
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Hi  maddog 

I must be pretty ignorant 

Because I truly don't know the answer

Do you?
Offline MadDog  
#22 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 9:24:30 AM(UTC)
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JamesH wrote:
Hi  maddog 

I must be pretty ignorant 

Because I truly don't know the answer

Do you?

Again with the questions. Just answer.

What's your deal?

What are you trying to say?

That there was never a Yahoshau?

I'm not one of your pupils JamesH.

Just say whats on your mind.
Offline MadDog  
#23 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 9:50:31 AM(UTC)
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JamesH wrote:
Cgb2 when Jesus came in 33ce as the Passover lamb "did he save only the first born".       Passover the first born?

Where do you get the idea that passover was to save just the firstborn?

Abraham was asked to offer Issac his first born as a sacrifice only to be told that Yah would provide the lamb.

Symbolically. Metaphorically.

If anything there are many layers to the Torah, Prophet, and Psalms.

Not just the one answer your putting forth.
Offline Steve in PA  
#24 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 9:56:53 AM(UTC)
Steve in PA
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JamesH wrote:

The question eh Steve 

Why did Yah have to save his son "again" in 33ce?

I've heard it said there there are no dumb questions... I disagree.

JimmyH here asks a question where within it he implies a false premise which makes answering it pointless.

If you call allowing a diminished manifestation of yourself to be; mocked, beaten, whipped, nailed to a pole and killed only to then take your own soul to a place of separation, "saved"... well, I'd say you were delusional.
He did what He did to redeem and reconcile His Family... not "save" Himself.

You deny Yahowsha'... JimmyH. I say you're an idiot. Your style is weak and insulting. Your silly questions game is annoying and condescending.
I'll play your stupid game... but I'll make my own rules as we go along.
Offline JamesH  
#25 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 10:02:34 AM(UTC)
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MadDog wrote:
Where do you get the idea that passover was to save just the firstborn?

Abraham was asked to offer Issac his first born as a sacrifice only to be told that Yah would provide the lamb.

Symbolically. Metaphorically.

If anything there are many layers to the Torah, Prophet, and Psalms.

Not just the one answer your putting forth.

Read mike's post #17 above
Offline MadDog  
#26 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 10:09:18 AM(UTC)
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JamesH wrote:
Read mike's post #17 above

Why did YOU ask that question to begin with? I'm not talking to Mike.

Mike was saying that we become "first borns" when we follow Yahs Torah.
Offline JamesH  
#27 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 10:10:22 AM(UTC)
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eh steve wrote:
I've heard it said there there are no dumb questions... I disagree.

JimmyH here asks a question where within it he implies a false premise which makes answering it pointless.

If you call allowing a diminished manifestation of yourself to be; mocked, beaten, whipped, nailed to a pole and killed only to then take your own soul to a place of separation, "saved"... well, I'd say you were delusional.
He did what He did to redeem and reconcile His Family... not "save" Himself.

You deny Yahowsha'... JimmyH. I say you're an idiot. Your style is weak and insulting. Your silly questions game is annoying and condescending.
I'll play your stupid game... but I'll make my own rules as we go along.

Eh Steve

If you don't know the answer to the question you don't have to participate.

Eh Steve 
Can you Yah's word to just "one " of the statements you made above

Or do you prefer name calling to avoid the question 
Offline MadDog  
#28 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 10:20:21 AM(UTC)
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JamesH wrote:
Eh Steve

If you don't know the answer to the question you don't have to participate.

Eh Steve 
Can you Yah's word to just "one " of the statements you made above

Or do you prefer name calling to avoid the question 

JamesH wrote:
The question eh Steve

Why did Yah have to save his son "again" in 33ce?

Your question is faulty.

Yah didn't save his son "again."

When did he save his son the first time?

He didn't.

Offline Steve in PA  
#29 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 10:21:31 AM(UTC)
Steve in PA
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JamesH wrote:
Eh Steve

If you don't know the answer to the question you don't have to participate.

If it's a "straw-man" question my participation may be just to point that out

Eh Steve 
Can you Yah's word to just "one " of the statements you made above

Or do you prefer name calling to avoid the question
I'm just ascribing accurate titles to you... now if I were to call you an asshole or something... then I guess that would be "name calling", asshole.

Next question ...???

Offline JamesH  
#30 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 10:56:42 AM(UTC)
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MadDog wrote:
Your question is faulty.

Yah didn't save his son "again."

When did he save his son the first time?

He didn't.

The subject of the thread is "Torah vs nt"

I realize your understanding of the Torah is pretty limited 

And you are a very good student of the lord 

You don't have to participate in the topic if you don't know the answers! 

The answer to your question

YHWH saved his son (The Children of Israel ).    Exodus  4 : 22
Offline JamesH  
#31 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 11:15:45 AM(UTC)
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eh steve
The straw man is the.                 New Testament 
Offline MadDog  
#32 Posted : Friday, October 19, 2012 11:38:10 AM(UTC)
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JamesH wrote:
The subject of the thread is "Torah vs nt"

I realize your understanding of the Torah is pretty limited 

And you are a very good student of the lord 

You don't have to participate in the topic if you don't know the answers! 

The answer to your question

YHWH saved his son (The Children of Israel ).    Exodus  4 : 22

Don't tell what the title of the thread is JamesH.

I'll discuss whatever I please. I don't need your permission.

I want to really give you a piece of my mind about your "good student of the
lord" comment and it will be very rude, but I won't.

Your the one posting questions on this forum and you obviously have answers
to the questions you are posting.

So let's cut to the chase.

JamesH wrote:
eh steve
The straw man is the. New Testament

You are saying that there is no messiah Yahoshua.

That the New Testament is not only corrupt but false in it's entirety.

Therefore none of it can be trusted, but you have no problem coming to
your conclusions reading some other books and take those books at face value.

JamesH wrote:
Cgb2, have you read any from St. Clement of Rome's writings ??????

Therefore whatever you read will not jive with anything that is posted on this forum
because you are already convinced that the books you've read are correct.

Anything we say will be rebutted on what you learned from something other
than the Torah and bit parts of the "New Testament" that is deemed acceptable
to the rest of us but not to you.

So that leaves YOU the responsibility to convince the rest of us that we are wrong
and by posting straw man questions that are based on YOUR conclusions proves
you are right because WE don't have the answers to YOUR straw man.

JamesH wrote:
The answer to your question

YHWH saved his son (The Children of Israel ). Exodus 4 : 22

Yah saved Israel many times, but you are suggesting that this was THE time.

The first time and maybe the only time.

So that should have been the end of it all. What further purpose would Yah write
the rest of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms?

Why did he keep repeating that he would come in the flesh?

What was the purpose of writing the Prophets and Psalms then?

Something significant happend with Yahoshau, what he did changed human history.

But you are saying it's all made up, it's a false illusion.

So what are we supposed to do then?
Offline Steve in PA  
#33 Posted : Saturday, October 20, 2012 6:33:25 AM(UTC)
Steve in PA
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JamesH wrote:
eh steve
The straw man is the.                 New Testament 

Hey knumbnutz... there is no "new testament". There is only ONE Covenant as it was established first with Abraham.

There is much witness and testimony to Yshayah'el / Yahowsha' throughout the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms.
It is Yah who will return on His day of reconciliations... it was Yah who walked this earth as Yahowsha' and blazed the path His family must travel to live in His Home.

"...So they will look upon Me [Yahowah is speaking]) whom by association they pierced (daqa), mourning as one wails for an only begotten son , grieving bitterly over Him as one suffers anguish over a firstborn (bakor)." (Zakaryah / Zechariah 12:10)
Offline Steve in PA  
#34 Posted : Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:03:31 AM(UTC)
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Yahowah is speaking of Yahowsha' and...He says, "He is a diminished part of Me, on behalf of you , existing as My servant to stand up for and establish, restoring the tribes of Ya'aqob, and to change, restore and preserve Yisra'el . I will give You as a gift to provide light to Gentiles , existing as I Am Yahowsha' (salvation) to the distant limits the land, earth, world, and space , says Yahowah, Redeemer of Yisra'el, the Set Apart One ." (YashaYah / Isaiah 49:6-7)
Offline Steve in PA  
#35 Posted : Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:04:44 AM(UTC)
Steve in PA
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This shall come to pass (hayah) on a day (ba ha yowm) in which there shall not be (lo hayah) a diminishing (qipa’on - reduction) of His (huw’) esteemed and beloved (yaqar - precious and valuable, splendorous and beautiful, rare, prized, worthy, influential, and magnificent) light (‘owr - illumination)." (Zakaryah / Zechariah 14:6)
Offline JamesH  
#36 Posted : Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:46:58 AM(UTC)
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eh steve wrote:
Hey knumbnutz

"...So they will look upon Me [Yahowah is speaking]) whom by association they pierced (daqa), mourning as one wails for an only begotten son , grieving bitterly over Him as one suffers anguish over a firstborn (bakor)." (Zakaryah / Zechariah 12:10)

Eh steve

I see that your ability to read and understand is flawed like maddog 

Zechariah  12: 10
Is the subject of what Judah did to YHWH before they went into captivity 

daquar ( stab , starve, revile )

The English deffinition of pierce can mean ( to affect sharply sensation or emotion of grief.

Also in verse 10 the word "pierced " happened before Zechariah wrote verse 10

Judah reviled and affected YHWH sharply with grief!

eh steve
Name calling only shows your lack of intelligence 
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