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Offline ks77  
#1 Posted : Thursday, March 3, 2011 12:33:23 AM(UTC)
Joined: 8/1/2010(UTC)
Posts: 69
Location: Australia

I haven't read or remembered enough of YY or FH to get the facts completey correct, I know Yada supports the notion of 3 different 'raptures' so to speak, so I guess I'm reffering to first rapture here. What I'd like to know is everyone's opinions on whether or not the illuminati would have a significant or any impact on the world events at this time. An ex-member explains how in 1995 when she left, they were looking toward around 2020 to come out and reveal the new world order; assuming it's a reliable source. http://educate-yourself....csvaliinterviewpt1.shtml The date could easily have changed, but I would assume it would still be in the ball park. It seems very close to the predicted date Yahshua will return. I did read the chapter "Mystery Babylon" in FH and found it very interesting and stimulated me to do further research.

I figure there's not too many other people around with a bigger heart to seek and know Yah and as knowledgable as some people here at this forum, so I ask you guys for any ideas of how it will all play out, and if the illuminati will indeed have anything to do with it.

I don't THINK talk of secret societies bent on world domination was prophesised, so everything will have to be pure speculation. We're definitely not far away from the end of the church age, perhaps they will have some influence in why the wars and tribulation occur.

The symbolism in the opening of Lady Gaga's (one of the most famous pop 'artists' today) video clip is blatently obvious. Either it's been done to make fun of 'conspiracy theorists' or the illuminati higher ups designing the video aren't afraid to start letting the secrecy slip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV1FrqwZyKw 99% of pop music today is about getting money, sex and power and they feed it straight into the younger generations minds...
Offline Paula  
#2 Posted : Thursday, March 3, 2011 3:52:08 AM(UTC)
Joined: 2/5/2011(UTC)
Posts: 17

Re: Lady Gaga - I heard on a radio show several years ago that the devil was once the choirmaster...
Jay-Z and Rhianna also have some peculiar symbolism in their videos.

The illuminati are addressed in the 'Babylon is Fallen' chapter of FH.

Offline MadDog  
#3 Posted : Thursday, March 3, 2011 11:26:01 AM(UTC)
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Not just the Illuminati, but you need to keep an eye on the Vatican, Islam, Human Secularists, Red China, Wiccans, Christianity, Judaism, Satanists, UFOologists, Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, nuclear Iran, the potential fall of nuclear Pakistan, Russia, etc.

I don't think you need to believe in a specific conspiracy, there are enough real world players like Islam that are sending the world an unmistakable and very public message that they are bent on the destruction of the USA and Israel.

I personally would keep my eye on the Pope and the Vatican which is the beginning of Christianity and older then Islam.

However, Islam or muslims, as odd as it may sound, will indeed force both christians and Jews to seek Yahweh, if (when) they have their way and destroy or severly cripple either the USA or Israel. Most probably the USA which is kinda of a downer for me since I happen to live here :(
Offline Daniel  
#4 Posted : Friday, March 4, 2011 4:17:57 AM(UTC)
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MadDog wrote:
However, Islam or muslims, as odd as it may sound, will indeed force both christians and Jews to seek Yahweh...(

That is what happened for me!

Read my new 600 page book: How I read the Qur'an an became a Jew.
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Richard  
#5 Posted : Friday, March 4, 2011 10:58:54 PM(UTC)
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I believe that the Illuminati are the movers and shakers among us humans, but the real enemy is the devil. Yet even he can do nothing unless he receives approval from our Father. So as long as we remain focused on His Word and seek to walk in His ways, the things He has told are going to happen will not affect our relationship with Him. If, on the other hand, we allow ourselves to become fixated on the Illuminati or Planet X or anything else, we place ourselves in danger of stumbling at this, that, or the other. I personally find it thrilling to be privy to the wisdom of Scripture when observing the goings on in the world around us these days. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a really difficult time not shouting my head off to warn others about what's right around the corner. However, since I am usually either ignored or verbally dissected with extreme prejudice, I have become mostly a silent watcher who prays for those I would previously have spoken to.
Offline Daniel  
#6 Posted : Monday, March 7, 2011 4:35:00 AM(UTC)
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Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Mike  
#7 Posted : Monday, March 7, 2011 7:36:09 AM(UTC)
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For more on Jay-Z and Rhianna’s occult symbolism go to this link:


While all of this Illuminati, Freemasonry, Vatican, Islam, Bilderbergers, etc. stuff is fascinating to watch (like a train wreck). I agree with Flintface to not be fixated on those things. Remember what happened to Kepha when he took his eyes off of Yahshua and instead looked at the storm that was around him.

Mat 14:24 But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, agitated by the waves, for the wind was against it.
Mat 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night יהושע went to them, walking on the sea.
Mat 14:26 And when the taught ones saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a phantom!” And from fear they cried.
Mat 14:27 But immediately יהושע spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid.”
Mat 14:28 And Kĕpha answered Him and said, “Master, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”
Mat 14:29 And He said, “Come.” And when Kĕpha had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to יהושע.
Mat 14:30 But when he saw that the wind was strong, he was afraid. And beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Master, save me!”
Mat 14:31 And immediately יהושע stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “O you of little belief, why did you doubt?”
Mat 14:32 And when they came into the boat, the wind ceased.
Mat 14:33 And those in the boat came and did bow to Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of Elohim.”

Offline MadDog  
#8 Posted : Tuesday, March 8, 2011 3:24:37 PM(UTC)
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Daniel, how do you do that? Add pictures that is?

Daniel wrote:

Offline ks77  
#9 Posted : Tuesday, March 8, 2011 10:15:31 PM(UTC)
Joined: 8/1/2010(UTC)
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Paula wrote:

The illuminati are addressed in the 'Babylon is Fallen' chapter of FH.

Thanks! I didn't realise it is mentioned there too.

flintface wrote:
I believe that the Illuminati are the movers and shakers among us humans, but the real enemy is the devil. Yet even he can do nothing unless he receives approval from our Father. So as long as we remain focused on His Word and seek to walk in His ways, the things He has told are going to happen will not affect our relationship with Him. If, on the other hand, we allow ourselves to become fixated on the Illuminati or Planet X or anything else, we place ourselves in danger of stumbling at this, that, or the other. I personally find it thrilling to be privy to the wisdom of Scripture when observing the goings on in the world around us these days. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a really difficult time not shouting my head off to warn others about what's right around the corner. However, since I am usually either ignored or verbally dissected with extreme prejudice, I have become mostly a silent watcher who prays for those I would previously have spoken to.

Yes, definitely. I can't let it become my main focus. Thanks for the advice!

Mike wrote:
For more on Jay-Z and Rhianna’s occult symbolism go to this link:


I'll check it out. I've heard about that site being pretty informative too. Hopefully I don't become like Kĕpha, a lot of people who are aware of the Illuminati are terrified that they'll take over the world and start another holocaust, almost living in fear. Fortunately I know that some things just need to take place, and it's impossible to be fearful when you know that someone else incomprehensibly bigger is in charge. Unlike Kĕpha being scared when he should have known it would all be okay. I can't exactly blame him, I might have done the same thing in that situation... :(

By the way that's the first time I've heard that name, Kĕpha.

Something else I found strange which my friend showed me recently was this MTV commercial, here. At the end it says "The holocaust happened to people like you. Think.mtv.com". In a somewhat related note, does anyone know about these "millions of plastic coffins" and concentration camps? I followed a link on that link to a youtube video 'explaining' it, but the television show looked so set-up and fake (like television programs are) I couldn't watch it. It could have been accurate information they were conveying, but they show it in the least credible way.
Offline Richard  
#10 Posted : Tuesday, March 8, 2011 10:37:27 PM(UTC)
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ks77 wrote:
[D]oes anyone know about these "millions of plastic coffins" and concentration camps? I followed a link on that link to a youtube video 'explaining' it, but the television show looked so set-up and fake (like television programs are) I couldn't watch it. It could have been accurate information they were conveying, but they show it in the least credible way.

From what I have gleaned throughout the past months, they are quite real. Each coffin can hold 4 or 5 adult bodies, and there are somewhere in the neighborhood of half a million of them stored just outside Atlanta, GA. It is also true that FEMA is seeking to buy up all the MREs (Meals Ready to Eat, those things that replaced C Rations), and that they have built and staffed concentration camps across the country. I am unconvinced that there will be a polar shift in the next few weeks, but I AM convinced that there is going to be "an event", that certain of our national leaders of government and industry know about it, and that they are well-prepared to deal with those of the masses who do not die during it. Reason to fear? Sure it is. But let's remember Who holds us in the palm of His Hand, and under Whose Wings we have sought refuge. His Name is a strong tower; we run into it and are safe. "Fear not, for I am with you. I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness."

The Illuminati will themselves be doublecrossed by the very Pseudo-Messiah they bring into power, and they will perish. As for us, though, "Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of lives, and we will dwell in the house of Yahuwah forever."

So be it!


Offline ks77  
#11 Posted : Tuesday, March 8, 2011 11:43:20 PM(UTC)
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flintface wrote:
I am unconvinced that there will be a polar shift in the next few weeks, but I AM convinced that there is going to be "an event", that certain of our national leaders of government and industry know about it, and that they are well-prepared to deal with those of the masses who do not die during it. Reason to fear? Sure it is. But let's remember Who holds us in the palm of His Hand, and under Whose Wings we have sought refuge. His Name is a strong tower; we run into it and are safe. "Fear not, for I am with you. I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness."

The Illuminati will themselves be doublecrossed by the very Pseudo-Messiah they bring into power, and they will perish. As for us, though, "Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of lives, and we will dwell in the house of Yahuwah forever."

So be it!



You just reminded me of a video I watched earlier regarding the hysteria of swine flu and the deliberate contaminations of vaccinations distributed by Baxter and the WHO, which is an agency of the UN. If it got out it could have qualified as that "event". Video here if anyone's interested.

I do admire your words of wisdom! :)
Offline Daniel  
#12 Posted : Wednesday, March 9, 2011 7:12:01 AM(UTC)
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flintface wrote:
From what I have gleaned throughout the past months, they are quite real. Each coffin can hold 4 or 5 adult bodies, and there are somewhere in the neighborhood of half a million of them stored just outside Atlanta, GA.

I drive on the I-285 loop around Atlanta every week... I'll keep an eye out for these.

flintface wrote:
It is also true that FEMA is seeking to buy up all the MREs (Meals Ready to Eat, those things that replaced C Rations),

Suddenly, those plastic coffins don't sound so bad...

MRE = Meals Reject by Ethiopians

If I never eat one of those again, it will be too soon.

flintface wrote:
...I AM convinced that there is going to be "an event", that certain of our national leaders of government and industry know about it, and that they are well-prepared to deal with those of the masses who do not die during it.

The "American Idol" season finale?

The cancellation of "Two and a half men"?

or worse:

The NFL Player's strike?!?!

Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Richard  
#13 Posted : Wednesday, March 9, 2011 5:39:24 PM(UTC)
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ks77 wrote:
You just reminded me of a video I watched earlier regarding the hysteria of swine flu and the deliberate contaminations of vaccinations distributed by Baxter and the WHO, which is an agency of the UN. If it got out it could have qualified as that "event". Video here if anyone's interested.

So, according to "The New England Journal of Medicine", the so-called Swine Flu is really the same flu that killed 20 million people back in 1918 and was brought back to life in a lab by scientists/doctors who had dug up a frozen Enuit victim of the earlier pandemic. Well, slap me Protestant and hide my statues! If that don't beat all, KS77! Thanks for the link!


P.S. Daniel, coming "Events" pale when compared to the hand-wringing, breast-clutching, heart-stopping anticipation of waiting to discover who Randy, Jennifer, and Steve, and millions of viewers finally "select" as the next American Idol. Sometimes reality just has to take a back seat to American hoopla. It is written in the Profits and is preached daily in the Tabloids. Do you not realize that all this God and Scripture stuff is okay in its place, but that the really important things are being fashion conscious, owning and being proficient with all the latest technological whizz-bang toys, driving the sexiest automobile, and being able to rattle off the top of your head obscure sports trivia and Hollywood rumors? Wow. I am, like, so disappointed, man.
Offline Paula  
#14 Posted : Wednesday, March 9, 2011 6:24:00 PM(UTC)
Joined: 2/5/2011(UTC)
Posts: 17

flintface wrote:
the really important things are being fashion conscious, owning and being proficient with all the latest technological whizz-bang toys, driving the sexiest automobile, and being able to rattle off the top of your head obscure sports trivia and Hollywood rumors? Wow. I am, like, so disappointed, man.

OMG I am like, totally like, thrilled that somebody else like, gets it, man. Kewl.
Offline Richard  
#15 Posted : Wednesday, March 9, 2011 11:43:32 PM(UTC)
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Daniel wrote:
I drive on the I-285 loop around Atlanta every week... I'll keep an eye out for these.

Here's what one source says: "The location of these containers is just off Interstate 20 in Madison."

Check it out if you can, Daniel, and let me know whether that's a fact. I've seen the videos, but an eyewitness report from a trusted brother would be best.

Offline RidesWithYah  
#16 Posted : Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:26:13 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/10/2008(UTC)
Posts: 331

Look for THIS
Offline Richard  
#17 Posted : Friday, March 11, 2011 1:30:46 PM(UTC)
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Now that's what I'm talkin' about, RWY. Thank you.
Offline danshelper  
#18 Posted : Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:34:01 PM(UTC)
Joined: 11/30/2009(UTC)
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Location: Gettysburg, PA

Conspiracy theories, secret societies, unnatural disasters, HAARP, comet Elenin ….


I don’t know what to think of all this, but how are we counseled in Scripture to prepare for “the end”? Does Scripture counsel a physical preparation? I know that Scripture counsels a spiritual preparation:

- watchfulness that we are not led astray (Luke 21:8),
- watchfulness that we are not asleep (1 Thessalonians 5:6)
- that we are not “weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life” (Luke 21:34)
- that we be the set apart people we ought to be in holiness and godliness (2 Peter 3:11)
- the spiritual purchases of Revelation 3:18 if needed

Certainly we are experiencing a “shaking of nations” – politically, financially, physically. There are many “end times” websites that have such bizarre information (ufos, holograms …) it’s hard to know what to trust for information. What do you think of the “speculation” on the Japan earthquake from the website above? Thanks for your input.

Offline FredSnell  
#19 Posted : Monday, March 28, 2011 3:39:39 AM(UTC)
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danshelper wrote:
Conspiracy theories, secret societies, unnatural disasters, HAARP, comet Elenin ….


I must say, that's alot of stuff, but really, a tattoo of the Creators name on his chest.

Sorry if this doesn't appear right, I'm trying out this box and bracket linings for the 1st time.

I see when you guys use it, it does make for easier reading....wish me luck..pushing send,,,,,NOW!
Offline FredSnell  
#20 Posted : Monday, March 28, 2011 3:41:07 AM(UTC)
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Awww shucks...lol. Maybe next time.
Offline Yah Tselem  
#21 Posted : Monday, March 28, 2011 4:27:02 AM(UTC)
Yah Tselem
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Hey, just a tip, next time click "preview" so you can see exactly what it will look like before submitting it :)
Offline danshelper  
#22 Posted : Monday, March 28, 2011 4:58:04 AM(UTC)
Joined: 11/30/2009(UTC)
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And what about the “Blue Beam Project”? Just type that in google and see what you get. There's an article in the www.educate-yourself.org website that ks77 mentioned in the first post of this thread.

Richard, do you have any knowledge of the HAARP from your wife’s experience with the navy?


Offline FredSnell  
#23 Posted : Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1:47:26 PM(UTC)
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If anyone cares to take, close to an hour and listen to this one lesson on Torah Class in Exodus review, I wouldn't mind anyones thoughts on the matter.....http://torahclass.com/old-testament-studies/35-old-testament-studies-exodus/138-lesson-19-chapter20-cont-2
Offline YAHisLIGHT  
#24 Posted : Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:27:28 PM(UTC)
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I checked out the www.educate-yourself.org website and there may be some good information there, but the link to Prevent Alien/Demonic Attacks I found ABSURD and LAUGHABLE... Is there anyone here who actually believes this? I'm going to stick to the Scriptures... I just had to put in my two cents on this one... (I could always be wrong, but this doesn't seem like a reliable source to me)
HalleluYAH... Blessings and Protection, Peace and Love to all YAHUWAH'S People, in YAHUSHUA MessiYAH and YAH'S RUWACH HA'KODESH
Offline PattyB  
#25 Posted : Saturday, April 9, 2011 9:03:52 PM(UTC)
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Sounds like an episode of the x-files to me. lol ;)
Offline danshelper  
#26 Posted : Sunday, April 10, 2011 3:23:12 PM(UTC)
Joined: 11/30/2009(UTC)
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Location: Gettysburg, PA

Some may find this history channel program interesting - Weather Warfare.


Offline ks77  
#27 Posted : Monday, April 11, 2011 12:52:42 AM(UTC)
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danshelper wrote:
Some may find this history channel program interesting - Weather Warfare.


I actually seen a bit of that episode last night, I'll have to watch the whole thing. Thanks for posting.

@YAHisLIGHT: It does sound pretty farfetched. I don't agree with the whole reptilians idea either.

Perhaps the Blue Beam Project or maybe even Chemtrails (among other things) could be what Yahshua was referring to by "signs in the sky". I'm not completely sold on the chemtrails 'conspiracy', but over the last couple of weeks I've been looking into it, and both sides have some good arguments. I first heard about it through Wikipedia under 'Chemtrail conspiracy theory', and immediately thought it was false paranoia. Though when I finished reading the article, I noticed it didn't just state the theory and reasons behind it, the amount of bias was incredible and was clearly written to position the readers to think whoever considers the theory to be true was a lunatic. After seeing a video of a plane not leaving a contrail then suddenly leaving one as if it was a flick of a switch then doing laps of the sky apparently nowhere near an airport is pretty compelling evidence. I did a quick search of the forum and couldn't find it mentioned, so it would be nice hearing what everyone thinks about it. It's also called 'Geoengineering'. I live in quite a small insignificant town compared to the rest of the world, but I've still been seeing what is considered by many people to be 'chemtrails' in the sky over the past few days. The only thing that makes me doubt it is that it occurs all over the world on a regular basis, it must cost a fortune. Not that they don't have a fortune to spend, but it strikes me as odd.

Here's a documentary called "What in the world are they spraying?" if anyone's interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K9rXydMmfw

I'd love to be convinced they are indeed 'harmless' contrails and it isn’t just another way to ‘dumb down’ society, lower immune systems, and make us infertile. Some people also think it’s to render our soil unable to grow seeds so we have to buy aluminum resistant seeds by Monsanto which don’t produce more seeds, so they can control exactly how much and what we eat. Personally I think the last scenario is a bit impossible to successfully ‘death bomb’ the entire planet so nothing organic can grow, but if you watch the documentary you can get a more in depth argument.

Looking forward to replies!
Offline Daniel  
#28 Posted : Monday, April 11, 2011 7:01:30 AM(UTC)
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ks77 wrote:
After seeing a video of a plane not leaving a contrail then suddenly leaving one as if it was a flick of a switch then doing laps of the sky apparently nowhere near an airport is pretty compelling evidence.

This is because of temperature changes due to changes in altitude.

As an aircraft's altitude increases, the surrounding air temperature decreases at a rate of about 3.5 degrees for every 1,000 feet.

[please forgive my use of the stupid English system of measurement]

For every gallon of fuel an aircraft burns, it exhausts about a pound of water. (Your car does the same thing, it is visible on cold mornings at the tail pipe.)

At 30,000 feet the air temperature is about 30-40 degrees below zero.

Contrails that appear behind aircraft are actually frozen water crystals, commonly called ice.

Small temperature/altitude and humidity changes, along with the angle of the sun, effect the visibility of the contrail, and can cause the "on/off" appearance. The trail of water vapor is always there (as long as the engine(s) are running!), you just cannot always see it.

A friend of mine tells the story of a Navy A-4 (small jet) driver who noticed that at Xthounsand feet he was producing a contrail, and at X+50thousand feet he was not. He sketched out a pattern of altitude and heading changes and cleverly began skywriting with his contrail. He wrote vulgar word in the sky, then dropped down below it to admire his aerial penmanship. He then realized that his skywriting was visible to anyone in the city of Rome, Italy. He spent the rest of the deployment confined to quarters as punishment.

In my aviation career I have loaded and burned literally millions of pounds of fuel into aircraft of all types. To my knowledge there was no "mind control additive" in the fuel. I also doubt that a psychotropic substance could remain active after being subject to the temperatures involved in a petroleum combustion cycle.
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline danshelper  
#29 Posted : Monday, April 11, 2011 3:19:20 PM(UTC)
Joined: 11/30/2009(UTC)
Posts: 196
Location: Gettysburg, PA

It is wise to be cautious, but we also shouldn’t be naïve about the use of technology in the hands of evil. Until recently, I didn’t even know a thing like HAARP existed, but it does and is being used by several countries according to the history channel documentary and many other resources.

One of the things I’ve read about chemtrails is their use in creating holographs. Holographic technology is another thing I was pretty much in the dark about, but it certainly exists and has many applications, including military. Though some web sites focus on the potential of this technology being used to deceive people by projecting “persuasive images and three-dimensional pictures of cloud, smoke, rain droplets, buildings, flying saucers and religious figures” which we may find farfetched, this technology is certainly being experimented with and could be used in warfare – http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/12/military-one-step-closer-to-battlefield-holograms/

It has also been suggested that the chemicals leaking from Japan’s nuclear reactors are the same as those used to create holographs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d40afX7vwfo&feature=player_embedded

1998 Army Research Lab article on 3-D Holographic Display using Strontium Barium Niobate: http://www.stevequayle.com/News.alert/11_Global/110406.strontium-barium.pdf

The use of these technologies is only “laughable” to YHWH – Psalm 2.

And just as a reminder, the flaming chariots that Elisha saw (2 Kings 2:11) could be called “ufo” and the four living creatures before YHWH’s throne (Ezekiel, Revelation) might be described as “aliens”. But no matter what manner of evil we endure till the Messiah’s return, “Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” Psalm 2:12

Offline ks77  
#30 Posted : Tuesday, April 12, 2011 3:05:46 AM(UTC)
Joined: 8/1/2010(UTC)
Posts: 69
Location: Australia

Daniel wrote:
This is because of temperature changes due to changes in altitude.

As an aircraft's altitude increases, the surrounding air temperature decreases at a rate of about 3.5 degrees for every 1,000 feet.

[please forgive my use of the stupid English system of measurement]

For every gallon of fuel an aircraft burns, it exhausts about a pound of water. (Your car does the same thing, it is visible on cold mornings at the tail pipe.)

At 30,000 feet the air temperature is about 30-40 degrees below zero.

Contrails that appear behind aircraft are actually frozen water crystals, commonly called ice.

Small temperature/altitude and humidity changes, along with the angle of the sun, effect the visibility of the contrail, and can cause the "on/off" appearance. The trail of water vapor is always there (as long as the engine(s) are running!), you just cannot always see it.

A friend of mine tells the story of a Navy A-4 (small jet) driver who noticed that at Xthounsand feet he was producing a contrail, and at X+50thousand feet he was not. He sketched out a pattern of altitude and heading changes and cleverly began skywriting with his contrail. He wrote vulgar word in the sky, then dropped down below it to admire his aerial penmanship. He then realized that his skywriting was visible to anyone in the city of Rome, Italy. He spent the rest of the deployment confined to quarters as punishment.

Thanks Daniel, that's very comforting.

I'm lucky enough to live very close to a shared airport and RAAF base, and it must be a flight path because there's always something flying overhead so I'm quite used to seeing contrails. I remember laying on my trampoline when I was younger (only about 8 years ago... I'm only 20 lol. I deleted my facebook too by the way, just in case you were wondering!) and remember being fascinated by the jets going past and leaving a line across the sky. Though as I recall they never lasted too long, most of them faded away after no more than a minute. Though I could be wrong, that's why I'm asking. Though on a typical day the contrails only last about 5 seconds or so. I don't see contrails off the fighter jets, but that's because they fly at lower altitudes as you said, where it isn't cold enough for the water vapor to have a visual affect. I certainly hear them though lol.

So in your experience, are contrails like this normal? It would actually mean something from someone I can trust and not just a wikipedia article or the media. I did not see the plane actually fly across, but I can guarantee that it was left by a plane and not regular clouds. It starts off looking like an everyday contrail then floats around for hours up to a day slowly expanding. I would say the plane flew across roughly an hour or two before I took the photo. So in your career, would these examples just be regular contrails? I don't know whether or not the ground temperature has any effect on the temperature thousands of feet high, but it was a regular 25 degree celsius day.



There's one more thing I need explained before I can safely assume it's nothing more than a theory, which is the tiny webs people have reported seeing after a spraying.

Daniel wrote:
In my aviation career I have loaded and burned literally millions of pounds of fuel into aircraft of all types. To my knowledge there was no "mind control additive" in the fuel. I also doubt that a psychotropic substance could remain active after being subject to the temperatures involved in a petroleum combustion cycle.

Yeah, I've heard this theory that it's in the fuel. I don't think it's credible at all. If it does indeed happen, I would say it wouldn't occur through the fuel and on commercial jets, only aerosol containers on government planes.

Similar to what Danshelper mentioned, apparently the substance sprayed can produce an electromagnetic field which can be used in conjuction with haarp, but I'm not really qualified to give any details since it's not something I put a lot of time into studying. I heard this radio interview on Youtube which more accurately explains what I mean. http://www.youtube.com/u...mhum#p/a/f/0/FRwEzo4vTM4

It would be too easy just to call the whole thing false if I didn't know that people do indeed try to change the weather for whatever reason, and spraying chemicals or metals has been one of the answers of how to do so. And the documentary I posted raises some really good questions too.

One thing's for sure, being exposed to so many terrifying things in this world such as the one's raised in this thread, it's enough to put someone in a very dark place. I was talking to someone and she said, "Do you feel any better for knowing it? Do you think your life would be better if you just never knew?". It did make me think. And to most people, no, it would just depress them knowing there's not much you can do about it. The only reason why I see it differently than most people is that, as danshelper said, I know that Yah is laughing at their pathetic power and plans. We already know how the future will play out, and if you trust in Him then there's nothing to fear.

EDIT: Some people say it occurs much lower than where contrail can actually form, it's very well documented. I'll have to start saving where I read things.
Also, half the videos on youtube of 'chemtrails' are more than likely regular contrails, simply because the trail is only visible a certain distance away from the motor after the vapor has time to turn into ice or such. However some videos you can clearly see the trail coming from the wings, as if it was something else entirely.... Looking at my photos again with the right atmospheric conditions in mind, they probably are just contrails, I'd still like to hear what you think. The whole thing is messing with my mind! lol I read one thing that convinced me, then someone else that seems to do a good job refuting it!
Offline Daniel  
#31 Posted : Tuesday, April 12, 2011 11:36:59 AM(UTC)
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ks77 wrote:
So in your experience, are contrails like this normal?

Remember, the ice crystals (contrails) are falling at different rates due to the variability of their size, surface area (wind resistance, if you will) and weight. The smaller and/or heavier crystals are falling out of the sky faster than the larger and/or lighter crystals.

As the crystals are falling vertically they are dispersed horizontally by crosswinds. The first crystals that hit the crosswind move the farthest, 'smudging' the contrail.

(My apologies for using the word 'cross'.)

So the big, fat, smudged contrails in your photos are perfectly normal for a day when there are any 'winds aloft' , which is nearly every day.

You are correct, the ground level temperature has virtually no effect on the temperature at 30,000 feet/ 10,000 meters. The color of the ground actually has more effect on contrail formation because of the amount of solar radiation being reflected upwards to hasten the melting of the contrail ice crystals.

ks77 wrote:
Also, half the videos on youtube of 'chemtrails' are more than likely regular contrails, simply because the trail is only visible a certain distance away from the motor after the vapor has time to turn into ice or such. However some videos you can clearly see the trail coming from the wings, as if it was something else entirely.

Sometimes contrails form right behind the engines exhaust pipe, most of the time they form about a plane-length behind the aircraft, sometimes they form far behind (and below, remember, the water vapor is falling to a spot where it flash-freezes into ice!) you.

I live in a town where crop-spraying aircraft operate year-round. These guys can effectively apply chemicals! But to do it they fly with their wheels LITERALLY BRUSHING THE TOPS OF THE PLANTS THEY ARE SPRAYING! They also use spraying apparatus that costs about half as much as the aircraft itself and is airspeed limited. These aircraft are the exact OPPOSITE of government military aircraft in every characteristic!

If a government is using their military's aircraft to spray chemicals, they are doing it the least effective and least efficient way possible!
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline FredSnell  
#32 Posted : Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:03:27 PM(UTC)
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All I can say is after looking at some videos on YT sometimes these trails hang around for some time. I can vouch for that foresure, bc my little place in the country when I pick a beautiful day to be there to cut the grass, or when the forecasters say a beautiful day with no overcast, I go. Then at times these high flyers start their crossing patterns and before you know it, after 10 or more passes through the blue sky, it will start hazing and before you know it, the temp drops and the sky can turn grey when I should have had a beautiful day until these aircrafts showed up. At times it seems obvious just bc they do a u-trn and start laying a fresh line in the other direction. I've witnessed some trails hang and spread what looks like 20 times wider at times.

Offline danshelper  
#33 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2011 7:10:08 AM(UTC)
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In the 40 minute history channel documentary, the section on Chemtrails begins at about minute 27:40. They go into early examples of military use of cloud seeding - one in the UK in the 50’s and then in the 60’s during the Vietnam war as “Operation Popeye.” Cloud seeding to produce rain by dumping silver iodide is certainly still done – both aerially and through land based machines.

The main point for me in this topic is that technology has advanced tremendously, to the point where we can actually create and deter weather conditions. One source suggests: “HAARP is probably an attempt to weaponize the atmosphere and as such, is the continuation of the Star Wars and Strategic Defense Initiative Projects.” (Weather Warfare: The Military’s Plan to Draft Mother Nature and HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy)

There are the normal, harmless contrails, but there are also chemtrails – that’s just fact, not conspiracy theory. We all know full well that if the technology exists, evil (whether it be governments, corporations, secret societies, individuals, etc.) will use it. It seems that advanced technology in the hands of evil is a Pitocin YHWH is allowing to increase and strengthen the birth pangs. This weather weaponry in the hands of evil gives new meaning to the term prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2)

This very interesting slide presentation dated 3/28/11, “Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies or Playing God with the Atmosphere and Earth ” talks about a Project Cloverleaf (slide 4):
(aka “The Shield Project”): 1994-present, Global covert military (?) project, coordinated effort to block (scatter) sunlight, involves military and commercial jets spraying of particulates into the atmosphere, “global dimming” in order to militarize the atmosphere – so that it behaves as an electrified plasma … in conjunction with addition of directed energy from HAARP and GWEN, probable connection with scalar weapons.

As I see it, our knowledge of these things is a gift – a portion of the oil for preparation (Matthew 25) – so that we will be ready for the Messiah’s return. These “seasonal signs” (Matthew 24:32) should not make us fear, but they should bolster our faith in YHWH and thanksgiving for His trustworthy Word. We’re seeing exactly what we’ve been told. The Spirit we’ve been given through the Messiah in us is “not of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7.

As Hebrews 4 teaches, our journey is like the Israelites delivered from Egypt (this world) and brought into the promised land (the world to come). We are not like the 10 who through fear, brought a bad report, but we are like the 2 who trusted the arm of YHWH. So, as we’re taught in Scripture, let us encourage one another to be the manner of people we ought to be in holiness and godliness (2 Peter 3:11) – and all the more as we see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:25). As Daniel quotes from Nehemiah, let us work (perfect holiness out of reverence for YHWH, 2 Corinithians 7:1) clothed with our weapons (the armor of salvation – Ephesians 6:14-17 and 1 Thessalonians 5:8)!
Offline Richard  
#34 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2011 8:12:40 AM(UTC)
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danshelper wrote:
And what about the “Blue Beam Project”? Just type that in google and see what you get. There's an article in the www.educate-yourself.org website that ks77 mentioned in the first post of this thread.

Richard, do you have any knowledge of the HAARP from your wife’s experience with the navy?


Sorry, just saw your post and question. Christy was assigned to a destroyer before her injury, so we have no official knowledge of the HAARP.

Offline Daniel  
#35 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2011 10:21:41 AM(UTC)
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encounterHim wrote:
All I can say is after looking at some videos on YT sometimes these trails hang around for some time.

You would do better to spend your time going out to your local airport and taking a few flying lessons rather than sitting around watching YouTube Conspiracy Plan Theater!
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline FredSnell  
#36 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2011 11:25:16 AM(UTC)
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Well if it's a scam Daniel, you'd think it'd been exposed by now, but they do decorate with little silver and gold balls and that's lasted for some time. I’m glad my salvation doesn't depend on me knowing. Are we in cyclical changes that the experts claim happen through the earths life or as many say, gov't just might be social engineering ppl off their land. There are alot of places around Tx that are experiencing some drought conditions that seem perplexing due to the fact these places that have seen good annual amounts of rainfall, are now receiving little to none. And it's now going on 3yrs for some places. Getting pretty serious to thems that live there.
Offline ks77  
#37 Posted : Friday, April 15, 2011 12:29:33 AM(UTC)
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Thanks for your replies everyone. I'm now convinced that contrails can linger and spread while looking very suspicious are probably not dangerous. I was on my trampoline observing the sky and the same looking thing happened. Most didn't leave a persistent trail though, I took some videos but I'm sure everyone knows what it looks like. However a very small patch of a particular planes trail didn't disappear (or dissipate, but I'm a primary school teacher in training so I can't use big words! lol) and instead lingered there far beyond the amount of time the other parts of the trail hung around for. I'm positive it wasn't a chemtrail since it would be pointless spraying such a small amount, the part of the trail that stayed was very short and insignificant (not to mention over bush and not the town). So therefore I put it down to atmospheric conditions or other things.

I'm also fairly convinced that spraying does indeed happen, whether it's a very affective or efficient strategy or not :P

Knowledgeable radio interviews like this by alleged 'ex-government officials' make it very hard to ignore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udEtOc2IFO8
Offline FredSnell  
#38 Posted : Wednesday, August 24, 2011 2:07:32 AM(UTC)
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Those in the democrat party say, "the monument is leaning to the left," while republicans say, " no, it's leaning to the right."

Update to follow!!!!
Offline ks77  
#39 Posted : Wednesday, August 31, 2011 3:36:11 AM(UTC)
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^ Haha!

Well, I didn't watch the MTV video movie awards but I was unfortunate enough to see the highlights on YouTube and curiousity got the better of me. So I clicked it, and I wasn't exactly shocked, but the most obvious symbolism was the tribute to Amy Winehouse (who died recently), with her one visible eye centered inside a giant pyramid. Some say her death itself was their plan, somewhat of a ritual sacrifice and joining the '27 club'. I'm not sure what to make of any of that, but I can't deny the blatently suspicious symbolism.

What do people think of this write up of the 2009 MTV awards? Agree or disagree?
Offline FredSnell  
#40 Posted : Thursday, September 1, 2011 1:31:04 AM(UTC)
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I think I agree more with than disagree. Money rules this world and most enter this biz bc they feel like they have talent and soon fall prey to the lure of all that money thrown their way. The evil behind it, I'm sure is promoted by Ha Satan. This outlet for screaming out lyrics that do nothing but lead away, can't be good. Once we know this, they are good for a laugh. Remember this, Ha Satan has had from that time of Adam to our time now, to corrupt almost everything there is. Our Father has helped us by letting His Spirit open our eyes and teaching and guiding us and thus removing us from this nonsense. I think that watching something like these folks behaving in this manner, (anti-me) is too funny at times. They in a way do sell their souls and by us laughing at what they perceive as culture and enlightment only can make them upset at us, and I find that delightful.
Offline Mike  
#41 Posted : Thursday, September 1, 2011 7:49:38 AM(UTC)
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I agree with the assessment at vigilantcitizen.com. Just read the lyrics to the songs from the likes of Jay-Z, Beyonce, Lady GaGa, Katy Perry, etc. Or better yet, don’t read them because they will make you puke. They are brain-washing the next generation to accept the NWO, the beast, and the false prophet. To make it seem hip, cool, and popular. The sheeple are being readied for slaughter.

I guess MTV means Masonic TV because it stopped being Music Television at least 20 years ago. Or maybe it was always Masonic TV and I was just young and dumb back in ’81.
Offline tagim  
#42 Posted : Thursday, September 1, 2011 1:05:10 PM(UTC)
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'81 would be 30 years ago. You could be right :)
Offline FredSnell  
#43 Posted : Friday, September 2, 2011 2:03:28 AM(UTC)
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Mike wrote:
I guess MTV means Masonic TV because it stopped being Music Television at least 20 years ago. Or maybe it was always Masonic TV and I was just young and dumb back in ’81.

tagim, I think Mike is right... :^)

20yrs ago was 1991 he was inferring the music died. The channel had it's start up in 81 and the music died 10yrs later.

Offline Steve Robinson  
#44 Posted : Monday, September 12, 2011 3:08:37 PM(UTC)
Steve Robinson
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ks77 wrote:
I haven't read or remembered enough of YY or FH to get the facts completey correct, I know Yada supports the notion of 3 different 'raptures' so to speak, so I guess I'm reffering to first rapture here. What I'd like to know is everyone's opinions on whether or not the illuminati would have a significant or any impact on the world events at this time. An ex-member explains how in 1995 when she left, they were looking toward around 2020 to come out and reveal the new world order; assuming it's a reliable source. http://educate-yourself....csvaliinterviewpt1.shtml The date could easily have changed, but I would assume it would still be in the ball park. It seems very close to the predicted date Yahshua will return. I did read the chapter "Mystery Babylon" in FH and found it very interesting and stimulated me to do further research.

I figure there's not too many other people around with a bigger heart to seek and know Yah and as knowledgable as some people here at this forum, so I ask you guys for any ideas of how it will all play out, and if the illuminati will indeed have anything to do with it.

I don't THINK talk of secret societies bent on world domination was prophesised, so everything will have to be pure speculation. We're definitely not far away from the end of the church age, perhaps they will have some influence in why the wars and tribulation occur.

The symbolism in the opening of Lady Gaga's (one of the most famous pop 'artists' today) video clip is blatently obvious. Either it's been done to make fun of 'conspiracy theorists' or the illuminati higher ups designing the video aren't afraid to start letting the secrecy slip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV1FrqwZyKw 99% of pop music today is about getting money, sex and power and they feed it straight into the younger generations minds...

I watched the GAGA video. She's hot. What a waste. The 'V' symbolism all through this video has a lot to do with 'occultic/NWO/illuminati stuff. Not sure what but i've seen it a lot. It also has significance in the world of sex/gay/lesbian/transicko world too. Again, not sure what it means; i've just seen it a lot. Nor do I give a damn. Just glad I'm not involved.
Offline FredSnell  
#45 Posted : Tuesday, September 27, 2011 8:15:17 AM(UTC)
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ks77 wrote:I haven't read or remembered enough of YY or FH to get the facts completey correct, I know Yada supports the notion of 3 different 'raptures' so to speak

Wasn't the case made that actually there will be, seven raptures and that five of 'em have already taken place, from Enoch to Yahowshua. The last two being the philidelphia of brotherly love, and then a final shaking of the vine after the laodicians have had to endure the trib....?

Can't find it.
Well, back to work.
Offline FredSnell  
#46 Posted : Tuesday, September 27, 2011 8:37:12 AM(UTC)
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1) Enoch
2) Lott and his family
3) Noah and his family
4) Moses and his family
5) Yahowshua
6) Phlidelphians
7) Laodicians, or what's left that see the path that was blazed by those they remembered.

Offline FredSnell  
#47 Posted : Tuesday, September 27, 2011 8:48:52 AM(UTC)
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Oh man, Yowm Tarowah...don't forget y'all!...It looks like either Wednesday or Thursday. Time for my big stick to come out and wake up some people,( also known as beating the bejeebus out of 'em.)
Offline Mike  
#48 Posted : Tuesday, September 27, 2011 1:26:27 PM(UTC)
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I hate to admit this but Sunday night my hay fever allergy was bothering me so I was flipping through the TV channels and landed on TMZ. To my surprise, one of the things that they talked about was Jay-Z linked to the Illuminati and they showed a photo of Jay-Z doing the triangle two-handed sign with the eye looking through the middle. I almost fell off the couch. Now Harvey Levin didn’t necessarily agree that the Jay-Z videos had Illuminati imagery but the other guys said that it was all over YouTube. I was just surprised that they mentioned it at all.

It looks like the new moon sliver will be visible tomorrow at sunset.
28 September 2011, Wednesday - Starts the 7th Biblical Month, Ethanim, Yown Taruwah.

Expected New Moon:
On 28 September 2011, Wednesday
The New Moon is expected to be visible after sunset.
Moon elevation above the horizon for most of the United States will be about 6.5 degrees at sunset.
Moon age for the four U.S. time zones east to west: 36, 37, 38, and 39 hours.
Visibility: Easily visible
Sunset to moonset: approximately 41 minutes.

Outside of the United States:
Australia - visible
South Africa - visible
Jerusalem - Optical aids may be required

Link to a site where people report their new-moon sightings: http://www.truthofyahweh.org/moon.htm

I’ll be looking for the new moon sliver tomorrow night and Yown Taruwah.
Offline FredSnell  
#49 Posted : Tuesday, September 27, 2011 2:43:45 PM(UTC)
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Nice page, Mike, you and I can look on the moon at the same time tomorrow and blow our shofars (or honk your cars horn) and annoy the dickens out of our neighbors since we are both in Tx. I just bought myself and son one a little while back. I had to re-shape mine with some filing on the mouthpiece and finish cleaning the inside up a bit. Pretty much can nail it first time now. I can hear Joe now, "shut that sh-t up you crazy sob." Oh I like him but the arguements we have over the fence. Most our other neighbors believe we are about to fight at times bc he defends all the pagan crap to a degree that the very fibers of my muscles ache, and plus he thinks I should be happy and pay more taxes. All the while he's paid under the table..lol. Turns me into a peevish acting child at times.

The Illuminati and all the other secret stuff going on in the world today is probably now designed to keep us off our game. You know, by getting us interested in their sick underhandedness, and watching this hand, we forget that right in our faces they have stolen and killed us without remorse all the while they get richer and we ignore that we have just given it to 'em. Yea I've seen many of the people in Hollywood use those symbols like covering one eye and having an, all seeing one then, or the pyramid looking hand gestures that more than likely their handlers had handed down, directions to go this way, to keep the masses guessing what they are into and up to. Being snide. You know somethings up when a butt ugly guy like Jay-Z can land a gal like, Bouncey!

Shalom brother and happy Yowm Taruwah!
Offline Walt  
#50 Posted : Wednesday, September 28, 2011 6:46:43 AM(UTC)
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A question for you all on Taruw'ah - besides sounding the trumpet at the sighting of the new moon, what else do you do in observing Taruw'ah?
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