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Offline Yada  
#51 Posted : Friday, November 26, 2010 8:59:11 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

Yada - what do you think of the situation with N/S Korea? What exactly do you think the "enormous retaliation" the S. Korean president is calling for means?

Yada's response:

I see China eventually using a prevarication like this to march back into North Korea and take it over. They want to do the same thing with South Korea, Japan (paying them back for WWII), Taiwan, and most of Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos--the latter to control offshore oil fields. China will soon become the world's leading superpower, using economics and their control over 95% of the earth's rare elements to accomplish the task.

So what you are seeing is one of many excuses China will use to expand. That is my best guess.

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Offline Yada  
#52 Posted : Wednesday, December 1, 2010 11:04:08 AM(UTC)
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Yada - what's your take on what's happening with the founder of WikiLeaks? I guess Interpol just issued a warrant for his arrest. This seems to be unfolding according exactly to the NWO playbook.

Yada's response:

It is standard operating procedure for religion and politics. If you can't refute a message, crucify the messenger. The Wiki Leaks message, one based upon American government correspondence, it that the US is dishonest and immoral.

The founder of Wiki Leaks is a hero. I only wish there was an American like him.

If you'd like to join the YY Study Group room on Paltalk - just click here. The lockword is: yadayahweh
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Hope to see everyone on Paltalk!
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Offline Richard  
#53 Posted : Wednesday, December 1, 2010 9:32:57 PM(UTC)
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Yada wrote:
The founder of Wiki Leaks is a hero.

Really, Yada? Have we so little to do that we are now jumping into the arguments and political issues of men? Were the motives of Julian Assange in line with the purpose of Yahushua, to draw all men to Yahuwah through Him? If not, then according to Yahushua, Mr. Assange was driving people away from Him. How is he a hero for doing that? Everyone with an ear knows that the government of the United States of America is just as evil and corrupt as every other government on earth. Big surprise. What has the submission of proofs to that effect got to do with anything with which we should be concerning ourselves?

Some folks seem to have too much spare time on their hands.

Offline nannala  
#54 Posted : Thursday, December 2, 2010 5:13:25 AM(UTC)
Joined: 5/10/2010(UTC)
Posts: 12

Really, flintface? Yada was "asked" a question, he just responded. (Hey Yada, "what's your take")

"Some folks seem to have too much spare time on their hands."

Appears so ! Can't we comment on the subject at hand, surely everyone has their own opinion, instead of

these personal attacks, they're getting old and not what I come here to read :) Thank you very much !

Offline Daniel  
#55 Posted : Thursday, December 2, 2010 8:19:15 AM(UTC)
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Yada wrote:
The founder of Wiki Leaks is a hero. I only wish there was an American like him.

Yada, like most gringos, misuses the title "hero". The proper title would be "champion". A champion goes into the arena to fight on behalf of a people/cause. A hero is usually taken out of the arena on his shield... (Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine.)

The wikileaks guy is a champion for truth. I feel that Messiyah is always on the "side" of "truth". My own amplified translation of John 8:32 reads: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (But, verily, the truth shall first piss ye off, mightily!)*.

The best/worst part of the materials released so far is how all the Ishmaelites are offering their bases for the USA to attack Iran's nuke labs. I laugh because they are very quick to turn on each other, I cry because more of Our Boys will die in a conflict that is they (nor their leadership) can even begin to understand.

*for the humor impaired, the parenthetical remark is my commentary ;-)
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline shalom82  
#56 Posted : Thursday, December 2, 2010 8:54:14 PM(UTC)
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The enemy of my enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend...though from this moment to that I may find his actions beneficial and efficatious to my cause. But that does not mean tomorrow that he won't be chopping my head off. Mr. Assange strikes my as a social secular humanist with globalist aims. I could be wrong but I am not ready to sing his praises or speculate that his motives were purely out of love for truth and hatred of injustice and evil. Since U.S. meddling and intervention in the affairs of the world is the concern of these leaks perhaps we should look to U.S. foreign policy and all of its evils...especially accelarated after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and realize this important lesson...over and over and over again...the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. The mujahadeen cum taliban is one striking example of that....the oil hegemony of Saudi Arabia is another. Having said that all who engage in this arena are the tools of YHWH whether they want to or not. The Pharoah of Mizrayim and Cyrus come to mind in this respect. They will serve His ends...sometimes even better than those who know Him and trust in Him. There is a chance that a few may come to know and rely on YHWH because of this....I doubt very highly it will be anything more than a handful. The purpose is more for the benefit of those with the gift of hindsight and those who posess long memories. That said....just because people don't utilize and take advantage of the writing on the wall doesn't mean it wasn't a great blessing and a merciful plan. YHWH's timing is as always perfect and those who can't or won't get it are without excuse. The overwhelming majority...99 percent is not too high of an estimate in my view will remain horizontally affixed to this rotten earth and only see it as politics and the religious/warmonger conservatives will for the most part entrench and call for Assange's head on a platter and the so/sec humanist left will revel in the confirmation of their convictions as it pertains to U.S. foreign policy and war mongering. By in large, Spartans will remain Spartans.....Athenians will remain Athenians and the congregation of Yisra'el will probably get a few new members.
YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline Daniel  
#57 Posted : Friday, December 3, 2010 3:17:56 AM(UTC)
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shalom82 wrote:
Spartans will remain Spartans.....Athenians will remain Athenians and the congregation of Yisra'el will probably get a few new members.

Praise Yah for the increase!

Shalom82 is soooo right about "the enemy of my enemy". In the 1980's, I was involved in Charlie Wilson's war (the real thing, not the movie!) (but the movie was pretty good, too), training the Mujhadeen to fight those godless-pinko-commies.

We thought it was a good idea at the time! Honest!

Even at the tender age of 19 (in the mid-1980's), I was starting to get a clue that something was wrong when the "State Department"* guys couldn't figure out why the Muj "weren't facing east at prayer time**". The Wars of the Bushes were lost long before they were even started.

*They weren't really State Department employees, I think they really worked for Christians In Action (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
**Exact quote! My conclusion was that these "State Department" guys either a) Didn't know where we were in relation to Mecca or II) Didn't know to whom/what these followers of Muhammad were praying to. Both were bad answers. I was a 19-year-old Lance Corporal and these guys were GS-19's, so I knew they weren't going to listen to anything I had to say. Alas.
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Richard  
#58 Posted : Friday, December 3, 2010 5:31:53 AM(UTC)
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nannala wrote:
Really, flintface? Yada was "asked" a question, he just responded. (Hey Yada, "what's your take")
"Some folks seem to have too much spare time on their hands."
Appears so ! Can't we comment on the subject at hand, surely everyone has their own opinion, instead of these personal attacks, they're getting old and not what I come here to read :) Thank you very much !

I will admit that the crack about having too much time on his hands was inappropriate and out of line. Sorry, Yada. I have no excuse to offer, just my apology.

No one has seen fit to answer my question, though: Since the WikiLeaks author is driving people away from Yahushua, how is he a hero or champion of anything good? And what does anything he reveal have to do with us who follow Yahuwah? Those questions are quite relevant to the subject at hand. So I was disappointed to read that Yada would praise someone who not only is driving people away from Yahushua, but who it seems is also bent on enflaming the passions of the masses for his own ungodly purposes.

Offline Royce  
#59 Posted : Tuesday, December 7, 2010 4:26:50 AM(UTC)
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flintface wrote:
Really, Yada? Have we so little to do that we are now jumping into the arguments and political issues of men? Were the motives of Julian Assange in line with the purpose of Yahushua, to draw all men to Yahuwah through Him? If not, then according to Yahushua, Mr. Assange was driving people away from Him. How is he a hero for doing that? Everyone with an ear knows that the government of the United States of America is just as evil and corrupt as every other government on earth. Big surprise. What has the submission of proofs to that effect got to do with anything with which we should be concerning ourselves?

Some folks seem to have too much spare time on their hands.


I think Yada says that about him because he is exposing this secrecy that is played out behind all the peoples backs. Yada is right in that the people have every right to know how their tyrannical government is lying to them and destroying them with their own money. Most folks go through life like puppets and the clowns pull the strings so for men to stand up for whats right and expose evil is a good thing! I am all for it!
I think we still have to try, we cant just withdraw ourselves from life and let the evil run rampant, it is up to men to be brave and with Yahuwahs help, we can do what is required.
Offline Royce  
#60 Posted : Tuesday, December 7, 2010 4:31:56 AM(UTC)
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flintface wrote:
I will admit that the crack about having too much time on his hands was inappropriate and out of line. Sorry, Yada. I have no excuse to offer, just my apology.

No one has seen fit to answer my question, though: Since the WikiLeaks author is driving people away from Yahushua, how is he a hero or champion of anything good? And what does anything he reveal have to do with us who follow Yahuwah? Those questions are quite relevant to the subject at hand. So I was disappointed to read that Yada would praise someone who not only is driving people away from Yahushua, but who it seems is also bent on enflaming the passions of the masses for his own ungodly purposes.


Please list exactly what you mean about him leading people away from Yahushua.
Offline RidesWithYah  
#61 Posted : Saturday, January 1, 2011 4:48:36 AM(UTC)
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Offline Richard  
#62 Posted : Sunday, January 2, 2011 7:28:07 AM(UTC)
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Royce wrote:
Please list exactly what you mean about him leading people away from Yahushua.

"The one who does not gather with Me scatters." - Matthew 12:30

Moreover, the author of Wikileaks is not a brother, so I really don't care to spend a lot of time studying the fruits of his labor. Evidently, others do.
Offline MadDog  
#63 Posted : Monday, January 3, 2011 12:04:43 AM(UTC)
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I for one want to hear Yada and Ken and any others take on "real-world" current events. Yashua did also say to look for the signs of the times and to be vigilant. I for one don't agree with Yada when praising Julian Assange, I think Assange is an enemy of the state and should be hunted down just like Osama Bin Laden. He is only trying to discredit the United States and isn't some hero to be praised. A country I happen to live in and want it to remain strong until the day I die instead of having people like Assange and lefty secularist of his ilk, shout with glee, every time they give the U.S. the death of a thousand cuts.

And during the BlogTalkRadio days I remember Yada disparaging about our war in the Pacific against the Japanese and how we carpet bombed towns on the Japanese mainland. However I remember the Japanese were doing far worse in China, Philippines, Korea, etc. murdering, raping, stealing, enslaving the civilian population long before the U.S. got involved in WWII. The Japanese made no qualms about intentionally targeting civilians, so an eye for an eye I say. We did it to end the war as quickly as possible and it was why we used the Atomic bomb. The Japanese did it for revenge and just plain disregard for human life because they considered themselves a superior race.

I do get Yada's point though, the part about crushing the ideology. Just like what the U.S. did with Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan. We have failed in our current wars to identify the enemy (i.e. Islam, Jihad, religious fundamentalism). We will never win this war if we do not call the enemy by it's name, a name they use and they even go so far as to tell us why they fight us.

Edited by user Monday, January 3, 2011 7:50:08 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Daniel  
#64 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 4:11:15 AM(UTC)
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MadDog wrote:
praising Julian Assange, I think Assange is an enemy of the state and should be hunted down just like Osama Bin Laden. He is only trying to discredit the United States and isn't some hero to be praised.

Look at the response to WikiLeaks in Israel in comparison to the response in The West and the US and A. Israel has said (in the popular press) "Big deal, nothing new here...". Their journalists and government spokesmen attribute this to their application of the philosophy of diplomatic transparency and keeping their secrets really, really, really secret.

MadDog wrote:
A country I happen to live in and want it to remain strong until the day I die

What branch of the military did you serve in, sir?

MadDog wrote:
And during the BlogTalkRadio days I remember Yada disparaging about our war in the Pacific against the Japanese and how we carpet bombed towns on the Japanese mainland. However I remember the Japanese were doing far worse in China, Philippines, Korea, etc. murdering, raping, stealing, enslaving the civilian population long before the U.S. got involved in WWII.

So what justification is there for conscripting a young man from San Antonio, under the ultimate threat of death, to go and 'defend' Chinese/Koreans/Indonesians/French who won't even defend themselves, all for the stratospheric pay of $33/month?

MadDog wrote:
The Japanese made no qualms about intentionally targeting civilians, so an eye for an eye I say. We did it to end the war as quickly as possible and it was why we used the Atomic bomb. The Japanese did it for revenge and just plain disregard for human life because they considered themselves a superior race.

Just as we (round-eyed-big-nosed-smelly-barbarians) consider ourselves to be the superior race. The Japs were not marauding their way across Asia for 'revenge', they were after OIL! (Sound familiar?)

Our rallying cry was "Remember Pearl Harbor!" Now, I ask you: "Who was out for revenge?"

MadDog wrote:
I do get Yada's point though, the part about crushing the ideology. Just like what the U.S. did with Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan. We have failed in our current wars to identify the enemy (i.e. Islam, Jihad, religious fundamentalism). We will never win this war if we do not call the enemy by it's name, a name they use and they even go so far as to tell us why they fight us.

And exactly what Scriptural principle justifies the US and A waging aggressive war against people living in the sandbox?

If you want to dispose of "Sadam", bribe one of his Colonel's to stick a knife between his ribs. Do not send 5,000+ boys from San Antonio to their death to do it!
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Richard  
#65 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 6:30:08 AM(UTC)
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Brothers, is it fitting for us to involve ourselves in all this talk of war and assassinations? Really? If so, please be kind enough to explain to me how doing so advances the Kingdom of the Prince of Peace. Did He not give Himself for everyone, including Muslims, atheists, and every other human? We are told to recognize the signs of the times, but we are not encouraged to become emotionally charged and to take sides with one group of Yahuwah-hating men or another.

Let's be as gentle as doves and as wise as serpents; but let us not become dogs of war, instruments of hate and destruction in the hand of Satan. The USA is not the Kingdom of Yahuwah, nor are the members of its military "heroes", at least not in His eyes. Honorable, dedicated, self-sacrificing men and women? Some of them, to be sure. But heroes? I don't think so.
Offline MadDog  
#66 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 10:38:55 AM(UTC)
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Daniel wrote:
Look at the response to WikiLeaks in Israel in comparison to the response in The West and the US and A. Israel has said (in the popular press) "Big deal, nothing new here...". Their journalists and government spokesmen attribute this to their application of the philosophy of diplomatic transparency and keeping their secrets really, really, really secret.

And your point is? So the USA is the only country in the world not allowed to keep it's secrets secret? Julian Assange is no hero, he is only doing what he is doing to embarrass the USA and see it diminished. And Israel doesn't have military scattered all across the globe, so yeah it would be easier for them to keep state secrets.

Daniel wrote:
What branch of the military did you serve in, sir?


Daniel wrote:
So what justification is there for conscripting a young man from San Antonio, under the ultimate threat of death, to go and 'defend' Chinese/Koreans/Indonesians/French who won't even defend themselves, all for the stratospheric pay of $33/month?

It's called War. Sooner or later we would have been dragged into it and if you are referring to the WWII mandatory draft, there was no death penalty for not serving during WWII, that's an exaggeration. There was a death penalty for desertion and aiding the enemy, but not for refusing to serve. Currently we have an All Volunteer Armed Forces.

Daniel wrote:
Just as we (round-eyed-big-nosed-smelly-barbarians) consider ourselves to be the superior race. The Japs were not marauding their way across Asia for 'revenge', they were after OIL! (Sound familiar?)

Our rallying cry was "Remember Pearl Harbor!" Now, I ask you: "Who was out for revenge?"

Are you saying you think you're superior because of your race? I'm not caucasian by the way if that is what you meant. I believe there is only one race, the human race.

The Japanese were marauding all across Asia and the Pacific taking land, oil, people, natural resources that the Japanese didn't have on their mainland, anything they wanted. Why do you think they were called Imperial Japan? Come on man, give me a break with that liberal propaganda trash about the USA going to war for oil. If we had gone to war for oil we would have gotten the oil. So by your reasoning it was okay for Japan to maraud across China for oil just as long as it wasn't for revenge. If anybody was after oil it was Saddam Hussein when he invaded Kuwait. Daniel, seriously, look into what happened prior to our involvement in WWII. No joke, look into it. It's all over youtube, wikipedia, and for those of us who remember the history books during High School.

You might even be surprised to know that the Chinese Muslims called the Uighurs helped China fight the Japanese.

You might even be further surprised that the USA was helping the Chinese prior to WWII with ammo, food, medicine, training to help the "civilians" beat back the Japanese Army who were purposefully bombing cities and civilians in revenge for the Chinese Army daring to defend their home turf. The Japanese were out for revenge against the USA for our part in helping China, etc. to stop the Japanese imperialistic tendencies. And I guess getting our ships, planes, bases, military and civilians bombed in Pearl Harbor WASN'T justification enough by itself?

So how does that tie in that the USA was trumpheting it's round-eyed-big-nosed-smelly-barbarians superior race card by helping an inferior race to defend against another race whose religion taught them that they were indeed a Master race (sound familiar, i.e. Islam). We also had military training for the Chinese right here on American soil to train them as pilots to help fight off the Japanese Zeros.

Daniel wrote:
And exactly what Scriptural principle justifies the US and A waging aggressive war against people living in the sandbox?

If you want to dispose of "Sadam", bribe one of his Colonel's to stick a knife between his ribs. Do not send 5,000+ boys from San Antonio to their death to do it!

None. It's called National Security. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't fault the USA for not following scripture and then expect it to follow scripture because you know our government doesn't work like that. Since we are stuck on this miserable rock called planet earth, for me, I'd rather deal with reality as is instead of some hippie fantasy that the USA should just lay down it's arms and let everyone walk all over us.

Edited by user Tuesday, January 4, 2011 9:40:37 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline MadDog  
#67 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 11:17:19 AM(UTC)
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flintface wrote:
Brothers, is it fitting for us to involve ourselves in all this talk of war and assassinations? Really? If so, please be kind enough to explain to me how doing so advances the Kingdom of the Prince of Peace. Did He not give Himself for everyone, including Muslims, atheists, and every other human? We are told to recognize the signs of the times, but we are not encouraged to become emotionally charged and to take sides with one group of Yahuwah-hating men or another.

Let's be as gentle as doves and as wise as serpents; but let us not become dogs of war, instruments of hate and destruction in the hand of Satan. The USA is not the Kingdom of Yahuwah, nor are the members of its military "heroes", at least not in His eyes. Honorable, dedicated, self-sacrificing men and women? Some of them, to be sure. But heroes? I don't think so.

I think they are heroes and I don't like trashing my country or country men, except for maybe President Obummer, the Democratic party, Keith Odorman, Michelle Madcow, Nancy Piglosi, Harry Weird, Barney (likes) Frank(s) and some of my ex-bosses/co-workers while I was in the military whom I completely despise even to this day. Of course it's not perfect but so long as I have to walk on this planet, I'd rather live here. If you want to jump on some New World Order, secular humanists band wagon and allow the USA to turn into that vision prior to something called a rapture or upon our physical death, well it'll be one hell of a ride if it does. Don't you think?

We are not going to advance any Kingdom of Yahweh while we live in this corrupted state. And we just happen to be outnumbered by about six billion to a mere handful. Like I said before, while we are stuck on this rock we are going to have to deal with our reality as is and not through rose colored glasses because it just ain't gonna happen.

Sorry so blunt, but I think our best bet for now is keeping this country intact and strong for as long as it can.

Edited by user Tuesday, January 4, 2011 3:48:03 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Richard  
#68 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 3:53:55 PM(UTC)
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Whose spirit moves you, brother? Have I called for the overthrow of this country? No. If you think so, provide the quote. Give us book, chapter, and verse for where we are told as His children and students to promote the agenda of one of man's nations. You are confusing hard core facts with some imaginary insurgency on my part. Nothing could be further from the truth. Obedience to Yahushua is hardly living life looking through rose-colored glasses. It's called being obedient. If Yahuwah judges this country (the USA), then it will fall. If He is all a-ga-ga over it like you seem to be, then it will not only stand, it will get greater and bigger and richer and - and - oh, my! I might just faint from the euphoria!

Armies (and Air Forces, Navies, and Marines) don't have a thing to do with anything. Victory is of Yahuwah. If you choose to trust in the guns and bombs of man for your security, then be honest enough to admit it to yourself, to us, and to Dad, and quit hiding behind some tear-jerking, flag-waving worship of the nation's hired killers. I was a U.S. Marine, Viet Nam era; then the Creator of heaven and earth found me and let me find Him. Everything changed, not the first of which was my allegiance. You can pledge your allegiance to the flag of this country; we who walk in truth cannot and will not, for in the end, we will choose to obey Yahuwah. So when this nation changes its rules and disallows us to serve Him, to use His Name, and to preach Him to others, we won't have to prove ourselves liars by showing that our allegiance is not to this country's flag after all. Read that again if it's too complicated. There is no middle ground.

It follows, then, that if I won't pledge my allegiance to this country and its flag, then I wouldn't pledge it to any other country or flag or institution of man. Get that through your head. It's about serving Yahuwah. It is not about patriotism or the lack thereof.

How absurd and shallow.
Offline MadDog  
#69 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 4:49:45 PM(UTC)
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flintface wrote:
Whose spirit moves you, brother? Have I called for the overthrow of this country? No. If you think so, provide the quote.

Well, I did first state that I was displeased with Yada's take on the USA's role in WWII and Yada's praise of Julian Assange. I never said anything of the the kind about of you overthrowing the government. You quote to me where I suggested such? You must be mixing my message with what I said to Daniel with your own.

flintface wrote:
Armies (and Air Forces, Navies, and Marines) don't have a thing to do with anything. Victory is of Yahuwah.

And when was the last time Yahweh stepped into our space-time? When was the last time he sent a prophet for us? My take on this whole thing is we are on auto-pilot. Ask yourself this, ever since Yahshau left are the promises he said fulfilled? Are we filled with his Set-Apart Spirit, causing greater miracles then he did when he walked on this earth?

And no, I don't think it's all about Yahweh. I think it's the gift(?) Yahweh gave us which is life. Yahweh made us free spirits for a reason.

My point is that the victory isn't yet complete.

flintface wrote:
If you choose to trust in the guns and bombs of man for your security, then be honest enough to admit it to yourself, to us, and to Dad, and quit hiding behind some tear-jerking, flag-waving worship of the nation's hired killers.

I thought I just did. And I'm not a tear-jerking, flag-waving worshiper. I'm stating we are stuck here. I'm stating our best chances concerning Yada Yahweh is right here on American soil. It's about survival and undermining this country to praise some liberal secularists agenda like Julian Assange will only accelerate America's demise. Now get that through your head.

flintface wrote:
How absurd and shallow.

Shallow you say? Even though I've always had a gut feeling that there was something wrong with “Christianity” it wasn't until I read Yada's Yada Yahweh that the lights' started coming on. I don't agree with Yada about subjecting the USA to any more raking it through the coals. The USA will serve it's purpose, just like the Babylonians and Rome concerning Israel.
Offline Walt  
#70 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 5:01:00 PM(UTC)
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Posts: 374

I'm TOTALLY with you on this Flink

america is an integral part of the babylonian system and is evil ti the core - and I don't play the "lesser of evils" game many use for justification.

When has america ever be a "great" or "Godly" nation - back in the 50s when blacks were "kept in their place", being denied education. housing, jobs, health care based on their skin color - racism was the norm AND govt sponsered for most of it's history

This country's treatment of the land's natives is so similar to the Jews in nazi germany - they were forced from their lands and houses, abused in wicked wicked ways (women & children too) as they were rounded up into desolate "reservations", being forbidden to practice their religion

I served 8 years in the military, but saluting or pledging to the flag is a thumbs up to satan - WON'T DO IT

Conservative or liberal / democrat or republican - 2 sides of the same coin - same difference
america is NO different then empires of past - they serve the same master

The "declaration of independance is a joke as the founding fathers declared "all men are created equal" while owning slaves and denying freedoms to those different
The constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on - institutional racism, forced religion
the american flag is soaked with the innocent blood of the victims of this country's march to super power and prosperity

The govt supported & propped up evil men like sadam and osama and noriega - them are shocked when the turn on them (if we hadn't supported osama, would Sep 11 have happened)

america will fall hard due to reaping what it has sown for generations (why is black poverty & crime such a problem? maybe because of all we denied them that the ghettos was all they had)

What litttle, little good this nation has done is GREATLY overshadowed by it's evils
I see NOTHING to be proud of with america

So MadDog - you don't have to trash america - it has greatly done it for itself as the founders and fathers chose the wrong father to follow, as it wasn't Yah - and that only leaves 1 other

As the Who says in their song "Won't get fooled again" - Meet the new boss, same as the old boss - Obama or Bush or Clinton or Regan or Washington, same differance
Offline Richard  
#71 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 5:03:48 PM(UTC)
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Brother MadDog,

I agree with you that raking the USA or any other country or person over the coals is out of line. And I agree with you that the USA will serve its purpose in Yahuwah's overall scheme of things just as Babylon and Rome did. That was gotten into my head a good while back. I do not look forward to the demise of the USA for several reasons, not the least of which is because I live here and enjoy its many benefits.

I disagree that we are stuck here, if by "stuck here" you are implying that He has abandoned us to our own best efforts.

It is a blessing I do not deserve that I have been born a citizen of the USA, for I have been the recipient of its safety, its infrastructure, and its relative freedoms. But neither I nor this country had anything to do with that positioning: it was Yahuwah Who birthed me a citizen of the USA. It is most certainly all about Yahuwah, brother. If not, then everything we do is futile and worthless. That is what my heart tells me.

Listen, we are few and far between, so let us agree to disagree amicably, to stand in the gap for one another in prayer, and to set our hearts to focus our attentions and affections all the more intensely on our heavenly Father. He has NOT left us alone. Whether He empowers me to perform works of Power or not, He is ever with me. May He reveal to you how He is ever with you as well.

Yours with His love,

Offline MadDog  
#72 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 5:05:02 PM(UTC)
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Walt wrote:
So MadDog - you don't have to trash america - it has greatly done it for itself as the founders and fathers chose the wrong father to follow, as it wasn't Yah - and that only leaves 1 other

Are you even listening to me Walt?

I know the USA isn't perfect and believe me I know it's racists. But so long as I live here on this planet and the USA I want it intact for as long as I'm here.

flintface wrote:
I disagree that we are stuck here, if by "stuck here" you are implying that He has abandoned us to our own best efforts.

I mean stuck as we in can't leave it physically. And I am also saying Yahweh gave us the will, he gave us hands and a brain and a heart to pursue him (or not).
Offline Richard  
#73 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 5:11:47 PM(UTC)
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Walt wrote:
I see NOTHING to be proud of with america

I take your meaning, brother Walt.

By the way, have you ever noticed how natural it has become for us to say we're proud of this or proud to be that? "I'm proud to present Dr. Nozittal." "We proudly support the United Fund." "My boy made the honor roll! I'm so proud of him!" It's like we completely dismiss the heavenly counsel about pride. It's taken me a long time to teach myself to remove that word from my vocabulary (in that sense). You didn't claim to be proud or anything, I'm just jumping on an opportunity to mount the soap box. It's so much fun...
Offline Richard  
#74 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 5:13:17 PM(UTC)
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MadDog wrote:
Are you guys even listening to me?

I thought I was. Have I missed something really obvious or glaring? If so, by all means, lay it on me.
Offline MadDog  
#75 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 5:20:49 PM(UTC)
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flintface wrote:
I thought I was. Have I missed something really obvious or glaring? If so, by all means, lay it on me.

No, I think I'm justing jumping all over the threads. I keep re-writing my responses because I want to re-word them
to my liking, before you guys write your own retorts, that's all.

flintface wrote:
I do not look forward to the demise of the USA for several reasons, not the least of which is because I live here and enjoy its many benefits.

That's what I'm been saying and I might add I have a vast family within the USA.
Offline Walt  
#76 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 5:29:23 PM(UTC)
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MadDog wrote:
Are you guys even listening to me?

I was writing this while you were making you last post - so I was referencing your earlier post. You infer republicans are good, but democrats aren't
But even so, you seem to choose the "lesser of evils" approach - do you feel the same disdain towards Bush as you do Obama?
Offline Walt  
#77 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 5:47:43 PM(UTC)
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MadDog wrote:

And I am also saying Yahweh gave us the will, he gave us hands and a brain and a heart to pursue him (or not).

And that can happen regardless of which branch of the babylonian systems we are under, be it america or china or iran or russia or rome

But we have to look WAY beyond what's best for our own self interests, if one were living unemployed & poorly educated in a gheto as a minority - one would view things differently them one having a decent job and a comfy house

Do we look around the suffering of others or lend a hand

Another observation - the religious right demonizes the poor and lowly and unemployed (they are lazy, not wanting to work) while standing up for the rich / the left demonizes the rich and successful
The rich are able to stand up & defend themselves - the lesser of society need sincerely motivated advocates (the libs use them as pawns)
Both sides have the same goal - power & control
Offline MadDog  
#78 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 6:21:05 PM(UTC)
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Walt wrote:
I was writing this while you were making you last post - so I was referencing your earlier post. You infer republicans are good, but democrats aren't
But even so, you seem to choose the "lesser of evils" approach - do you feel the same disdain towards Bush as you do Obama?

I'm saying this country is toast, but running around on the internet and whipping up the USA haters on the www and whatnot is not helping. Calling upon Yahweh for the speedy destruction of the USA really doesn't work for me either because I just happen to live here.

It's only a matter of time before this country collapses under either republicans or dumbocrats, either financially, politically, racially, internationally, militaristicly...etc.

I feel more disdain towards Odumbo than towards W.

I'm saying we are stuck on this rock planet called earth and we need to deal with the cards we are dealt.

Walt wrote:
And that can happen regardless of which branch of the babylonian systems we are under, be it america or china or iran or russia or rome

But we have to look WAY beyond what's best for our own self interests, if one were living unemployed & poorly educated in a gheto as a minority - one would view things differently them one having a decent job and a comfy house

Do we look around the suffering of others or lend a hand

Another observation - the religious right demonizes the poor and lowly and unemployed (they are lazy, not wanting to work) while standing up for the rich / the left demonizes the rich and successful
The rich are able to stand up & defend themselves - the lesser of society need sincerely motivated advocates (the libs use them as pawns)
Both sides have the same goal - power & control

No, not really. Do you really think you would have more freedom under Iran? China? Our best interest is looking out for our national best interests. Of course we lend a hand, but not at the expense of severing our own.

I am hispanic and a minority, I lived in a extremely poor neighborhood and household right here in the USA. Please stop trying to make me into some kind of victim. Yes I was poor, yes I was disadvantaged but we overcame and I am definitely not one of the "lesser of society" you are describing. My family got government help because we needed help, but at the same time we got our act together. We are not billionaires mind you, but we'll get through.

Rubbish, the right does not demonize the poor and lowly. I know Yada has left the political/religious scene for greener pastures, but what you are stating is over the top. Walt, where do you get your info from? It sounds like college infested liberal propaganda. I know you are generalizing (I think), but this is a bit too much.
Offline Walt  
#79 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 6:55:48 PM(UTC)
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MadDog wrote:
I'm saying this country is toast, but running around on the internet and whipping up the USA haters on the www and whatnot is not helping. Calling upon Yahweh for the speedy destruction of the USA really doesn't work for me either because I just happen to live here.

It's only a matter of time before this country collapses under either republicans or dumbocrats, either financially, politically, racially, internationally, militaristicly...etc.

I feel more disdain towards Odumbo than towards W.

I'm saying we are stuck on this rock planet called earth and we need to deal with the cards we are dealt.

No, not really. Do you really think you would have more freedom under Iran? China? Our best interest is looking out for our national best interests. Of course we lend a hand, but not at the expense of severing our own.

I am hispanic and a minority, I lived in a extremely poor neighborhood and household right here in the USA. Please stop trying to make me into some kind of victim. Yes I was poor, yes I was disadvantaged but we overcame and I am definitely not one of the "lesser of society" you are describing. My family got government help because we needed help, but at the same time we got our act together. We are not billionaires mind you, but we'll get through.

Rubbish, the right does not demonize the poor and lowly. I know Yada has left the political/religious scene for greener pastures, but what you are stating is over the top. Walt, where do you get your info from? It sounds like college infested liberal propaganda. I know you are generalizing (I think), but this is a bit too much for me at least.

I'm not making you into a victim, how do you see that I am? so don't make it personal

And read some christian or conservative forums, & talk radio - they are constantly demonizing the lower of society - those on welfare or unemployment or food stamps - many blame them for our current economic situation

It's not about govt allowed freedom to seek Yah - Scripture details otherwise

But from what you've said, you are in the "lesser of evils" camp - you don't see the right as evil as the left, or america as evil as other empires, hopefully your journey will lead you there though

And I TOTALLY disagree with your " Our best interest is looking out for our national best interests" - that is the wrong path to travel and how leaders bring war - like hitler and other leaders have deceived the people with
The "enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a big invitation for satan to play and implement his agenda
That's what led to sadam & osama doing what they did
It's suicide
Offline MadDog  
#80 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 8:10:16 PM(UTC)
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Walt wrote:
I'm not making you into a victim, how do you see that I am? so don't make it personal

And read some christian or conservative forums, & talk radio - they are constantly demonizing the lower of society - those on welfare or unemployment or food stamps - many blame them for our current economic situation

It's not about govt allowed freedom to seek Yah - Scripture details otherwise

But from what you've said, you are in the "lesser of evils" camp - you don't see the right as evil as the left, or america as evil as other empires, hopefully your journey will lead you there though

And I TOTALLY disagree with your " Our best interest is looking out for our national best interests" - that is the wrong path to travel and how leaders bring war - like hitler and other leaders have deceived the people with
The "enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a big invitation for satan to play and implement his agenda
That's what led to sadam & osama doing what they did
It's suicide

Oh my God Walt. My life sum is not based upon what some christian or conservative forum or talk radio said. I am on my own journey and do not care about their opinions.

It is about government allowed freedoms and right now we have the best place to voice our opinions. Seriously do you really think you would have the same rights in a muslim country?

America is not evil, if it were evil all the Jews would be wiped out. If America were evil, we would either be communists, socialists, atheists, or muslim.

And are you in a seat of power Walt? Can you change the course of this country? And if so how will you do it?

I am a little miffed with your posts Walt. And I am NOT the lower of society. I do get your point, there are moochers out there but the way you stated yourself leads me to believe that my family were moochers. Which I am not. There is a difference between people who need genuine help and those only looking for a handout.
Offline Walt  
#81 Posted : Wednesday, January 5, 2011 2:00:18 AM(UTC)
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MadDog wrote:
Oh my God Walt. My life sum is not based upon what some christian or conservative forum or talk radio said. I am on my own journey and do not care about their opinions.

It is about government allowed freedoms and right now we have the best place to voice our opinions. Seriously do you really think you would have the same rights in a muslim country?

America is not evil, if it were evil all the Jews would be wiped out. If America were evil, we would either be communists, socialists, atheists, or muslim.

And are you in a seat of power Walt? Can you change the course of this country? And if so how will you do it?

I am a little miffed with your posts Walt. And I am NOT the lower of society. I do get your point, there are moochers out there but the way you stated yourself leads me to believe that my family were moochers. Which I am not. There is a difference between people who need genuine help and those only looking for a handout.

Don't know how you are getting that I'm accusing you or your family of being moochers - DIDN'T DO IT
You are taking things to personal so I will bow out

Sorry I upset or offended you MadDog

Offline Daniel  
#82 Posted : Wednesday, January 5, 2011 3:46:31 AM(UTC)
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Brother MadDog, I too served with distinction with the Department of the Navy. (Yes, the Marine Corps is part of the Department of the Navy.... THE MEN'S DEPARTMENT! ;-) I participated in a campaign or three, have scars to prove it, and played a role in Charlie Wilson's War (the real thing, not the movie).

Since then I have come to realize that, just like christianity, there is something wrong with the Republic of Amerika's Hegemony. To misquote my favorite half-American, Winston Churchill: "America is the worst country in all the world, except for all the others."

Love you, Brother.
(Not in the don't-ask-don't-tell way!)
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Richard  
#83 Posted : Wednesday, January 5, 2011 2:49:28 PM(UTC)
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Daniel wrote:
"America is the worst country in all the world, except for all the others."

That is a great line! I just have to say, "Surprisingly, Americans do sin, and that includes every American, from the lowliest homeless citizen to the most powerful politician to the most untouchable corporate czar. But the USA does not have a monopoly on sin. She does not stand alone in the slime pit of adultery, murder, idolatry, witchcraft, drug use, extortion, injustice, pride, and greed. No, those shortcomings, each one a hallmark characteristic of man, infest every other nation on earth as well. So knock it off already with the bashing of the USA. Our enemy is a spirit and all the spirits he commands. Our enemy is not one nation or another."
Offline MadDog  
#84 Posted : Thursday, January 6, 2011 4:51:39 AM(UTC)
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Daniel wrote:
Brother MadDog, I too served with distinction with the Department of the Navy. (Yes, the Marine Corps is part of the Department of the Navy.... THE MEN'S DEPARTMENT! ;-) I participated in a campaign or three, have scars to prove it, and played a role in Charlie Wilson's War (the real thing, not the movie).

Since then I have come to realize that, just like christianity, there is something wrong with the Republic of Amerika's Hegemony. To misquote my favorite half-American, Winston Churchill: "America is the worst country in all the world, except for all the others."

Love you, Brother.
(Not in the don't-ask-don't-tell way!)

Yes, I know about the USMC. They always consider themselves one of the Armed Forces until they need help from the Navy.

Don't get me wrong, the USMC war doctrine is great in combat, except when they are not in combat.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell; well not anymore Jar Head. I really don't think that anyone has really thought this whole thing through, the repealing of the DADT policy part. If the military didn't mind serving with gays before because they didn't know they were gay, how are they going to perform now that they know they are gay?

DADT is three and a half years past me leaving the service. My God and I thought serving with women was a bad idea.
Offline cgb2  
#85 Posted : Monday, January 17, 2011 1:55:21 PM(UTC)
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Ackkk, Pig/mouse/E-coli GMO.

Should we make a conection :^)
Isa 66:16 “For by fire and by His sword יהוה shall judge all flesh, and the slain of יהוה shall be many –
Isa 66:17 those who set themselves apart and cleanse themselves at the gardens after ‘One’ in the midst, eating flesh of pigs1 and the abomination and the mouse, are snatched away, together,” declares יהוה. Footnote: 1See 65:4.
Isa 66:18 “And I, because of their works and their imaginations, am coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My esteem.
Offline VinceB.  
#86 Posted : Tuesday, February 1, 2011 4:44:50 AM(UTC)
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What is Yah telling us through nature...


IMHO, perhaps preparing for a feast
Offline Daniel  
#87 Posted : Tuesday, February 1, 2011 5:55:23 AM(UTC)
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VinceB. wrote:
perhaps preparing for a feast

Say to the children of Y'isreal [who desire to fly in helicopters] "Thou shalt not lose thine rotor rpm, lest the earth rise up and smite thee."
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Richard  
#88 Posted : Tuesday, February 1, 2011 5:59:53 AM(UTC)
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Daniel wrote:
Say to the children of Y'isreal [who desire to fly in helicopters] "Thou shalt not lose thine rotor rpm, lest the earth rise up and smite thee."

Daniel, you're a trip and a half, man. That's really funny.
Offline RidesWithYah  
#89 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2011 3:06:11 PM(UTC)
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Offline cgb2  
#90 Posted : Thursday, May 5, 2011 2:51:29 AM(UTC)
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Offline FredSnell  
#91 Posted : Tuesday, May 17, 2011 2:20:08 PM(UTC)
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cgb2 wrote:

ppsimmons has scored....this is going to get traction I believe...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgIMsSEAkYc&feature=feedu

Edited by moderator Wednesday, May 18, 2011 2:47:59 AM(UTC)  | Reason: fixed quote

Offline ks77  
#92 Posted : Tuesday, May 17, 2011 11:29:11 PM(UTC)
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Wow. There's no doubt the birth certificate was intentionally made to look questionable, the question is why...
Offline cgb2  
#93 Posted : Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:03:45 AM(UTC)
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ks77 wrote:
Wow. There's no doubt the birth certificate was intentionally made to look questionable, the question is why...

Good question....but fits right in with the hagelian dialectic of manipulation. Agitating both sides to arrive at a predetermined outcome. Action/reaction/solution. A great way to erode our constitution piece by piece and replace it with something else....or expand and usurp authorized/delegated powers.
Offline Richard  
#94 Posted : Tuesday, May 31, 2011 7:51:23 AM(UTC)
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Better be fully clothed when watching your new TV ...
Offline Mike  
#95 Posted : Tuesday, July 5, 2011 1:46:40 PM(UTC)
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Oil (petroleum) found in Israel.

The London-based World Energy Council says Israel’s Shfela Basin, a half-hour drive south of Jerusalem, holds 250 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil, possibly making the energy-vulnerable country (as expressed by The Wall Street Journal) “the world’s newest energy giant.” With reserves of 260 billion barrels, Saudi Arabia would remain the world’s No. 1 oil country – though not, perhaps, for long. Howard Jonas, CEO of U.S.-based IDT Corp., the company that owns the Shfela Basin concession, says there is much more oil under Israel than under Saudi Arabia: Perhaps, he says, twice as much….
It will take years – probably decades – for Israel to reach maximum production from its vast reserves of shale oil. But odds are that the Shfela Basin will change the global balance of power long before then. Indeed, it will effectively change the balance of power the day it exports its first barrel of oil. This shouldn’t take long. With such investors as Lord Rothschild (the banker and philanthropist), Rupert Murdoch (the media magnate) and Dick Cheney (the politician), Israel should be pumping oil within three or four years. Also on board is Shell Oil’s remarkable top scientist, Harold Vinegar, who says the Shfela oil is not only abundant but premium quality as well: “The equivalent of Saudi extra-light.”


Map of the oil deposits.


This is one more reason for other countries to attack Israel. Black gold, Texas Tea.
Offline FredSnell  
#96 Posted : Sunday, August 14, 2011 2:31:17 PM(UTC)
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I wonder who's behind this..lol..any guesses?


scroll down and read comment #5

Edited by user Monday, August 15, 2011 3:55:37 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline FredSnell  
#97 Posted : Thursday, August 25, 2011 3:06:42 PM(UTC)
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This guys comment (#12) just about nails it on the head. I would also include the practiced pedophillia that seems unnoticed by most in this religion and thus the world.


12.None Ya Says:
August 24th, 2011 at 7:59 am
So, let me get this right. For a culture who looks at female life as less than that of a farm animal, who educates almost no one, who wipes their ass with their hand, and will have sex with farm animals; farting is offensive? Here’s the problem with our leadership, we have no leadership with any balls. Further, please don’t apologize for saying “fart”, you are not a family newspaper as high schoolers are not lining up to read your paper. Apologizing for using the word fart is offensive.

Offline Matthew  
#98 Posted : Friday, September 16, 2011 2:51:01 PM(UTC)
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From BBC News:

Dwarf galaxies suggest dark matter theory may be wrong

Scientists' predictions about the mysterious dark matter purported to make up most of the mass of the Universe may have to be revised.

Research on dwarf galaxies suggests they cannot form in the way they do if dark matter exists in the form that the most common model requires it to.

That may mean that the Large Hadron Collider will not be able to spot it.

Leading cosmologist Carlos Frenk spoke of the "disturbing" developments at the British Science Festival in Bradford.

Offline VinceB.  
#99 Posted : Wednesday, September 21, 2011 5:17:29 PM(UTC)
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http://tinyurl.com/6gzu885 Found this article interesting to say the least...from EU Times related to planned events around Sept 27th 2011...interesting bit of info the Russian general tied with NATO had to say about events unfolding between US Saudi Yisra'el and this whole vote thing going on at the UN...

I always saw our government as being complicit with 09/11/01...and I do understand that our government controlled by babylonians would have a policy of not wanting to cause panic among the public?

Just thought I'd throw it out there for the Family of Yah to comment on as you all see fit.

BTW, on my 3rd read of Shabat what a wonderful chapter - really very insightful...there's nothing I've read on YY that's not been worth its weight in 'gold'...
Offline VinceB.  
#100 Posted : Monday, September 26, 2011 5:17:24 AM(UTC)
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Dead Sea Scrolls, Yisra'el and Google making available online

Bloomberg Reports Dead Sea Scrolls

I think this is great news...hope I'll be user-friendly.
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