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Offline VaBlueRidge  
#1 Posted : Sunday, October 3, 2010 5:36:57 AM(UTC)
Joined: 9/11/2010(UTC)
Posts: 25
Location: Virginia

Shalom everyone,

I've been enjoying reading FH, YY, and the other books that Ken and Yada have written as well as the forum posts. I began reviewing these materials about 2 weeks ago, and have read extensively but not systematically -- basically just quickly browsing 100's of pages of detailed info to get an overall picture of things.

I have a couple of observations that may seem a bit divergent, but after explaining them I would like to relate them to a hypothetical end times scenario I would like your opinions on.

Observation #1.
In my reading I recall Ken or Yada stating that the temple would be built in about 6 months during the first part of the tribulation (I looked for the specific reference but could not find it), and I believe Ken has the Gog-Magog war coming after the temple is rebuilt in the FH chronology.

I have spent a lifetime planning and managing large construction projects and I just don't see how the temple can be built that quickly. It's hard to get a small project like an apartment building built in six months, much less something as significant as the temple -- every rabbi and official in Israel is going to be debating archeological excavations, design, material selection, procurement, construction methods, lighting (or not), bathrooms (or not), etc... In short, it's going to be a long, contentious project.

I just don't see the temple being built any faster than six years (minimum), especially if Gog-Magog hasn't happened to remove the Islamic opposition. I am currently working a very large construction project (over 2 billion dollar budget) that is taking 5 years from design to completion. This project has maximum government support (including congressional and presidential involvement) and no political, religious, or armed Islamic opposition and there is no way it can be done in less than 5 years. Once you get religious & political leaders and armed militants involved, things get much more contentious - perhaps the project as a whole is smaller than the one I'm working, but every little detail is likely to be debated or opposed.

Furthermore, something drastic would have to happen to precipitate the building of the Temple since the Zionist leaders and Orthodox Jews alike are not eager to build the Temple, and the Muslims would never agree to sharing the Temple Mount.

Observation #2.
President Obama (BHO) seems to have a lot in common with the anti-christ (AC): Nobel peace prize, both christian and Islamic roots, a big ego / narcissist personality, hailed by followers as a messiah, anti-scripture agenda (gay rights, abortion, etc), doubtful birth certificate, obscure background, Islamic sympathizer, anti-Israel bias, etc... I’m not saying that BHO is the AC, but I can see where he might be. By the time I know I hope to be ‘raptured’ in the pre-trib harvest, so it’s really not a big deal personally. Here is one of many websites that draw parallels btw BHO and the AC: http://o.bamapost.com/

Hypothetical end-times scenario
First, let me state that I don't have the background in prophecy or the scriptural amplification studies Ken, Yada, and many of you on the forum have so I cannot see all of the holes with this scenario. It just seems to me to be a better overall fit in terms of temple construction, Gog-Magog, etc. so feel free to critique as needed, I'm not wedded to any of this...

Second, I agree with the work Yada & KP have done correlating the 6+1 prophetic timeline to the feast days and the overall timing and sequence provided except for the Gog-Magog/Temple part.

Proposed Scenario:
1. (2012 - Trumpets) Rapture of Set-Apart children of Yahweh who keep the covenant on Day of Trumpets that corresponds with a natural Sabbath.
2. (2012) Nuclear attack on multiple (10+) US cities by Islamic terrorists - BHO survives (not in DC during attack) but federal government is decapitated along with much of the military leadership. BHO declares martial law, suspends elections, begins 8 year struggle to consolidate power, re-constitute government. BHO limits retaliatory attacks against Islamic targets.
3. (Dec 2012) Solar Flares hit with EMP Pulse effect world-wide (as currently forecasted by many scientists and NASA). Western nations become embroiled with civil wars, riots, etc. U.S. Congressional EMP Commission estimated that 70%-90% of American population would die from EMP Pulse related problems (water, food, fuel, communications, septic systems, transportation, and finanicial systems all fail). Effects of EMP extend the timeline for BHO to reconstitute America and for other nations to recover. Most experts forecast EMP recovery would take 8-10 years in advanced western nations. Yahweh sends the flares to correspond with all of the 2012 end-of-the-world prophecies so that people can have a choice: believe Him or the make-believe satanic deceptions.
4. (2013) Israeli defenses which depend on sophisticated electronics (aircraft, satellites, anti-missile systems, tanks and missiles, etc) are all or mostly disabled when the Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) effect from the Solar Flares destroys satellites, power line transformers, command and control systems, etc.
5. (Summer 2013) Islamic nations see their opportunity - Israel essentially defenseless. They mass together a billion man army led by field commanders on horses (EMP pulse disabled vehicles, they want to strike quickly while Israel is defenseless) who attack with small arms and over-whelming manpower.
6. (Day of Atonement 2013) Yahweh sends meteor strikes to destroy the armies of Gog-Magog, also clearing the Temple Mount. Death toll from Solar Flares, attack on America, destruction of Gog-Magog = 1.5 billion
7. (2014-2020) rebuilding of world governments, economies, etc. USA merges with Canada & Mexico (many reports that this is being planned, matches prophecy of AC being leader of 3 former nations). BHO led nation joins with 7 other European nations to form a new multi-nation government. BHO (man of peace who showed restraint after attack by Islamic terrorists, also hailed as a hero for rebuilding America and leading the formation of a new international coalition) is elected as the leader of the new coalition.
8. (2020) BHO signs interim treaty with Israel that allows for temple construction to begin, comprehensive treaty with all nations and Israel pending.
9. (2020 - 2026) temple rebuilt
10.(2026) BHO and other nations sign comprehensive peace treaty with Israel, timeline continues as stated in FH

This is the general idea I see of fulfilling the prophecies as I understand them, but I'm no expert and as I said there may be scriptural reasons why the temple rebuilding and Gog-Magog cannot happen this soon. I would really like to get comments of the concept in general, even if you don't agree with specific parts of the scenario or the possibility that BHO could be the AC. I just thought I would throw these thoughts out and see what kind of interesting comments they generate.
Yahuwah bless thee, and keep thee:
Yahuwah make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
Yahuwah lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

(Numbers 6:24-26)
Offline MadDog  
#2 Posted : Sunday, October 3, 2010 6:49:47 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/19/2009(UTC)
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I like your scenarios. It sounds reasonable that there would be great tribulation for many years for the world to accept and before the anti-messiah can appear. Also why build a second rate temple. If you are going to rebuild the temple why not go all the way and get it right. Lastly, I think the Ark of the Covenant will be found and/or recreated and the animal sacrifices re-instituted.

From Yada and Ken's timeline, 2033 is the day of Yahshua's return. So, this is my speculation, nothing to back it up at all, but here it goes...from 2012 to 2033 is 21 years....three 7 year increments...

2012 also happens to be the next United States Presidential election.

2012 also happens to be part of the Mayan "end of times" calendar and paganism for that matter.

What better way for Yahweh to send a message then on 2012 all rolled up into one year. Rapture and a world cataclysm would definitely make people seek Yahweh or send them into the arms of a New Word Order.

I highly doubt that Obozo is the anti-messiah, if he is I will oddly be disappointed.

I was onboard the USS MIDWAY during the first Iraqi war. One of our planes dropped a bomb on the USS BLUE RIDGE by mistake once (not during the war). It didn't go off otherwise we probably would've sunk it.
Offline VaBlueRidge  
#3 Posted : Saturday, October 9, 2010 3:13:04 AM(UTC)
Joined: 9/11/2010(UTC)
Posts: 25
Location: Virginia

MadDog wrote:
<edited>...from 2012 to 2033 is 21 years....three 7 year increments... Rapture and a world cataclysm would definitely make people seek Yahweh or send them into the arms of a New Word Order. I highly doubt that Obozo is the anti-messiah, if he is I will oddly be disappointed..


Good catch about the three 7 year increments (2012-2033), and your point about a world cataclysm causing people to choose between Yahweh and a New World Order fits nicely also.

Re: your doubt about Obama being the AC, I agree that's a stretch. My main reason in stating that part of the scenario is to get people to realize that there is a good chance that the existing world order and alignment/definition of nations is likely to be overturned in these last days. A merger of the US with Europe could mean that a US leader could fulfill the AC prophecies and if the US were hit with disorder on the scale of nuclear attacks and/or emp pulse, the 4 year election cycle would be history and Americans would likely live in a state of anarchy for many years.

By the way, that's a funny story about the USS Midway bombing the USS Blue Ridge, never heard about that... and let me know if you plan to fly towards the Virginia Blue Ridge so I can find some shelter...

Does anyone have any comments regarding my question about the timing of Gog-Magog and the rebuilding of the temple being sooner (and taking longer) than described by Yada & KP?
Yahuwah bless thee, and keep thee:
Yahuwah make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
Yahuwah lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

(Numbers 6:24-26)
Offline Daniel  
#4 Posted : Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:00:08 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/24/2010(UTC)
Posts: 694
Location: Florida

MadDog wrote:
I was onboard the USS MIDWAY during the first Iraqi war. One of our planes dropped a bomb on the USS BLUE RIDGE by mistake once (not during the war). It didn't go off otherwise we probably would've sunk it.

That would have been a good day to not be one of those attack pukes.
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline cgb2  
#5 Posted : Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2:38:01 AM(UTC)
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In YY letters recently:
Yada wrote:

Since I think God was deliberately trying to make it impossible for us to know the exact right days to celebrate His Feasts with any degree of certainty, I'm not the best person to ask. I have viewed the celebration of Seven Sabbaths as occurring 49 days from FirstFruits and 50 days from the Sabbath of Unleavened Bread.

My sense of all of this remains: it is vastly more important to understand what these days represent, and to rely upon them, than it is to do everything perfectly on the right day.


So a specific day/hour in 2033 fits "no man knows the day or hour...."
Offline FredSnell  
#6 Posted : Thursday, February 17, 2011 5:19:51 AM(UTC)
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I remember listening to YY radio, and on a show Yada mentioned the worlds populaton number reaching 7 billion. This morning I was curious as to what day in fact we do hit that number. So I Googled, "7 billion people." This is what came up with no deffinate results, as to I believe man can not know when this exactly happens, he can only assume when it does, making the REAL answer unknowable. Sort of like the very hairs on our heads. Anyhow, I did find this interesting. The "Day of 7 Billion" has been targeted by the United States Census Bureau to be in July 2012,[13] while the Population Division of the United Nations suggests 26 August 2011.[14]

That seems far apart to me. So what if this day is 11-11-11 of this yr? I mean I can assume just like our gov'ts do! DId you know that any person with two digits in their number of yrs on earth, say like this yr I'm 55. I was born in 56. Add the two together and presto, 111.
I'm not saying this at all matters in our lives, but I will be keeping an open eye on our gov't on this day. I have a strong feeling they are up to no good and are really in league with some nefarious individuals that will soon come to light to those that realize we have been duped from the beginning.

I wonder if Yada feels a gov't can be too conservative? Like how I get the feeling things are going to swing too far in the opposite direction from our present style, we see them trying to impose without our consent. Can we go too far right? And what would it mean to us if it did?

These are things I like sitting around a good campfire and discuss.
Offline FredSnell  
#7 Posted : Friday, February 18, 2011 2:09:52 AM(UTC)
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And lets all remember just what our own President told us in days before becoming the most powerful man walking the earth.

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

- Barack Hussein Obama
Offline Daniel  
#8 Posted : Friday, February 18, 2011 5:42:06 AM(UTC)
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encounterHim wrote:
And lets all remember just what our own President told us in days before becoming the most powerful man walking the earth.

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

- Barack Hussein Obama

What he actually said is that he would stand with American immigrants from Pakistan or Arab countries should they be faced with something like the forced detention of Japanese-American families in World War II:

Misleading e-mail: From Audacity of Hope: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

Actual quote from "The Audacity of Hope" [pg. 261]: Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

Obama did not say he would side with "the Muslims," which could easily be read as meaning he would side with the world's Muslim population even if it meant working outside the best interests of the United States. He said he would side with "them," referring back to his mention of immigrant communities and specifically to "Arab and Pakistani Americans." Furthermore, he was speaking of an "ugly direction" like the mass internment of Japanese Americans.
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline FredSnell  
#9 Posted : Sunday, February 20, 2011 2:51:44 AM(UTC)
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Daniel, your fingers must be worn out defending that statement. Myself, I can't tell you how many times I've seen it written just as is, which in itself I find still peculiar. Maybe I should check Facts.org more often, but as time goes by and I watch our President, his actions alone remind me of a person that will in the end, actually side with our enemies. And I look no farther than when he left the people of Iran twisting in the wind, and gave virtually no support of any kind, the Iranian people were protesting the rigged elections in their country, with their citizens dying in the streets like Neda Soltani, President Obama had precious little to say. And he certainly did not, at any time, talk about an “orderly transition of power”.
Offline FredSnell  
#10 Posted : Sunday, February 20, 2011 5:26:50 AM(UTC)
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I was watching this video..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaH-lGafwtE

And in my post above, I should have thanked you 1st, Daniel, I really had no right posting that sentence out of context. After re-reading my post above, I apologize for sounding flippant when you are just pointing out my error. Thanks brother! Funny how I feel He works with me at times too, showing me my mistakes, when I would have never gave it a second veiw. Well, my wife wanted me in the yard earlier than now, doing some de-thatching. Lucky i stayed on-line long enough to do some real de-thatching. Again, thanks!
Offline Daniel  
#11 Posted : Monday, February 21, 2011 3:50:59 AM(UTC)
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No worries, Brother!

I like to say that I am 'always striving for precision' in what I say.

We YY'ers are held to a higher standard and cannot afford even the appearance of misquoting someone. Even if that someone is BHO, or worse, Hitlary Clinton.

Press on!
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Richard  
#12 Posted : Monday, February 21, 2011 1:30:20 PM(UTC)
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encounterHim wrote:
I was watching this video: here

That video is sure to be an eye-opener to those who have been asleep. I hope it wakes them up.

I wonder, though, what purpose does that video serve? Is it to spur us into political activism?

You see, it is my considered opinion that political activism is a deliberately misleading distraction which is doomed to fail at all levels, and I'll tell you why. Just as surely as you are sitting there reading this, a moment of planetary disaster is bearing down on us at incredible speed and with unalterable aim. The world leaders named in that video know about it and have been preparing for decades to survive it. After literally billions of us have been wiped out either instantaneously or after having died of untreated injuries, starvation, thirst, exposure, and other horrible means, those leaders will emerge from their strongholds and will take control of the world for their king, the one we know of as the Pseudo Messiah. I have followed patrioticspace for some time and believe his information about such matters to be spot on for accuracy.

So I would have to conclude that engaging in political activism is like trying to conquer cancer with a band-aid. It just won't succeed, and when the real trouble hits, the political activists will be completely surprised and stunned. And they will die wholly unprepared. That is why I do not take part in all that stuff. Just my 2 cents worth, brothers.

Edited by user Tuesday, February 22, 2011 10:35:15 AM(UTC)  | Reason: changed "lightspeed" to "incredible speed"

Offline FredSnell  
#13 Posted : Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2:59:19 AM(UTC)
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Thanks men! Sorry for causing any confusion. I was just interested at that moment in time, seeing just what I might find that I didn't know about before, in one of our Presidents.

Never knew JFK tried exposing the controllers behind the scenes. It does put a chink in the armor of the Warren comm i feel, but enough of that. And it just so happened caused me to think of what Daniel wrote and then what I had posted about our President. A tad late, but it did remind me along with Daniels short note to remind me to be as complete as possible with my own understanding before posting.

And NO Sir, wouldn't be caught dead today asking any person to support these ppl that we have running our country. I'm sure most are descent folks, but putting our Fathers name 1st, is imperative. Now if George Washington was to miraculously appear and say, "arise, the Hessian's are coming, it's time to do some christmas weeding out." I might run and grab my gear.

Flintface, have you ever had the feeling that the USA was used by YHWH to be the very providence that allowed Israels return. I now feel like that's the case. Like we were here for that single purpose. Being their Big Brother! As much as I love reading the native culture that was here, it in no way could have supported the transition that was required for Israels return in my opinion. Last night I found out our founders didn't even celebrate x-mas. It would be over 100yrs before the pagan ritual would be put in place.

Thanks, Brothers for being patient with me.

If there is one thing I believe we all get from this learning, we are I feel priviledged to have is, we do develope a thick skin! I can only imagine our brother, Noah and all the ridicual he must have had to endure. The Ark surely could have been seen for miles and miles during its construction.

Offline Daniel  
#14 Posted : Tuesday, February 22, 2011 5:29:18 AM(UTC)
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encounterHim wrote:
George Washington was to miraculously appear and say, "arise, the Hessian's are coming, it's time to do some christmas weeding out." I might run and grab my gear.
Last night I found out our founders didn't even celebrate x-mas. It would be over 100yrs before the pagan ritual would be put in place.

Had not the Hessian mercs been celebrating x-mas, the battle might have been lost! (They were drunk!)

My personal opinion is that YHWH used the US and A to help get modern Israel started. Since 1948 we have been supporting her less and less.

Our curse and blessing may be that we are on the sidelines of the coming conflicts, falling back to a 2nd rate nationstate due to the economic collapse that has already begun.

The previous opinion you just read is worth exactly what you just paid for it: NUTHIN'! It is just how I see things at this moment.
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Bubsy  
#15 Posted : Sunday, February 9, 2014 5:37:37 AM(UTC)
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VaBlueRidge wrote:

Observation #1.
In my reading I recall Ken or Yada stating that the temple would be built in about 6 months during the first part of the tribulation (I looked for the specific reference but could not find it), and I believe Ken has the Gog-Magog war coming after the temple is rebuilt in the FH chronology.

I have spent a lifetime planning and managing large construction projects and I just don't see how the temple can be built that quickly. It's hard to get a small project like an apartment building built in six months, much less something as significant as the temple -- every rabbi and official in Israel is going to be debating archeological excavations, design, material selection, procurement, construction methods, lighting (or not), bathrooms (or not), etc... In short, it's going to be a long, contentious project.

I think if you look at construction projects in America in the 1920's to 1940's, you'll find that many large projects were built from start to finish in matters of months, not years. Such projects were not burdened with objection after objection after objection by the modern-day worshipers of Satan in one of his Earth-god disguises (the "Environmentalists"), with each and every objection requiring litigation to settle, like we have today. Our government had not yet allowed them that power. In the absence of "Environmentalist" obstruction, such projects could easily once again be built in matters of months or weeks. I suspect that if such groups try to get in the way of the Antichrist's temple construction, considering his short-fuse personality, they will meet a swift and bloody end. Like Ken wrote in Future History, the Antichrist has ambitions to be seen and worshipped AS God.

VaBlueRidge wrote:

Observation #2.
President Obama (BHO) seems to have a lot in common with the anti-christ (AC): Nobel peace prize, both christian and Islamic roots, a big ego / narcissist personality, hailed by followers as a messiah, anti-scripture agenda (gay rights, abortion, etc), doubtful birth certificate, obscure background, Islamic sympathizer, anti-Israel bias, etc... I’m not saying that BHO is the AC, but I can see where he might be. By the time I know I hope to be ‘raptured’ in the pre-trib harvest, so it’s really not a big deal personally. Here is one of many websites that draw parallels btw BHO and the AC: http://o.bamapost.com/

Agreed that Obama has much in common with the Antichrist, but whether he was born in Hawaii or Kenya, he is from the wrong part of the world to be THE Antichrist. Like Ken wrote in Future History, The Antichrist comes from the territory of where the ancient Roman and Greek Empires overlapped, which would be Greece and the Balkans, and maybe Italy.

As for your hypothetical end-times scenario, my understanding is that the visions Yahowchanan were shown and that he described in Revelation were all for a continuous 2520-day Tribulation, which Ken pegged as running from 11/14/2026 to 10/8/2033. Maybe the Temple that operates in the first half of the Tribulation does start construction before the Tribulation, but I have reasons to doubt so. For starters, if the Israelis were to start constructing a temple of their own on the Temple Mount, Muslims all over the world would scream bloody murder over it, and the Israelis have been TFN ("Too Effing Nice") about the "sensitivities" of the Satanic (including Muslims, the "Politically Correct", and "Multiculturalists"). I think it's going to take someone with the personality/character to run roughshod over/ignore their whining and get the job done, and tell such Satanic whiners to stick it.

And I probably don't need to say that as I write this in 2014, I can see that none of Hypothetical Scenario points 1-6 happened, nor is #7 happening.
Ha Shem? I'm kind of fond of Ha Shemp, Ha Larry, and Ha Moe myself. And the earlier shorts with Ha Curly.
Offline ffejsing  
#16 Posted : Wednesday, April 18, 2018 6:33:08 PM(UTC)
Joined: 4/18/2018(UTC)
Posts: 1
United States

when you read and watch this information please keep an open mind about what you have been told about the last 7 years before Yahweh puts his feet on the mount of Moriyah.

Day 4

800 Dec 25, Pope Leo III crowned Frankish warrior-king Charlemagne as heir of the Roman emperors at the basilica of St. Peter's at Rome.

Half-way through the 7 year tribulation a a man will create a one world currency

794 Charlemagne created a single currency for his empire.

He will make you wear the mark of the beast or cut your head off

Charlemagne forced people to either convert to christianity or get your head cut off.

watch this from 57:00- 1:06 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q4tR2Io4us

watch all of these
watch this and pay attention to the map in the video at 7:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9qq2wSfzsY

The Crusades: An Arab Perspective


I think the gog magog war started at 1096 ce

1184 ce is when the first Medieval Inquisition started.

1478 ce the spanish inquisition started

1493 and 1508 mexican inquisition started

1536 ce the portuguese inquisition started

1550's ce onward the roman inquisition, formally the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition started

1570-1820 ce peruvian inquisition started

Daniel 11:30-45 talks about The Tyranny of the Western King. This sounds like the crudades and than the inquisitions.

1205 Pope Innocent III Declares Jews Doomed to Servitude & Subjugation

The parable of the Eagle
countries with eagle on their coat of arms
egypt - https://en.wikipedia.org...e:Coat_of_arms_of_Egypt_(Official).svg
iraq - https://en.wikipedia.org...le:Coat_of_arms_of_Iraq_(2008).svg
jordan - https://en.wikipedia.org...at_of_arms_of_Jordan.svg
kuwait - https://en.wikipedia.org...at_of_arms_of_Kuwait.svg
palestine - https://en.wikipedia.org...at_of_arms_of_Palestine_(alternative).svg
syria - https://en.wikipedia.org...oat_of_arms_of_Syria.svg
united arab emirates - https://en.wikipedia.org...United_Arab_Emirates.svg
yemen - https://en.wikipedia.org...File:Emblem_of_Yemen.svg

The land of Israel had its name changed, had enemies conquer its people, even had its buildings destroyed and temple stones removed but it was never divided from Abraham until 1923ce.


"In 1923 Great Britain divided "Palestine" into two administrative districts. The Jews were given access only to that part which was west of the Jordan River. In fact, Great Britain took away from the Jews 75 percent of the land that was originally promised to them — the entire region of "Transjordan" (which means "across the River Jordan")."

"On November 29, 1947 the United Nations voted by a two-thirds majority to divide Western Palestine into two parts: A Jewish Palestinian state and a second Arab Palestinian state (The first Arab Palestinian state being Jordan)."

If you look at the maps just above - This second agreement makes Israel very thin at the waist and very vulnerable and undefenseable.

During the 1967 6 day war when Israel won a war while being hugely outnumbered did Yahweh reach down and protect his children?

The answer is yes and here is the evidence

I will continue to add more to show the 7 day tribulation started 6 thousand years ago.

Edited by user Sunday, May 13, 2018 7:04:05 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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