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Offline Daniel  
#1 Posted : Wednesday, February 22, 2012 10:43:58 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/24/2010(UTC)
Posts: 694
Location: Florida

The rabbi at our Messianic Congregation asked people with different translations to read the entire "book" of second John (it is only a few paragraphs). He said: "Yeshua taught Torah observance, first, last and always. It was what defined Him. In fact He was Torah. I don't mean to be controversial but, just read it aloud." Here was the part he was driving at (from my day-to-day-usage translation, CJB):

2 John 9-11 Everyone who goes ahead and does not remain true to what the Messiah has taught does not have God. Those who remain true to his teaching have both the Father and the Son. If someone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, don't welcome him into your home. Don't even say, "Shalom!" to him; for the person who says, "Shalom!" to him shares in his evil deeds.

How did that get in there?
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline MadDog  
#2 Posted : Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7:25:01 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/19/2009(UTC)
Posts: 629
Location: San Antonio, Texas

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Daniel wrote:
The rabbi at our Messianic Congregation asked people with different translations to read the entire "book" of second John (it is only a few paragraphs). He said: "Yeshua taught Torah observance, first, last and always. It was what defined Him. In fact He was Torah. I don't mean to be controversial but, just read it aloud." Here was the part he was driving at (from my day-to-day-usage translation, CJB):

2 John 9-11 Everyone who goes ahead and does not remain true to what the Messiah has taught does not have God. Those who remain true to his teaching have both the Father and the Son. If someone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, don't welcome him into your home. Don't even say, "Shalom!" to him; for the person who says, "Shalom!" to him shares in his evil deeds.

How did that get in there?

What difference does it make, it's not scripture. Using an inadvertent name like "Yeshua" is also telling where this messianic congregation and rabbi stand.
Offline Daniel  
#3 Posted : Thursday, February 23, 2012 2:47:02 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/24/2010(UTC)
Posts: 694
Location: Florida

MadDog wrote:
What difference does it make, it's not scripture. Using an inadvertent name like "Yeshua" is also telling where this messianic congregation and rabbi stand.

Here we go again, arguing over vowel pointing...

...and what MadDog thinks the rabbi, the members of the congregation, and I think.

Nobody said (including Rav Schmidt) that 2 John was 'scripture'. You, MadDog, were not there, nor have you participated in the sidebar conversations that Schmidt and I have had.

A while back we had the "what is the word of God" conversation and Schmidt started out with, "Well, what did Yeshua say was the word of God?" (Answer: Prophets, Writings and Psalms) He then said "the words in the synoptic gospels and both of Yochanon's books" (John and John's Revelation) should be considered "God's words". He then said "the rest is just commentary".

In a different conversation, Schmidt stated that he thinks about half of what is attributed to "Paul" was not written by "Paul", "especially Galatians, that is why you will never hear me preach from that book".

Is Schmidt a YY-Winn-Bot ? No.

Does he use different words to express principles that Yada, KP, and others have discovered? Yes.

News Flash: Other people have arrived at similar conclusions about following YHVH without ever having logged on to this website.

Now, setting aside MadDog's well ground axe, here is the conclusion that my buddy from the congregation arrived at that we would bring up when speaking to our christian friends:

Either 2 John is 'God's Word' and must be obeyed, thus ending the conversation.


It is not 'canonical' and we do not have to follow John's instruction.

Either answer is okay with me.

With the former answer, I now have a legitimate reason to not participate in anything that the 'evil Church does'.

With the later answer we can dismiss from 'The New Testament' any words that are not printed in red ink.


(With apologies to Yada Win!)

Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Richard  
#4 Posted : Saturday, February 25, 2012 5:58:35 AM(UTC)
Joined: 1/19/2010(UTC)
Posts: 695
United States

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Daniel wrote:
Is Schmidt a YY-Winn-Bot ? No.

Careful, gunslinger. Your true colors are bleeding through your masquerade. "Do not be called 'rabbi'. Guess we ought to just rip that right on out since Yahowsha obviously didn't mean what He said.

Why do you drag into these forums the worthless mouthings of those who insist on flagrantly disregarding the Masseyah's direct commands? Nothing a rabbi has to say is worth listening to. Nothing. Even if he manages to speak the truth once in a while, he should still be completely ignored: he has chosen to side with the adversary, to be religious, to have a title, etc.

YY-Winn-Bots, Daniel? How arrogant. We're done. Keep following your rabbi pal in direct rebellion against the wishes of Yahowah.

Yada recently said in an email reply to someone else, wrote:

I was once very active in debating Muslims, but soon came to realize that for a host of reasons it is a complete waste of time. Today I endeavor to teach those who are open to learning.

I have come to the same conclusion about you, Daniel. Reasoning with you "is a complete waste of time." And that is just plain sad.
Offline Daniel  
#5 Posted : Monday, February 27, 2012 2:10:51 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/24/2010(UTC)
Posts: 694
Location: Florida

Richard, you are misreading the apostolic narratives of the Messiah's life. The hebrew-aramaic term Rabbuni/Rabbi/Ραββουνει can mean "Master" or "teacher".

News flash: Anyone who is a teacher is called by the title rabbi. "Call no man 'Master'", sure I get that, I see His point and will obey. "Call no man 'teacher'" Huh? Then what are we supposed to call someone who teaches other people things? The idea that we are not supposed to use the title 'teacher' when referring to someone who is a teacher is just ludicrous.

Richard, your mind has been so polluted by the Hellinistic either/or mentality that you have overlooked the Hebraic both/and context of linguistics and thought.

Consider the following comments by Jason Jordan
“You call me ‘Rabbi’ and ‘Lord,’ and you are right, because I am.” – (John 13:13) Yahshua’s words (Complete Jewish Bible – Translation by David H. Stern)

Some fellow Nazarene Israelites that I have met, often those who are in self-imposed isolation from other covenant members, have come up with some of the most off the wall theologies that make even a Sunday worshipping Christian look good. Beneath this I have found the root of such bad doctrines being taught by maverick leaders who handle the faith of YHWH like Han Solo handles his Millennium Falcon. “...I’ve made a lot of special modifications myself.” – (Star Wars 1977)

One such issue concerns the claim that Messiah Yahshua imposed a ban on the use of the titles, “rabbi,” “father” and “teacher” in Matthew 23. The teaching of this doctrine is almost exclusively driven by the prohibition of the title rabbi with at best the rejection of the titles teacher and father dragging along behind it with barely a mention.

Citing the title rabbi as forbidden espoused from Messiah’s discourse is a blatant manifestation of anti-semitism that masquerades itself as doctrine. This is because the same person who corrects someone using the title rabbi fails to correct others or even themself with the same vigilance in the use of the titles father or teacher. The prevalence of the titles father and teacher far exceed the prevalence of the title rabbi and yet the objection to the title rabbi is the only one you will ever consistently hear. Imagine the “call no man rabbi” police trying to introduce their father to someone without using such a title or equivalent term. Using an equivalent title is no solution because it plunges Messiah’s teaching into a pet dislike of particular words.

Here is the Scripture that apparently forbids the use of the titles rabbi, father and teacher as it appears in the 1995 Edition of the New American Standard Bible (NASB); Matthew 23:8-11 "But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader[1], that is, Christ. But the greatest among you shall be your servant.”

Without exerting any degree of study and isolating the above verse from the rest of the text it is self explanatory. No man is to address another by the three titles, rabbi (one who has great understanding [master teacher]), abba (meaning father) or teacher. The absurdity of this conclusion from the text is mind-blowing in light of the amount of other Scripture that has to be ignored for it to work. In addition one should consider reading the teaching from a translation that recognizes and restores a Hebraic perspective to the Scriptures. Matthew 23:8-11; “But as for you do not desire to be called Rabbi: For one is your Rabbi, even the Moshiach; and all you are Yisraelite brothers. And call no man abba (father) upon the earth: for one is your Abba, who is in the shamayim (heavens). Neither be called teachers: for one is your Teacher, even the Moshiach. But he that is greatest among you shall be your eved (servant).” [2](RSTNE - Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition)

Yahshua taught according to Torah, never departing from it by so much as one yud or one nekudah (smallest letter and smallest marking in the Hebrew alphabet). If he forbad calling any man father he negated the very Torah that he came to proclaim by disallowing men to address Abraham as the forefather of Israel. It would have, from that point onward, caused all those who believed him to skim over Torah that refers to fathers and teachers. It would have also called into question many verses in the Torah and [DN: His own brother's rebuttal to what would later become Pauline Doctrines]. Take for example James 3:1; “My Yisraelite brothers, not many should be rabbis, knowing that we shall receive a stronger mishpat (judgment).”

Look carefully at the beginning of verse 8 to see what Messiah is really saying, “But as for you do not desire to be called Rabbi…” Judaism has had an ancient tradition that when a leader is appointed to the Sanhedrin, he declines the post three times. In fact it is unheard of within Judaism for a Jew to work ambitiously toward any spiritual leadership role with the aim of making a name for himself. In the light of the “stricter judgement” that is placed on teachers in James 3:1 it can be said that Orthodox Jews (without realizing it) follow this aspect of the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) very faithfully.

Messiah Yahshua is stating that no-one should seek titles (in particular rabbi) to gratify their own selfish desire. Such a man receives openly the praise of men and in so doing becomes disqualified from a reward in the World to Come. Matthew 6:2; “Therefore when you perform your mitzvoth (love deed), do not sound a shofar before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have tifereth (praise) from men. Truly I say to you, They have their reward. So when you perform mitzvoth, let not your left hand know what your right hand does.”

The Messiah was teaching that all titles, which denote mastery of a profession should not be used to make one a master over another or allow one to view another as being more important. Torah teaches that the greatest person is the one who serves and attends to the needs of others vigilantly. For example Moshe, the meekest of all man, was called a “servant of Elohim” though he confronted Pharaoh, served as a chief intermediary between YHWH and Israel and had superiority over the priesthood. This is why Matthew 23:11 continues in verse 12 saying, “And whoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.”
In context Messiah’s whole discourse also serves as a warning to a believer not to allow anyone to make themself as an exclusive spiritual source of supply over the One who is the true Master and source of supply - YHWH.

Ceasing to acknowledge and use titles unleashes confusion into the body and nullifies its effectiveness to hear and act in an ordered chain of command. Prophets would no longer be prophets, priests would no longer be priests, judges would no longer be judges and kings would no longer be kings. YHWH raises men and women up for particular roles and commands that they be acknowledged accordingly. This is to maintain order within the body and allow people to know who’s who. He has always used a defined order of authority to rule His Kingdom and his subjects. Deuteronomy 16:18; “Shophtim (judges) and officers shall you appoint in all your gates, which YHWH your Elohim gives you, throughout your tribes: and they shall judge the people with just mishpat (jugdement).”

Those who teach the “call no man rabbi” doctrine should consider this: If each individual will be called to account for every word they have uttered, then certainly every written word about the Heavenly Father will be judged with greater scrutiny. Matthew 12:36-37; “But I say to you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account of it on the Yom HaDin (Day of Judgement). For by your words you shall be declared tzadik (righteous), and by your words you shall be condemned.” Furthermore if the accounting system in the heavens retains detailed documentation on each individual strand of hair that has ever grown on the head of every human being that has ever existed, how much more would potential misguidance, whether transmitted verbally or in writing be remembered on the Day of Judgement? Luke 12:7; “But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered….” It is for this reason that the Scriptures place great emphasis on believers at no matter what level of understanding to remain teachable and to love correction. Proverbs 12:1; “Whoever loves discipline loves da’at (knowledge): but he that hates correction is stupid.”

I appeal to all rabbis and teachers within the Nazarene Israelite community to unify and prepare the flock and step up to the task that you have been appointed. Natsarim (Offshoot Branch Watchmen) congregations are not to be fashioned with a pretext to compete with other congregations or used as opportunities to build personal empires.

Such conduct has already occurred and scattered the flock and caused many to refrain from meeting together. Israelites (whether Jews or Ephraimites), as a people, are to meet YHWH in unity according to His prescribed method, not according to the traditions of men. This is done through preparing teachers, judges and rulers who shepherd different segments of the multitude. But how can this occur when wolves have come in and obscured these roles by denying frames of reference? Exodus 18:21-22; “Moreover you shall provide out of all the people able men, such as fear Elohim, men of emet (truth), hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great matter they shall bring to you, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for yourself, and they shall bear the burden with you.”

My Rebbe has often said, “If there is a King there is a kingdom and if there is a kingdom there is a rule and if there is a rule there is a ruler and He’s not kidding.”

[1] Depending on the version the term “leader,” “master,” “instructor” or “teacher” can be found in verse 23:10.
[2] This is from the Hebrew Shem Tov manuscript of Matthew. The word tirzu, which means desire, puts a whole different inflection on the text. Even early church father’s attest to the book of Matthew’s original Hebrew origin. “They have the Good news according to Matthew in its entirety in Hebrew. For it is clear that they still preserve this, in the Hebrew alphabet, as it was originally written.” (Epiphanius; Panarion 29)

Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Walt  
#6 Posted : Monday, February 27, 2012 2:36:07 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/26/2008(UTC)
Posts: 374

flintface wrote:
Careful, gunslinger. Your true colors are bleeding through your masquerade. "Do not be called 'rabbi'. Guess we ought to just rip that right on out since Yahowsha obviously didn't mean what He said.

Why do you drag into these forums the worthless mouthings of those who insist on flagrantly disregarding the Masseyah's direct commands? Nothing a rabbi has to say is worth listening to. Nothing. Even if he manages to speak the truth once in a while, he should still be completely ignored: he has chosen to side with the adversary, to be religious, to have a title, etc.

YY-Winn-Bots, Daniel? How arrogant. We're done. Keep following your rabbi pal in direct rebellion against the wishes of Yahowah.

I have come to the same conclusion about you, Daniel. Reasoning with you "is a complete waste of time." And that is just plain sad.

Richard my brother, it's a total waste of time trying to reason or discuss with someone who just continually personally insults those that disagree with him - they're not listening, just looking for another opportunity to throw in a dig or insult
Offline Daniel  
#7 Posted : Monday, February 27, 2012 2:49:54 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/24/2010(UTC)
Posts: 694
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Walt wrote:
Richard my brother, it's a total waste of time trying to reason or discuss with someone who just continually personally insults those that disagree with him - they're not listening, just looking for another opportunity to throw in a dig or insult

Lighten up, Walt.

Are you sooooo thin skinned that you can't take a little ribbing? (Beef ribs at that, not pork!)

Richard, we are not done until I say we are done!

(That is to say that I will never give up on you, brothers. We can disagree about spelling, whether Paul was a fag (or not), textually brawl, but we are still brothers, right?)

Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline MadDog  
#8 Posted : Monday, February 27, 2012 12:59:18 PM(UTC)
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Daniel is not on the same path YY is on. He's not even on the same page. He's gone the way of Ken Power and Swalchy. They've got their own thing going.

Seems like he has more in common with his messianic congregation and rabbi than he does here.

And it seems like he's trying to convert YY-Winn-Bots(?), not the messianics.

Are we going to start calling the pope Holy Father now due to his logic?

I've been trying to cast off the chains of Babylon for some time now and Daniel seems to be wanting to rebind them to me again.

Is Daniel even listening to BlogTalkRadio and the Introduction to God?

Of course, instead of contemplating he'll have a smarmy retort with more quotes from a rabbi instead of the Torah, Prophet, and Psalms.

YY-Winn-Bots - as if we're mindless robots incapable of searching the TP&P and coming to our own conclusions.
Offline FredSnell  
#9 Posted : Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:13:33 AM(UTC)
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I'll keep it simple and let my Father lead me. He's done a great job so far and I haven't asked anyone if I can. He showed me early on. "I'll give you your dailey bread"..No more than I can chew on. His "Word" will nourish me!...So far, the TP&P have shown me what I should do. It doesn't lead away, but right to.
Offline Walt  
#10 Posted : Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:57:12 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/26/2008(UTC)
Posts: 374

encounterHim wrote:
I'll keep it simple and let my Father lead me. He's done a great job so far and I haven't asked anyone if I can. He showed me early on. "I'll give you your dailey bread"..No more than I can chew on. His "Word" will nourish me!...So far, the TP&P have shown me what I should do. It doesn't lead away, but right to.

Well said and done Fred.
As a side note: you are an encouragement brother, you come up with nuggets that really makes one think and re-examine

What Daniel fails to see is that to call us "bots" is SOOOOO laughable - most are here because we're the opposite, and that's why we've left religion. Religion doesn't like people to really question what is being proclaimed and taught. They want you to fall in line - that's what denominations is all about.

Myself, I went through numerous churches, going to bible studies and questioning, researching what the pastor said in sermons and making them uncomfortable doing more questioning and stating what I discovered in my searching & seeking. When I started learning about Yahowah's Name and what He said about Torah by reading the "OT" on my own, asking the pastor why we didn't use God's eternal name when we were singing and talking about "praising His Name", I has to leave christianity and entered into messy-anic Judaism. But my questioning didn't cease, so I couldn't settle there after trying out numerous groups.

"bots" won't stay without fellowship (alone and isolated), they will naturally gravitate towards some kind of congregation - we've rejected those. "bots" will continue in their traditions even when shown TRUTH and has revealed the falseness's they hold.
If we are "bots" it's we're TRUTH seeking bots that bounce off the bumpers religion erects.

I'm definitely NOT "thin skinned" that can't take some ribbing or criticism - I'm just not going to engage one that would rather insult than discuss the details. I can engage in dialogue with one who thinks differently, but when it comes to the point on them trying to take out or silence the messenger rather than sticking to the issues - it's over.
Offline Daniel  
#11 Posted : Tuesday, February 28, 2012 6:59:37 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/24/2010(UTC)
Posts: 694
Location: Florida

Walt wrote:

"bots" won't stay without fellowship (alone and isolated), they will naturally gravitate towards some kind of congregation - we've rejected those. .

Are individuals who are members of Torah-observant-non-religous-congregations are not welcome on YY?
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Daniel  
#12 Posted : Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:41:57 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/24/2010(UTC)
Posts: 694
Location: Florida

MadDog wrote:
Daniel is not on the same path YY is on.

Nope, not on exactly the same path. I'm on board with just about everything that Yada has written.
I ignore "Paul" and therefore have no stake in Yada's "Paul was a false prophet" writings. Yada could be correct, partially correct or wrong. I don't care either way. "Paul" is not important to me.
Got it?

MadDog wrote:
He's not even on the same page. He's gone the way of Ken Power and Swalchy. They've got their own thing going.

Disassociate your adversary with the 'in' group, associate him with another group, demonize the adversary & the other group. Wow, MadDog, you could work for any of the presidential campaigns!

MadDog wrote:
Seems like he has more in common with his messianic congregation and rabbi than he does here.

I would say that the rabbi would agree with more than 90% of what Yada has written. I would say the same about myself. +90% agreement is pretty good!

Years ago, I read a magazine article and I found that I only agreed with 75% of the points made in the article...

Then I realized that it was an article that I had written!

So by my own estimation, I agree with more of what Yada has written than what I have written!

MadDog wrote:
And it seems like he's trying to convert YY-Winn-Bots(?), not the messianics.

I'm trying to convert christians and muslims. Not you guys!

I would like to discuss things with the people here, but some of you guys jump all over me because I am a member of the Evil-Messianic-Congregation-That-Is-Really-Just-A-Thinly-Disguised-Daugher-Of-The-Whore-Of-Babylon.

MadDog wrote:
Are we going to start calling the pope Holy Father now due to his logic?

See what I mean?

MadDog wrote:
I've been trying to cast off the chains of Babylon for some time now and Daniel seems to be wanting to rebind them to me again.

See what I mean?

MadDog wrote:
Is Daniel even listening to BlogTalkRadio and the Introduction to God?

I have listened often (usually to the recordings) and have called in and participated a few times.

MadDog wrote:
Of course, instead of contemplating he'll have a smarmy retort with more quotes from a rabbi instead of the Torah, Prophet, and Psalms.

The smarmy quotes come from me! Please give credit where credit is due!
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline FredSnell  
#13 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 1:18:30 AM(UTC)
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Daniel wrote:
Are individuals who are members of Torah-observant-non-religous-congregations are not welcome on YY?

Certainly anyone that is seeking I would welcome. Daniel, it's been well over a year since you called me by phone, and it may be you were returning my call or I gave you my number, I can't remember. But I do remember at the time that you suggested then, that I do my on due deligence and do not rely on any man. It was good advice then, and it's still good advice now.

Offline dajstill  
#14 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 2:20:45 AM(UTC)
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Daniel wrote:
The rabbi at our Messianic Congregation asked people with different translations to read the entire "book" of second John (it is only a few paragraphs). He said: "Yeshua taught Torah observance, first, last and always. It was what defined Him. In fact He was Torah. I don't mean to be controversial but, just read it aloud." Here was the part he was driving at (from my day-to-day-usage translation, CJB):

2 John 9-11 Everyone who goes ahead and does not remain true to what the Messiah has taught does not have God. Those who remain true to his teaching have both the Father and the Son. If someone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, don't welcome him into your home. Don't even say, "Shalom!" to him; for the person who says, "Shalom!" to him shares in his evil deeds.

How did that get in there?

Haven't read that in ages - interesting. I think one of the reasons you have gotten such a strong response from people is because they are trying to do just what this teaching says. It appears from just my pretty much newbie observation - that some of the hostility you may be getting from folks is that they are trying to do exactly what this passage is teaching.
If Yahshua said not to call anyone "Rabbi" and someone is being called "Rabbi" - that seems to be going against the teachings of Yahshua and they are not even greeting that person with a "Shalom". While the individual may be a really good person, they would probably do better to just be called "Bob" or "Joe" or simply "brother". Then, they wouldn't have to explain that when Yahshua said don't call anyone "Rabbi" he wasn't talking about "this kind of Rabbi" but "that kind of Rabbi". Sometimes traditions are really, really hard to break.

The passage (not sure I would call it Scripture) that was discussed on your congregation is really, really powerful. It lends itself to a much deeper study of all the words of Yahshua and all the words of the Torah. It puts religious leaders of all stripes in a very different package than our fellow neighbor. For instance, we are to help our neighbor, help the poor, help the widow, help the orphan with no regard to their beliefs, lifestyle, etc. We are simply to help our fellow human. However, this passage from 2 John indicates a religious leader is something different. It is saying that if someone comes to you with any teaching not consistent with Yahshua (who taught Torah) - you don't even greet them. This is what our YY forum brothers and sisters - adamantly resisting and not even giving a "Shalom" to someone teaching anything not in line with the words of Yahshua - who was the Word.

You mention ignoring Paul, but I haven't yet met any Christian or Messianic congregation with an outright rejection of or even a more subtle ignoring of Paul. Whether or not Paul was gay isn't a big issue and whether or not the words of Paul were tampered with isn't an issue. The things is that every Christian/Messianic congregation in the US using a copy of the entire Christian Bible as a main text. This would absolutely lead people away from YHWH if they accept the entire Christian Bible as being "canon" even if they make a distinction between actual scripture and simply additional writings.

On my journey I am learning from a lot of people - some don't even believe Yahshua was the Messiah (like Nehemia Gordon), some are still Christian (like Keith Johnson), some believe Paul is simply misunderstood or mistranslated (like Todd Bennett) and a host of other folks. Each has done a good bit of study in some areas that has really helped to open my eyes on different topics (like Nehemia and Keith on the Avinu; Nehemia on the Hebrew meanings of the words of Yahshua, like Todd Bennett who introduced me to truth of the name of YHWH). So many people have pieces to offer me that I could not have had the time to study and uncover completely on my own - especially since I can't speak or read Hebrew yet. With that said, I wouldn't call any of them (or YY, or Yada, or EncounterHim) "Rabbi".

I know for me personally, when I start giving titles to people - it changes the nature of the relationship. In the past, when in doubt I would look to the person of title to provide the deciding vote on what was right and what was truth. This puts them in a position to lead my astray and from the Commands of YHWH - even if they are doing it innocently and think they are right. If my drycleaner were to say "thus says YHWH" I would take what they said with a grain of salt (sure, I might look it up, but I wouldn't stake my salvation on it). However, I would give someone more credence if they had a title, like "Rabbi" or "Pastor".

I think this is even what 2 John is getting at - don't even greet anyone with a supposed title that teachings things against YHWH. Since I think everyone on the planet today has at least some error in their understanding - simply because we are 2,000 years removed from hearing Yahshua speak and 4,000 years removed from Mosheh getting the Torah - no one on the planet today is safe giving themselves or accepting a title. The title alone ups the chances of them leading someone away from YHWH - even by accident.

Daniel, I absolutely still consider you a brother and a friend. I think it is interesting what your teacher said. Its just that it is a little hard to swallow when it was preferenced with "Rabbi". It felt a little bit like we were supposed to read it more closely because it was said by a Rabbi as opposed to a butcher. I know you probably didn't mean it that way. But, many people here live the words of 2 John - they won't even greet someone with a "Shalom" who is a religious leader of any sort.

Thanks for sharing what you all discussed at your church. It was helpful and the letter of 2 John really is a good read. It is kind of ironic that the person sharing the passage in your congregation would have probably been considered one of the people not to greet in the first place. Of course, this is my assumption being he calls himself Rabbi and congregants do the same. He may just be Bob or Bill and you feel compelled to call him Teacher because of how much you have learned from him. Either way, I still consider you a brother and I really don't think you meant any harm. I also think the other guys are doing their best to protect themselves and their own hearts and make sure the other people here don't fall prey and become victim to religion again as well. You may have found a diamond in the rough and actually found a "good" congregation. However, statistically speaking most people who go back into a church, synagog, mass, cathedral, etc. will become a victim and might as 2 John mentions "loose what we worked for". So many more people read these boards than post and for 99% of those folks - they are going to have to leave all religious affiliations. It can be a lonely road. Its hard and I am sure the enemy would love to sway them back into bondage by telling them to keep looking and keep trying to find a "good church". It just isn't going to happen for 99% of us, and it is completely unnecessary and counter productive to a relationship with YHWH. Yahshua came to loose the bondages and the biggest bondage most folks have is religious. Once a slave has been freed, they would rather see death than be dragged back into bondage. Many of us here - that is exactly what happened. We were freed from the slavery and oppression of religion and we are fighting like rabid dogs to not be dragged back into oppression and away from truth in YHWH. So, I don't think its personal. I don't think the other guys have anything against you as an individual. Its just that when you post a "Rabbi says" message it feels a bit like a trap being set up. I don't think that is what you intended, just giving you perspective from the heart. Its not that I can't receive from anyone, just that even a Rabbi must come to me as nothing but "Bob" or I can't even greet him (so says 2 John anyway - LOL).
Offline Daniel  
#15 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 3:43:58 AM(UTC)
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encounterHim wrote:
I do remember at the time that you suggested then, that I do my on due deligence and do not rely on any man. It was good advice then, and it's still good advice now.

There is something that I said that I will agree with! ;-)
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline Richard  
#16 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 4:42:09 AM(UTC)
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Dajstill, I think your your thoughtful post is an excellent take on this whole issue. Thank you.
Offline Daniel  
#17 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 4:50:11 AM(UTC)
Joined: 10/24/2010(UTC)
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DAJSTILL, I'm sure that this posting "sounds" a little harsh, sarcastic and smarmy. For that I apologize and must confess that I am harsh, sarcastic and smarmy. Please know that I do not want to be harsh or smarmy.
(I like sarcastic, though!)

dajstill wrote:
If Yahshua said not to call anyone "Rabbi" and someone is being called "Rabbi" - that seems to be going against the teachings of Yahshua

I disagree with this hyper-literalist approach. See my quotation from J. Jordan, above.

Please note that I usually use the word "rabbi" rather than the word "Rabbi". There is a difference.

I call all of my friends who are employed at messianic synagogs as rabbi's by their "Christian" names. (Delicious irony, there!)

(For those of you keeping score at home: "Christian" name is your "First Name", "Surname" is your last name, or family name.)

dajstill wrote:
You mention ignoring Paul, but I haven't yet met any Christian or Messianic congregation with an outright rejection of or even a more subtle ignoring of Paul.

There are a few who ignore Mr OfTarsus, and a few who vocally preach against him. To be fair, most MJ congregations say that Sha'ul has been completely misunderstood.

dajstill wrote:
The things is that every Christian/Messianic congregation in the US using a copy of the entire Christian Bible as a main text.

Not true. I have participated in 3 that do not. There are more.

dajstill wrote:
On my journey I am learning from a lot of people: Nehemia Gordon... Keith Johnson... Todd Bennett

Me too! I like reading/listening to these guys stuff, I learn a great deal from them. I learn a great deal from Derek, Jack, Akiva, Kevin, Mark and Matt, who all happen to have business cards that say "Rabbi" on them. I don't agree with all that any of them teach, nor do I agree with everything that Yada teaches. (I don't even agree with everything that I teach, sometimes!)

It is ok to disagree with our 'teachers' or 'rabbis'. In the capital-R "Rabbinic" tradition that Yeshua was criticizing, the students did everything the "Master/Rabbi" said. You were not to disagree with them at all! They slavishly copied their "master's" every act. Not Good. This is what Yeshua was saying not to do! He was not saying that you cannot use the title "rabbi" for someone, anymore than He was saying that I cannot call my dad "Father".

Fear not, YY'ers, I am no man's slave. I think for myself and encourage everyone to do the same.

dajstill wrote:
I know for me personally, when I start giving titles to people - it changes the nature of the relationship.

Riddle me this: Do you train your children to use the honorific "Mister" or "Missus" when speaking to adults? If so, you are inconsistently applying your hyper-literalist interpretation of Yeshua's "don't call anyone Master/Rabbi" teaching. "Mister" is derived from "Master".

dajstill wrote:
In the past, when in doubt I would look to the person of title to provide the deciding vote on what was right and what was truth.

Never a problem for me. When I was a(n active-duty) Marine, my Commanding Officer sent me to go speak to a General on our unit's behalf because I was not intimidated by the stars on his shoulder. The CO was a Captain and I was a Lance Corporal!

I understand that most people do not have this characteristic within them. I teach my children and encourage my friends to be respectful to all people, but verify everything they say and watch what they do. No "sheeple" here, thank you very much!

dajstill wrote:
Thanks for sharing what you all discussed at your church.


We are a Torah-Observant-Non-Religious-Congregation.

Not a church! (I know you knew that!)

dajstill wrote:
I... So many more people read these boards than post and for 99% of those folks - they are going to have to leave all religious affiliations. It can be a lonely road. Its hard and I am sure the enemy would love to sway them back into bondage by telling them to keep looking and keep trying to find a "good church". It just isn't going to happen for 99% of us,

I am part of the 1%.

There is no such thing as a 'good church'.

dajstill wrote:
Its just that when you post a "Rabbi says" message....

I NEVER say "Rabbi says..." ! Even when I was a christian, I never said "Pastor says...". Indeed, my best friend was slowly cured of using that syntax by my continual threats to 'punch him in the mouth' whenever he starts a sentence that way. YOU GUYS are reading that into my writings.

I think that it is legitimate to use the syntax "The rabbi says..." as a euphemism for "The leader of our group of Torah observant, non-religous congregation of followers of Yeshua says..."

The fact is that I NEVER say "Rabbi says..." (at least I hope so. If I mistakenly typed that, then it needs to be edited.)

dajstill wrote:
Its not that I can't receive from anyone, just that even a Rabbi must come to me as nothing but "Bob" or I can't even greet him (so says 2 John anyway - LOL).

Like I said, I call all my "Rabbi" friends by their "Christian" name, they would want you to do the same.

DAJSTILL, I'm sure that this posting "sounds" a little harsh, sarcastic and smarmy. For that I apologize and must confess that I am harsh, sarcastic and smarmy. Please know that I do not want to be harsh or smarmy.
(I like sarcastic, though!)
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline dajstill  
#18 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 5:38:54 AM(UTC)
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Daniel - I actually don't train my children to call adults "Mister" and such. They call everyone by their given name. If I call you "Daniel", my children will also call you "Daniel". The only titles my children are asked to use are mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, granny, aunt and uncle. However, my children know our first names and if they call me by my first name I answer them. They also know the names of their grandparents and aunts/uncles and are allowed to use those names as they wish. However, they enjoy being a part of a family and call people by relationship - including often calling each other "brother" and "sister" that same way they call me "mommy" and my husband "daddy". They enjoy the love shown in being a part of a family and understand titles simply show relationship. They use occupational titles (doctor, dentist), but are still introduced by name, then title "the is Bob Nelson, he is the doctor that will be checking your eyes; we call him Dr. Nelson because he is the eye doctor". Basically, we emphasis that the title is limited to the role that person is performing at the moment. So - if Bob Nelson is checking your eyes, he is Doctor Nelson. However, if you see him at the grocery store and he offers you candy to come and sit on his lap - he is no longer operating in the respected role of eye doctor so feel free to kick him in the shins and run away screaming. I know, "bad mommy", but my children are being raised with the understanding that no one has "authority" over them (this was even before we found more truth of YHWH) and we use close familiar titles so our children can understand their place in our family. That place isn't so much "under" as it is relational.

I would love to see the Bibles being used in the Messianic congregations that don't accept the writings of Paul. Do they use the Tanach only or have they printed something new? I would be really interested. Not being cheeky, just haven't seen a Christian or Messianic Bible without the writings of Paul.

I also think you are missing the point I am trying to make. The point isn't so much that one can't learn from someone who has appointed himself "Rabbi", its just that some self or congregation appointed Rabbi or rabbi or teacher or preacher or government school teacher doesn't have a more valid opinion of Scripture than does the dry wall installer who wrote the judaism versus christianity website (I do love his website - fascinating information).

Also, I am really all about learning, can you tell me the difference between a "church" and a "congregation"?

And, I still don't understand the need for a title when it comes to sharing opinions on scripture. Why does anyone need the title of "rabbi" or "Rabbi"? Why would anyone want that title? What is the purpose of the title - especially on a business card? To what end are they trying to gain? Who has the authority to give someone a title?
Offline James  
#19 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 6:19:22 AM(UTC)
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Daniel wrote:
Please note that I usually use the word "rabbi" rather than the word "Rabbi". There is a difference.

Just to chime in with a linguistic point. If the term "rabbi" is being used as a title then it is Rabbi, capital R. If it is not then it is inappropriate to use it in an English sentence, if it is not being used as a title it should be translated. The very fact that it is used as a transliteration makes it a title. So if you want to refer to them as a teacher than refer to them as a teacher, but Rabbi is a title, and as a title it means a Jewish religious leader.

Dictionary wrote:


1. A Jewish scholar or teacher, esp. one who studies or teaches Jewish law.

2 .A person appointed as a Jewish religious leader.
Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Daniel  
#20 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 6:59:51 AM(UTC)
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dajstill wrote:
I would love to see the Bibles being used in the Messianic congregations that don't accept the writings of Paul. Do they use the Tanach only or have they printed something new? I would be really interested. Not being cheeky, just haven't seen a Christian or Messianic Bible without the writings of Paul.

Delitch Hebrew Edition (DHE), for the "Gospels", published by FFOZ + any old Tanakh or even the actual scrolls that the congregation owns.

(We unroll them and read from them every week. Everyone who can read from them get their turn. If you can't read from the scroll, stay for class that we have after lunch every Shabbat afternoon.)

dajstill wrote:
They enjoy the love shown in being a part of a family and understand titles simply show relationship. They use occupational titles (doctor, dentist), but are still introduced by name, then title "the is Bob Nelson, he is the doctor that will be checking your eyes; we call him Dr. Nelson because he is the eye doctor". Basically, we emphasis that the title is limited to the role that person is performing at the moment. So - if Bob Nelson is checking your eyes, he is Doctor Nelson.

dajstill wrote:
I also think you are missing the point I am trying to make. The point isn't so much that one can't learn from someone who has appointed himself "Rabbi", its just that some self or congregation appointed Rabbi or rabbi or teacher or preacher or government school teacher doesn't have a more valid opinion of Scripture than does the dry wall installer who wrote the judaism versus christianity website (I do love his website - fascinating information).

I have not missed your point, nor have any of my "rabbi/Rabbi" friends. They put their pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else, Dr. Nelson included. In fact me and my "rabbi/Rabbi" friends would agree with your point that anyone's opinion of Scripture is more "valid" than anyone else's.

dajstill wrote:
Also, I am really all about learning, can you tell me the difference between a "church" and a "congregation"?

Churches meet on Sun-god-day, our congregation meets on Shabbat.
Churches teach that the Torah has been abrogated, our congregation teaches it is to be observed.
Churches worship the cross, our congregation doesn't even have a cross.
Churches worship Jesus-God, our congregation follows the teachings of Rabbi Yeshua. (There's that word again!)
Churches preach 50%+ of their sermons from Paul, our congregation ignores him
Churches celebrate Easter, our congregation celebrates Passover
Churches listen to Michael W Smith music, our congregation wishes he would become Torah observant and change his name to Mikhel Vuvh Schmidt...

Need I go on?

We use the word "congregation" as a distinctive from that of "synagog". We use the word ecclisia, too

dajstill wrote:
And, I still don't understand the need for a title when it comes to sharing opinions on scripture. Why does anyone need the title of "rabbi" or "Rabbi"? Why would anyone want that title? What is the purpose of the title - especially on a business card? To what end are they trying to gain?

A big part of what we do is outreach to Jews with the message that "Our Guy with the beard and sandals is Missiach and He is coming back soon! Repent!"

When a Jew walks into the front door, they ask "who is the rabbi, here"? We introduce them to our leader, but at some point say that Yeshua is our real Rabbi.
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline FredSnell  
#21 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 7:17:45 AM(UTC)
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Well it was a good show today. Got to hear most of it uninterrupted for a change. I was thinking since YHWH was using Jeremiah/Yirmayah to speak to the goyim and reveal their errantcy, then what was he himself revealing to Yahudim in Lamentations?

3:21 This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.

3:22 It is of YHWH's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

3:23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

3:24 YHWH is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.

3:25 YHWH is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

3:26 It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of YHWH.
Offline dajstill  
#22 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 8:28:20 AM(UTC)
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Daniel wrote:
Delitch Hebrew Edition (DHE), for the "Gospels", published by FFOZ + any old Tanakh or even the actual scrolls that the congregation owns.

(We unroll them and read from them every week. Everyone who can read from them get their turn. If you can't read from the scroll, stay for class that we have after lunch every Shabbat afternoon.)

I have not missed your point, nor have any of my "rabbi/Rabbi" friends. They put their pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else, Dr. Nelson included. In fact me and my "rabbi/Rabbi" friends would agree with your point that anyone's opinion of Scripture is more "valid" than anyone else's.

Churches meet on Sun-god-day, our congregation meets on Shabbat.
Churches teach that the Torah has been abrogated, our congregation teaches it is to be observed.
Churches worship the cross, our congregation doesn't even have a cross.
Churches worship Jesus-God, our congregation follows the teachings of Rabbi Yeshua. (There's that word again!)
Churches preach 50%+ of their sermons from Paul, our congregation ignores him
Churches celebrate Easter, our congregation celebrates Passover
Churches listen to Michael W Smith music, our congregation wishes he would become Torah observant and change his name to Mikhel Vuvh Schmidt...

Need I go on?

We use the word "congregation" as a distinctive from that of "synagog". We use the word ecclisia, too

A big part of what we do is outreach to Jews with the message that "Our Guy with the beard and sandals is Missiach and He is coming back soon! Repent!"

When a Jew walks into the front door, they ask "who is the rabbi, here"? We introduce them to our leader, but at some point say that Yeshua is our real Rabbi.

Isn't it a bit dishonest to tell someone you have a rabbi, then turn around and say "no actually, Yeshua is our 'real' Rabbi"? How would you feel if you walked into a place that said "YHWH is our God", then they revealed later "well, Allah is our "real" God". What if you sent your children to college and they joined up with a Messianic congregation only to find out that the "Messiah" wasn't "really" Yeshua, but Bar Kohba"? Did Yahoshua authorize manipulation or concealment? Why not say "we don't have a rabbi here, but we do study the Torah - would you like to join us?"

How do you decide who the leader is? Does the "leader" have "followers"? Is it the guy who owns the building? Or, is he really a religious leader who has tasks that are designed for the "leader" to do, thereby setting him apart from "followers"?

Also, there are many Christian organizations that call themselves "Congregations", so calling your "assembly" a congregation doesn't set it apart from Christianity. Even coming together on the Sabbath and not celebrating Easter. There are Christian denominations that do those two things as well. This is why calling it a "congregation" didn't make sense to me. I was wondering if it really was different from Christian churches, even Sabbath honoring, Torah observant Christian congregations that celebrate Passover. There are actually quite a few that can be found. And while people often say they don't follow Paul, they tend to have a "congregation" hierarchy. I would also caution against using any form of deception to win congregants or followers. This is also the teaching of Paul (1 Corinthians 9:20 is one example). Doesn't YHWH want a relationship with those who want a relationship with Him; not those who have been duped. I know I would hate for my child to come home telling me they became a follower of Buddha because someone pretending to be a follower of YHWH got a hold of them. Free will cannot be in practice when you defenses are down thinking you are amongst like minded individuals when they are really just pretending to be like you in order to convert you.

Honestly, I am seeing things differently after you posted your responses. You are still my brother and I still love you much. However, it makes me a little more suspect of Messianic congregations. I thought you were going to say you were just a group of families that got together to fellowship for the Sabbath and celebrate the meanings of the Feasts together. But, it seems you all are an established religious outfit with rules and all. Not that this isn't a choice you should be able to freely make, but it is pretty consistent with Christianity. Sort of like how Protestants try to explain our they are different from Catholics by commenting on the things they don't have in common, but not saying the things they do have in common. I really hope it doesn't seem like I am attacking you. This exchange is just confirming for me the suspicions that I had.
Offline Daniel  
#23 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 11:42:13 AM(UTC)
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dajstill wrote:
This exchange is just confirming for me the suspicions that I had.

...and with that, I am done here.

You have failed to understand what I have said.

After 4 years and almost two thousand posts, here, I'm done.

I've learned quite a bit, here, but my time has come to an end.

James, please delete my account.

Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline dajstill  
#24 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:18:21 PM(UTC)
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Really Daniel? Really? Out of everything I said, you took one sentence - which was talking about my suspicion of all religious institutions and that is enough for you to delete your account? Really? I think something else struck a nerve; because that sentence wasn't even about you and if you would have read it in context you would know it was about religious institutions. So, what is really going on Daniel. Why would you leave based on my concern of even Messianic religion?
Offline FredSnell  
#25 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:48:34 PM(UTC)
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dajstill wrote:
Really Daniel? Really? Out of everything I said, you took one sentence - which was talking about my suspicion of all religious institutions and that is enough for you to delete your account? Really? I think something else struck a nerve; because that sentence wasn't even about you and if you would have read it in context you would know it was about religious institutions. So, what is really going on Daniel. Why would you leave based on my concern of even Messianic religion?

I agree with you, daj. Never did you question Daniels passion for learning, but sarcastic ppl are some times, "thin skinned."
Offline MadDog  
#26 Posted : Thursday, March 1, 2012 11:55:39 AM(UTC)
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Daniel has been doing nothing but being a spokesman for the messianic congregation.

Starting with hannukah, yeshua, rabbi, rabbi yeshua, and the non-Torah based articles he has posted here.

And you don't have to call anybody by their "christian" name. How about just calling them by their first (forename) name? Does this apply to non-christians with a first and last name?

I went to a messianic congregation for about a year, but I had to leave it because it was still so full of christian paganism.

And I think Daniel is exaggerating a great deal about the messianics about how some of them are different and how they don't use the christian bible.

He is also much too defensive about them.

He seems to think we (I) have failed to understand him because we're just mindless YY-Winn-Bots, but on the contrary, I understand him quite well.

Just reading his replies says to me he has already chosen his path and it is not with YY.

Daniel wrote:
After 4 years and almost two thousand posts, here, I'm done.

Yet his account stats says he only has 694 posts

He seems to think I'm playing, supposedly pitting us against him, but I am completely serious.

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